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Chapter 384 Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactor

Chuanshu Sheep, an important research institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Mr. Zhu Bingwen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, came to a laboratory with a very high level of security.

I only saw him wearing heavy protective clothing, as if he had entered a metal lead box. After a series of authority confirmations and operations, a heavy door was opened.

He led a group of people into the laboratory with a device that looked like an alarm in their hands.

There is a clear sign on the heavy gate, its main color is light yellow, like the sign of a fan blade.

Even elementary school students can recognize it at a glance. This sign is a nuclear sign, which means that the laboratory they entered may produce deadly nuclear radiation.

This institute is the Institute of Nuclear Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They mainly study high-performance nuclear reactors.

From the small nuclear reactors used by ships to the large nuclear reactors of civil nuclear power plants, the results of their research are used.

A large part of China's nuclear scientists and engineers gather here. All theoretically existing nuclear reactors in the world have experimental devices in this place.

Zhu Bingwen came to the laboratory, where a nuclear reactor stands.

Due to his limited physical movement, he could only use his eyes to constantly observe the overall function of the nuclear reactor.

After that, Zhu Bingwen picked up a small hammer and endured the useless feeling of the protective clothing on his body. Constantly tap the device with a small hammer.

With the ability he's honed over the years, he can tap the echo of the device. Accurately find the location of the failure, and analyze the cause of the failure by the way.

In the entire scientific research institute, only he has this ability. In order to obtain first-hand scientific research data, he also has confidence in the equipment he researches and does not think that the reactor will have a nuclear leak. Also came to the laboratory to test in person.

If you use other methods to detect, you can only use robots to disassemble the entire device to find the cause.

In this way, his long-term hard work will be scrapped. I don't know how long it will take to rebuild an identical reactor.

Zhu Bingwen soon learned that the reactor was out of operation due to an accident.

He carefully recalled all the data he had learned, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect that the reactor would stop operating because of this small problem.

Fortunately, it is a small problem, we can quickly solve it. The best news is that no nuclear material has leaked from the reactor.

I led the scientific research team to develop a new generation of nuclear reactors. I used to think that there would be no problems in operation. Unexpectedly, because of this inconspicuous little problem, it caused major consequences.

The current thorium-based molten salt reactor has been successfully optimized by us. We want to improve its performance in the future, and every step is very difficult. This is already the best ratio.

Today we must overcome this difficulty and must repair this important reactor. He is really important to our country.

We must know that our country is not only an oil-depleted country, but also a depleted uranium country. Fortunately, our country is rich in thorium resources.

Nuclear power generation currently uses uranium-235 as the main raw material, and deposits with high uranium content are in sharp decline. One of the nuclear fuels that can replace uranium-235 is uranium-233, but it does not exist in nature and has to be manufactured from thorium-232. "

After Zhu Bingwen detected the reason, he was thinking about how to repair the nuclear reactor. On the one hand, he encouraged the staff who came in with him, let them relax, and worked hard with him to repair this important nuclear reactor.

Soon he arranged the repair plan, and the robot also shipped the parts that needed replacement.

Under his guidance, under the joint efforts of engineers and robots. Damaged reactor parts were replaced and the experiment's thorium-based molten salt reactor returned to normal.

Zhu Bingwen walked out of the laboratory, and he came to the decontamination room. Through repeated decontamination, the radioactive elements that may be carried on the protective clothing were removed.

Then, with the assistance of a professional robot, he took off the protective clothing and walked towards his office.

He was very emotional. At present, the proportion of China's power generation methods is very unbalanced. More than 65% of the country's electricity is maintained by coal resources.

Now the western region has huge coal reserves, enough to support the country's huge electricity consumption.

But resources will always be exhausted one day, and alternative methods must be found. Now the only power generation method that can run stably for a long time is nuclear power.

There have been many major crises in nuclear power plants in the world, but all countries in the world have not given up on the development of nuclear power.

Even if it is like Germany, it said that it gave up but still operated the nuclear power plant stably, and did not shut down a healthy nuclear power plant.

Because every country consumes a huge amount of electricity now. It is not enough for conventional power generation methods at all. Shutting down a nuclear power plant would be a joke. This has been proven on an island.

For example, Germany, they just released the news that they will abandon the nuclear power plant, and the domestic electricity price has risen rapidly to about double that of before. If nuclear power is really given up, it is tantamount to giving up industrial development.

To develop nuclear power, the most critical determinant is not advanced nuclear power technology, but sufficient nuclear fuel.

With the current technical conditions, the only natural elements capable of nuclear fission are uranium and thorium. The simplest is uranium, but its reserves are too small. All major scientific research institutions are now focusing on thorium.

There are six radioactive elements before thorium: polonium, astatine, radon, francium, radium, and actinium. They cannot be fissioned under the current technology, and they are very rare.

Both astatine and francium are man-made and basically do not exist in nature. The elements after uranium are also artificial. Therefore, there are only two kinds of thorium and uranium that can be used as fission fuel.

Plutonium is also available, but it is almost non-existent in Tianyuan. Is produced when uranium fission. The half-life is very short, and its cost performance is worse than that of uranium.

Thorium can be used as nuclear fuel because thorium-232 can absorb a neutron and then decay into uranium-233, which can also be used as fission fuel.

But from an engineering point of view, the conditions for uranium-233 to undergo fission are much harsher than those of uranium-235. This kind of technical research must be solved. Fortunately, under his leadership, their scientific research team has solved these problems.

It's just that the cost of nuclear reactors is a little higher than before, but these costs are completely acceptable.

Their laboratory also solved many nuclear engineering details. Zhu Bingwen would like to thank Qingci Technology for the scientific research auxiliary system.

It's a bit more expensive, but it really helped them solve a lot of big problems.

Compared with using thorium for nuclear reaction, the uranium-233 produced by this method will also contain a small amount of uranium-232 impurity, which is very radioactive, making the nuclear reactor unsafe.

But through the scientific research auxiliary system, this problem is perfectly solved. The current thorium-based molten salt reactors only produce uranium-233, which can completely eliminate uranium-232.

The reason why Zhu Bingwen was eager to study thorium-based molten salt reactors was based on the secret information he came into contact with. Now the whole world has entered the energy crisis.

Nuclear power generation is the most important solution to the energy crisis, but due to the low-priced uranium used in nuclear fission reactors, it is constantly being used in large quantities.

Optimistic estimates by foreign institutions will exhaust all natural uranium raw materials by the end of this century, but the situation in China is even more severe than them.

The distribution of natural uranium deposits in Huaxia, which are scarce in reserves, is not satisfactory. Most of them have no mining value.

His responsibility as a scientist is to develop a safe and stable thorium-based molten salt reactor nuclear energy system for the country.

Zhu Bingwen thought of the thorium-based molten salt reactor nuclear energy system he was developing, which was improved from the thorium-based molten salt reactor, one of the fourth-generation advanced nuclear reactors.

It includes three subsystems of thorium-based nuclear fuel, molten salt reactor, and comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy. It has the characteristics of high inherent safety, less nuclear waste, better anti-proliferation performance and economic efficiency.

Molten salt reactors use high-temperature molten salt as a coolant, which has thermal properties such as high temperature, low pressure, high chemical stability, and high heat capacity.

There is no need to use heavy and expensive pressure vessels, and it is suitable for building compact, lightweight and low-cost small modular reactors.

In addition, the molten salt reactor adopts water-free cooling technology, which requires only a small amount of water to operate, and can achieve high-efficiency power generation in arid areas.

Zhu Bingwen chose thorium-based molten salt reactor because it can be widely used in inland areas.

You must know that almost all nuclear power plants in China are located in coastal areas. It is because the current operation of nuclear reactors requires a large amount of water resources, which cannot be provided in inland areas.

Nuclear power plants are all concentrated in one area, which has little benefit to the country's overall energy strategy.

When Zhu Bingwen walked into the office, a colleague immediately asked: "Mr. Zhu, we are very worried when you go to the laboratory for an examination. We are too incompetent, and we want you to go to the stage in person at such an age.

What problem did you discover that caused the experimental pile to stop functioning.

Fortunately, the thorium-based molten salt reactor we designed will hardly leak nuclear material, and its safety is guaranteed. Otherwise, as a national treasure-level scientist, we will never let you go to the site for inspection in person. "

Zhu Bingwen said immediately: "I believe in the safety of the reactor I designed.

The cause of the problem has been found and damaged parts have been replaced.

The specific reason is that we have made major changes to the structures of the thorium-based molten salt reactor.

The reactor working efficiency has been increased excessively, and the reason for the failure is due to this problem. "

A colleague didn't understand, and said in surprise: "Mr. Zhu, how is this possible? We try our best to improve the efficiency of the reactor, so how can there be a failure because of this kind of thing.

Then we find a way to reduce the working efficiency of the reactor, and the fault will be resolved. "

Zhu Bingwen smiled wryly and said: "How can the problem be solved so simply. Our optimization of the thorium-based molten salt reactor has reached the best standard. Even if the effect of any system is reduced, it will have a great impact on its safety performance.

We must find a solution to this problem on the basis of constant efficiency. The main intersection direction is thermally conductive molten salt.

The reactor works so well that the molten salt builds up too much heat to transfer it out. Finally, the high temperature garden causes damage to a certain component. "

A colleague made a suggestion: "Mr. Zhu, I think the cause of the problem has been found, and we should try using the scientific research assistance system. He is still very efficient in dealing with this problem."

Zhu Bingwen agreed: "The efficiency of the scientific research support system has always been very high.

To find out the problem of molten salt alone, this is not a technology that focuses on secrecy. Just use the scientific research support system to try it out. "

After the Chinese Academy of Sciences knew the benefits of the scientific research auxiliary system, it had already made detailed planning for the use of the scientific research auxiliary system.

In addition to the key confidential technology that must not be leaked. However, the technology can be split up and the scientific research auxiliary system can be used to help insensitive technology research and development.

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