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Chapter 386 Academician Visits

October 20th, although today is the weekend. But Li Hao is still handling things in the company.

The company's affairs are very busy these days, even though he has a super brain, he handles affairs very efficiently and has to work overtime.

There are very few things that allow him to work overtime, this time because their bamboo building in Xiong'an New District has been completed. Now it is necessary to gradually arrange the various departments and subsidiaries of the company to enter the bamboo building.

It was easy for Qingci Technology to move for the first time, because the company was small at that time, and it only needed to move the employees and servers to the new location.

Now Qingci Technology has become a huge group. When you want to move, you need to consider the overall situation and need careful planning.

The Bamboo Building was built so quickly because of the use of advanced construction techniques. This building is manufactured directly in the factory for each section of the bamboo building, and then assembled on the construction site. A building is completed.

Their group is also in the honeymoon period with the country, and the group's improvement of the country's technology is obvious to all. The state approved the construction plan of the bamboo building.

It is regarded as a model area for the transformation and upgrading of the country, and the government has already notified that the Xiongan New Area will not build high-rise buildings.

Their company will be one of the few exceptions.

Li Hao quickly processed the transfer of the group to Xiong'an New District, and he needed to sign various documents.

It also basically completed the preliminary preparations for the relocation of the group he was in charge of.

The rest of the work is done by Zhou Yunsheng. She is now dealing with the arrangement of the group's core employees after the relocation of the company's headquarters.

At this time, the parrot appeared in front of him and reported: "Boss, the academician Zhu Bingwen who made an appointment with you has come to the company. Under the guidance of the customer service, he was invited into the company's reception room to wait for you."

"Okay, I'll go to the reception room to see Academician Zhu." Li Hao got up and said.

Yesterday he received news that Academician Zhu Bingwen was coming to visit. With his super brain, he couldn't tell why Academician Zhu came to their company? Still got too little information.

Just after he got the super brain, he handled the company's affairs very quickly. With plenty of time, I agreed to visit Academician Zhu.

Li Hao came to the reception room very quickly, and he saw a little old man with gray hair and a hunched back.

This should be academician Zhu Bingwen, and it was the first time he met a scientist of his age.

Out of respect for the elders, Li Hao immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, Academician Zhu, I am Li Hao, the chairman of Qingci Technology. Do you want to come to our company?"

Zhu Bingwen looked at Li Hao, and said: "Mr. Li's time should be precious, and mine is also very important. I won't be polite to you.

You should know that I am a scientist in nuclear physics. The thorium-based molten salt reactor that is being researched is now encountering problems, which need to be solved by your company's new material Yanjin.

We are going to replace the heat conduction solvent molten salt with pyrometallic, and change it into a thorium-based pyrometallic pile. Hope your company cooperates. "

Li Hao liked Academician Zhu's straight-forward way of negotiating. Everyone's time is precious, and there is something to talk about. He didn't want to waste this time on bargaining.

"It's used in thorium-based molten salt reactors. It's no problem if you want to use this material. The company's professional department will calculate the price of the material and submit it to you.

Yanjin is not an important material for our company, but it is limited by its use and has not been mass-produced. " Li Hao immediately agreed.

This new type of material does not involve the company's core technology. He is also willing to cooperate with scientific research units. It's a win-win for every use that is developed.

The scientific research units solved the difficulties they encountered, and Qingci Technology reaped benefits.

Li Hao saw that Zhu Bingwen was smiling, and he asked with some doubts: "Academician Zhu, because the Taoist is doing something with the construction site, this news has caused a lot of noise.

I also paid attention to thorium-based molten salt reactors at that time. It is filled with heat transfer agents and needs to operate at extremely high temperatures.

At that temperature, our new material Yanjin not only melted, but was directly vaporized by the high temperature. Can it still function effectively in a reactor? "

Academician Zhu Bingwen immediately replied: "It doesn't matter whether it is gaseous or liquid, what we need is its physical property of efficiently transferring heat.

Gaseous diffusion is faster and more effective at cooling our reactors.

The current nuclear reactor is simply a large boiler. The characteristics of Yanjin are more suitable for this kind of rough energy conversion system.

Even if the technology is very advanced now. The most cost-effective way is to use boiling water for energy conversion. "

When Li Hao heard Professor Zhu Bingwen finished speaking, he nodded to express his understanding.

I really didn't pay much attention to the aspect of nuclear power plants before, but now I analyze it carefully. It is really a large boiler, but the heating method of this large boiler is somewhat special.

Li Hao said with a smile: "I still want to thank Academician Zhu for finding a good market for our Yanjin.

After the development of the Yanjin material, it is only planned to be used in the heat pipe of the geothermal station and the coating on the exterior of the aircraft.

There is no more efficient way to use it, which can be used in nuclear reactors. This was beyond my expectation, but after thinking about it, it made sense. "

Li Hao is really grateful for Academician Zhu's action. Through Academician Zhu's arrival,

His super brain immediately found all the information of Yanjin. He has now thought of many ways to use Yanjin as a material.

Previously limited by experience and the information processing speed of the brain. Other uses of Yanjin were not considered at all.

After using the smart strengthening fluid, I didn't pay attention to this material. Now that he heard the reminder from Academician Zhu, he realized that Yanjin, a material, has really great potential.

The most important thing is not the material itself, but the principle of high-speed heat conduction and the meaning behind this principle.

Now that Li Hao has discovered the possible potential of Yanjin, he will definitely be found by the scientists in the scientific research building.

Academician Zhu Bingwen was very satisfied with Li Hao's attitude. He said with a smile: "Chairman Li has won the award, and this is a win-win situation for us. Without you taking the initiative to provide our major research institutions with scientific research auxiliary systems, we would not be able to learn about Yanjin."

Li Hao chatted with Academician Zhu Bingwen for a while, and he asked Zhu Bingwen: "Academician Zhu, we really want to cooperate on Yanjin, and we just need to send a staff member to contact the relevant departments of our company.

You don't need to come here in person at all. If you can visit me in our company, you must have something more important to discuss with me. "

Academician Zhu nodded, and said: "Chairman Li's mind is really quick. I have some projects that I want to cooperate with Chairman Li. I came to your company to discuss with you in person."

Zhu Bingwen's face changed slightly. He heard that Li Hao had found out that he came to the company for another reason, so he generously admitted that he came to seek cooperation.

Something is delayed, and today I owe a chapter. Payment starts tomorrow.

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