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Chapter 402 Side effects?

Li Hao walked out of the press conference and left it to Manager Ma Yiming, who is capable enough to handle these matters.

Ma Yiming is mature and stable, and Li Hao is most assured that he will deal with reporters.

Now that Li Hao has more important matters to deal with, Director Qiu Shi must have something to do when he came to their company? It's just that I didn't ask it just now.

It's just a matter of aerospace cooperation. People from AVIC Technology Group have come to discuss cooperation. It is impossible for Li Hao not to agree. At most, people from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will be added.

There is absolutely no need for Director Qiu Shi to come to their company.

Li Hao returned to the reception room again, and he saw that only director Qiu Shi and Zhou Yunsheng were left here. They were having a lively discussion about something.

After Qiu Shi saw Li Hao coming in, he smiled and said, "Chairman Li, your wife's tone is really strict. I didn't ask anything."

Seeing Li Hao coming back, Zhou Yunsheng stretched his eyebrows and said, "Director Qiu, don't blame me. I really don't know what you asked. If you have anything to ask my husband, he will give you a detailed answer."

Li Hao could tell from Zhou Yunsheng's tone that Director Qiu Shi must have asked him about the strengthening fluid.

Zhou Yunsheng in the past might not be able to deal with a scheming person like Qiu Shi.

But the super brain that has been baptized by the strengthening fluid can easily deal with this situation.

Li Hao looked at them and asked, "Why are you two only talking, what are the others doing?"

Zhou Yunsheng said simply: "Minister Miao and Manager Ma went out together and announced that we will participate in the country's aerospace project.

The remaining two are discussing the specific cooperation plan for the aerospace project with Niu Zhengfeng. Afraid of disturbing our discussion, they went to another reception room. "

When Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, he basically understood the situation here. Seemingly casual, he said to Director Qiu Shi: "Director Qiu, if you want to know something, just tell me.

My wife usually just manages the company, the tech stuff. She doesn't care too much. "

From Qiu Shi's face, there was no change in his attitude.

After hearing Li Hao's question, he replied seemingly indifferently: "I just want to know whether the strengthening liquid produced by your company has any side effects."

Sitting opposite Qiu Shi, Li Hao asked in a pleasant tone, "Director Qiu, you are asking this question because the country has decided to officially use the fortifying fluid."

Qiu Shi nodded and said, "We saw the engineering mechs and noticed your actions of selecting astronauts.

After the expert group's observation of your company's security team. It is found that the strengthening liquid has no obvious side effects, and the effect it can play is too outstanding. We cannot deny its benefits.

But I don't believe in any one thing, it can only bring benefits. It doesn't bring any side effects. Improper drinking water will cause great damage to the body, let alone a medicine. "

"Director Qiu, you're a little too sensitive, don't worry. The fortifying liquid definitely doesn't have any huge side effects."

Li Hao knew that people like them, who had experienced ups and downs in their careers, would not trust anyone easily. He took out a small bottle of strength strengthening liquid from his pocket, and drank it in front of Qiu Shi.

Seeing director Qiu Shi's dazed expression, Li Hao explained with a smile: "Director Qiu, my wife and I have been taking it. If there are really huge side effects, we can't take the risk of using this kind of thing.

I know what the country has been worrying about until now? Aren't you just afraid that the fortifying fluid is overdrawing the potential of the human body and shortening the lifespan of the human body.

You don't need to worry at all, one is doing addition and the other is doing subtraction. With current technology, it should be possible to detect these two differences. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, he transmitted the simple method of judging cell activity in the biological laboratory to Director Qiu Shi.

He put it succinctly: "This is the method used to detect the viability of the cells. If the cells are alive, most of them are equal to or above the average."

Qiu Shi received the technical information from Li Hao. He was pleasantly surprised and said happily: "Chairman Li has this technology, why don't you find some and take it out? You must know that the country is different from you personally.

We must ensure that every major direction of the country is on the right path.

After a small company goes bankrupt, it has a great chance of rising again.

But in the current world environment, after the decline of a big country. If he wants to rise again, he needs to pay the efforts of several generations. "

He sighed and continued: "If the strengthening fluid provided by your company is really effective, the country will definitely increase investment in smart mechs and aerospace projects.

At the same time, some conventional military forces will be reduced.

This is a major strategic adjustment for the country.

Once the wrong choice is made, it will be beyond redemption. All citizens need to pay for this mistake. "

When Li Hao heard what Director Qiu Shi said, he realized that his usual thoughts were still somewhat petty.

The depth of knowledge and understanding of things is far inferior to the depth of thinking of these top elites in the country who have been in the officialdom for many years.

With a serious look, Li Hao explained to Director Qiu Shi: "Our strengthening fluid still has certain side effects. That is, its effect on various cell strengthening is not equivalent.

The strengthening liquid strengthens the brain cells the weakest, followed by the digestive organs below the stomach.

The fortifier will be completely absorbed directly in the stomach, and then directly enter the body fluid circulation. Active ingredients simply do not exit the gut for evolution.

Coupled with the intestinal cells, the absorption of the active ingredients of the fortifying liquid distributed in the body fluid is also poor.

This leads to the use of fortifying fluids to a certain extent. The energy absorbed by the body cannot meet the energy consumed by the cells.

At this time, people will be 'starved to death' alive. "

While Qiu Shi was listening to Li Hao's explanation, he received a message from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has used the technology provided by Li Hao to detect the cells of mice that have taken the fortified solution.

They also carried out detailed tests on the blood drawn from the security guards. The results verified that the enhanced solution will not seriously damage the lifespan of the cells.

When Qiu Shi received this message, his eyes suddenly brightened. Asked Li Hao: "Chairman Li, since you raised this question, does your company have a solution?"

Li Hao nodded and replied: "Our company specializes in developing nutrient solution, which has a miraculous effect on the users of the enhanced solution. A small dose can provide users with the nutrients they need for a day."

Director Qiu Shi stood up and immediately made up his mind: "It's good to be able to solve it so perfectly, this problem is like eating every day, it's impossible to solve it once and for all.

Now, on behalf of the country, I officially purchase strengthening fluid from your company. "

Li Hao stretched out his hand, shook hands with Director Qiu Shi and said, "Our company has already prepared stocks for you, and Director Qiu can extract the strengthening fluid at any time."

Thanks to the confused autistic patients for their rewards. Calvin, two updates today. The owed more will definitely be made up.

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