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Chapter 422 The news that shocked the world

In the Yanjing Aerospace Command Center, many official media are waiting in the rest area.

CCTV knew what was coming, they waited calmly, ready to broadcast a big news at any time.

The other media don't know why they are waiting here. The country has something to announce.

Peers asked each other, and everyone else was confused. CCTV people are silent.

In the command hall of the space center.

Lin Zhipeng, deputy commander of the Chang'e lunar landing project, has been staring at the data and video data sent back by the space shuttle.

He saw the astronauts put on neat spacesuits, step out of the space shuttle hatch and formally come to the surface of the moon.

He seemed to let go of a heavy burden in his heart, restrained his ecstatic expression, and announced to everyone: "Our Chang'e moon landing project was a perfect success, and everyone has worked hard during this time."

Employees in the command center all cheered for the success of the moon landing.

When the leader of the publicity office heard the news, she quietly came to Lin Zhipeng and said, "Academician Lin, the media are still waiting outside, we need to officially announce this news."

Lin Zhipeng knew that according to the scheduled plan, after Chang'e's moon landing project was successful. The country began a large-scale propaganda work to boost national pride. .

He immediately agreed: "Okay, we will go out immediately."

After Lin Zhipeng finished speaking, he went to the console first, downloaded a few pictures that he thought were very good, and walked outside.

In the lobby outside, someone immediately notified the waiting media people that there was going to be an important announcement.

When Lin Zhipeng walked into the hall, he saw that the media had set up their long guns and short guns, and many media people looked at him curiously.

He said in a deep voice to the reporter: "Let me introduce my identity to everyone, Lin Zhipeng, the commander-in-chief of the Chang'e moon landing project, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

The information I am reporting to you is at 22:27:38 on December 1, 2018.

Our Chinese manned spaceship officially landed on the moon, and the Chang'e moon landing project was a perfect success.

Now is a new era, we can't spend huge sums of money just to travel around the moon.

Astronauts will also build a permanent lunar base on the moon. "

After Lin Zhipeng finished speaking, he released several high-definition photos.

They are the photos of the space shuttle taking off, the photos of the space shuttle orbiting the moon, the scene of the space shuttle landing on the moon, and the moment when the astronauts drove the lunar orbiter and held the flag out of the cabin.

After Lin Zhipeng announced the news, he immediately returned to the command room to handle his work.

Niu Zhengfeng, who is located in the first command room, is in charge of the operation of the space shuttle.

He needs to be responsible for communication and detection. There is also coordination with various supporting units. Now is the time to be busy.

The media present were shocked when they heard the news.

Everyone put away their restraint, and the scene immediately became noisy.

"How is this possible? The manned moon landing was completed so quietly."

"The confidentiality work is also done very well, comparable to military projects, and no information has been disclosed in advance."

"CCTV is our own son, and we are adopted doormats. Judging by the unsurprised expressions of the people on CCTV, we know that they have already received the news."

Suddenly someone shouted: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and release this important news. This is very promising for the annual news award."

The media people present suddenly reacted and immediately released this important news.

At the same time, I contacted the leaders of the propaganda department of the space center, and wanted the relevant units to hold a detailed press conference so that they could obtain specific information.

Modern news spreads extremely quickly, not to mention the huge media fueling the flames.

It only took a short time for Chinese astronauts to land on the moon, and the news spread all over the world.

CCTV's comprehensive channel is broadcasting a TV series, and the screen of the TV series suddenly pauses. Switch to the news broadcast interface.

The host looked solemn, and said in a straight voice: "The following is an important news. On December 1, 2018, at 20:27:38 in the evening, the space shuttle completely independently developed by Huaxia officially landed on the moon.

The first phase of the Chang'e lunar landing project of the national strategic plan was a perfect success. "

After the host finished speaking, the news showed the published pictures.

After the integrated channel finished broadcasting the news, it continued to broadcast TV dramas. The CCTV news channel began to broadcast special programs on the moon landing project.

They have urgently edited the interview team, the interview video at the Space Exploration Group and the Yanjing Space Center.

He also invited famous experts and professors in the aerospace field to come to the program to explain the impact on the country after landing on the moon.

The People's Daily issued a newsletter: "Major news, my country's manned spaceflight industry has made a breakthrough. At 20:27 today, astronauts have successfully landed on the moon."

Xinhua News Agency issued a comment: "At 8:27 this evening, the space shuttle officially carried five astronauts to the moon.

According to authoritative departments, my country will establish a permanent base on the moon.

This will be a new page in the history of aerospace, proving that our country is in the field of aerospace science and technology.

From closely catching up with developed countries, and having their own strengths with developed countries, it has now fully caught up with and surpassed developed countries, and is alone in the world. "

So the dissemination of this information, especially the rapid proliferation of self-media on the Internet. Information travels quickly around the world.

The great news of humans landing on the moon again seems to throw a stone into a calm lake. Aroused numerous ripples, constantly spreading its influence.

When the Chinese people heard the news, some celebrated on the Internet, and some walked on the street to cheer.

This is something that can arouse national pride. After suffering in modern times, Chinese people have a spirit of not admitting defeat in their bones.

They want Huaxia to be the number one in every field, and if they are a little short, the people who control the political situation will start to point out the country.

After working hard to catch up in recent years, there are few areas where Huaxia is not in a leading position in the world.

The aerospace field is one of the few industries in which European and American countries are still leading. It's just because they have built a rich background before, and now the field of spaceflight and moon landing has been tied.

Foreign media reprinted the news, but most of them used interrogative sentences. Question whether Huaxia has the ability to safely send people to the moon. .

Some experts also said that the photos are all synthesized by artificial intelligence. Huaxia is now leading the world in the field of artificial intelligence, and it is very easy to synthesize these pictures with technology.

Astronomy enthusiasts scattered all over the world, according to the position of the space shuttle announced by Huaxia.

Using high-power astronomical telescopes from the earth, we are constantly looking for the shadow of the space shuttle in the rainbow bay area of ​​the moon.

There was a wealthy astronomer who observed the moon in the Hongwan area, which was already a dark shadow at night, and suddenly a white spot appeared.

This person took this picture with a high-powered astronomical telescope and found a very small space shuttle on the picture.

Guided by this picture, more and more people have discovered the space shuttle.

Only with absolute evidence did the pros from other countries admit that China's space shuttle really landed on the moon.

This news shocked the hearts of many people and made them have a strong psychological need to re-understand Huaxia.

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