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Chapter 412: Programming for All

Seeing Ding Yi's quick response, Li Hao asked, "Can we release it now? It's not too urgent."

"It doesn't matter to Mr. Li. Our company has corresponding plans for these things. As long as the corresponding plans are activated, there will be dedicated employees responsible for this kind of work, which will not disturb the normal operation of the company." Ding Yi explained.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Since it won't cause confusion to the company, let's announce it."

The simple two sentences of the company's top management made the employees of the computer company get busy.

They gradually started the smart operating system upgrade plan according to the procedures set in the plan.

Li Hao watched the employees of the computer company start to work, and he suddenly asked Ding Yi: "By the way, I have never paid attention to the price of the smart operating system? If it is set too high, depending on the national conditions of our country, the sales situation Not optimistic."

"Mr. Li, do you want to collect the wool again? You can't always stare at the flock of sheep. Our smart devices are so expensive. It includes the cost of hardware and software.

When I remember to calculate the cost, I add the cost of the intelligent operating system.

It's just that we didn't recognize the difficulty of developing an intelligent operating system at that time. When smart devices were released, smart operating systems had not yet been developed. The cost of smart devices has not changed either. Ding Yi asked in astonishment.

"Is there another reason? I have not been responsible for this matter, and I have not paid much attention to this matter.

Since it has already been charged, it is impossible for us to have the cheek to charge a second time. Then follow your previous plan to upgrade the smart operating system for free. "Li Hao said with a smile.

He thought of another question, and asked Ding Yi: "How do you calculate the cost of Dragon Language? This software can't be free, right?"

"Mr. Li, we already have a detailed plan. Regarding the charging plan, I also consulted my girlfriend Lu Qing, who is a professional in this field.

Due to the particularity of our smart devices, there is no living space for pirated software, and we can only install and download programs through our software store.

Because the dragon language is very simple to operate, if we write programs in our mother tongue, any child who conducts simple experiments will make a simple program.

Our dragon language does not charge software usage fees, but through the software mall. Pay commissions for paid programs.

We have different commission standards for different charging models. The main purpose is win-win cooperation, and we will never kill the chicken to get the egg.

For free software, our company does not charge any fees. Of course, we will not promote the software, but if netizens download it enthusiastically, we will not change the data. "Ding Yi introduced to Li Hao the basic charges of Dragon Language.

Li Hao praised: "This distribution method is set very reasonably. The operation of Dragon Language is so simple. It has the potential of intelligent programming for the whole people. Don't limit the enthusiasm of the public through fees.

But our enterprise also needs to survive. It is a classic method to take a commission from commercial software. "

While the two of them were chatting, the employees of the computer company had already prepared an upgrade plan for the smart operating system.

They reported the plan to Ding Yi, and Ding Yi approved it again. The server in the background starts to push the upgrade package of the smart operating system to the connected smart devices.

In a small office building in Yanjing, Wei Xiaobo, the founder of an Internet company, looked at the smart ring on his hand, showing a trace of irritability.

He was looking at the loopholes in the programs they wrote. As a company combining the Internet and new agriculture, they aimed at a very difficult project.

Using drones to graft trees is a huge market. Not to mention the grafting market for fruit trees such as apples.

It is the female poplar that is causing great troubles in the city now, and it also provides a huge grafting market. It produces catkins in large quantities, causing respiratory diseases and fires.

The sex of the poplar tree could not be judged at all except by genetic methods. The best way to grow up is to deal with this through grafting.

But the cost of manual grafting is 800 yuan per plant, and Wei Xiaobo is confident that with the drone they designed, the price will be reduced to 8 yuan per plant. But now he encounters a huge problem.

Perhaps it was due to anxiety at work, he rubbed the smart ring in his hand, and muttered: "Prodigal girls, 100,000. With this 100,000 yuan, you can hire a few more employees, and maybe solve the problem of control. procedural issues."

The subordinate next to him said: "Boss, my sister-in-law is also concerned about you. I bought you a smart ring to make you pay attention to your physical safety."

"Hey, the smart ring that has not changed for a long time, it actually sends a message, saying that it is going to upgrade the smart operating system." Wei Xiaobo said in surprise.

Out of curiosity, he clicked on the upgrade option. I found that there is no need to pay, but the entire smart operating system has a size of 1TB.

He was very puzzled when he saw this. If it is an ordinary home network, it needs to be downloaded until the year of the monkey. Fortunately, my company uses a dedicated company network with a fast speed, and you can see the percentage of downloads moving quickly.

He continued to compete with the program for controlling the attitude of the drone, sitting in front of the computer in a daze. He has no way to solve the program to control the drone to perform complex actions.

Just when the smart ring rang, he found that the smart operating system had been downloaded.

After clicking into the operating system, I found that there is not much difference from before. It's just that there are a few simple icons such as Dragon Language and Software Mall on the interface.

Wei Xiaobo saw that the smart ring finally has a software store, and can use a variety of colorful software. After clicking in, I found that there was no software in it.

Out of curiosity, he clicked on the Dragon Language software.

It turned out that this software was written in Chinese characters. Mainly write programs for smart devices.

Wei Xiaobo suddenly had an impulse in his heart, he wanted to try to write the control program of the drone in the dragon language.

Open the dragon language and find that this programming interface is very similar to the mind map.

According to the help instructions of Dragon Language, he directly refilled the mind map he wrote when designing the control program in the past according to the rules of Dragon Language.

Feeling apprehensive, Wei Xiaobo clicked the program generation button.

It only took a few seconds for Dragon Language to complete the control procedure of the drone.

He connected the smart ring to the drone, and started to control the drone through this program.

He found that the drone made the standard action he expected.

Seeing this situation, Wei Xiaobo said with emotion: "The value of the smart ring is really worth it."

Wei Xiaobo is not the only lucky person, there are many people who have the same experience as him.

Just seeing the number of programs in the software mall increasing by thousands per second, one knows that from today onwards, it will enter the era of programming for all.

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