Tech Translator

Chapter 425 I Can Do It

In a villa in Manhattan, America, several elderly people sit together. Some have long white beards, and some have age spots all over their faces. Someone is in a wheelchair.

Outside the villa, there are capable bodyguards wearing sunglasses and black trench coats under strict protection.

Next to the villa, there are the most experienced doctors in the United States, with the most advanced equipment, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

There are military police patrolling in the distance, and the protection specifications are many times stricter than that of the president of the United States.

These people in the villa control more than one-tenth of the wealth in the world.

The best of them have wealth greater than the gross national product of Russia. It can be compared to the gross national product of an economically wealthy province in China.

They are at the helm of the top ten consortiums in the United States.

The ten consortiums are the Rockefeller Foundation, the Morgan Foundation, the First Citibank Foundation, the DuPont Foundation, the Boston Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the Cleveland Foundation, the Chicago Foundation, the California Foundation, and the Texas Foundation.

The combined forces of these consortiums can drive almost a quarter of the world's total capital.

The people in charge here are Henry Morgan and Bill Rockefeller.

Henry Morgan sat in a wheelchair like a smiling tiger. Bill Rockefeller wore his white beard and looked grumpy.

As the two largest consortiums in the United States, their will represents the will of the United States.

The American government serves capital, and the Federal Reserve is their private bank. The national debt they lent to the United States could not be repaid even after selling the United States.

Money is just a piece of green paper for them, because they can print as much as they want.

What they care about is the control of capital and the control of the industry.

Henry Morgan knocked on the table, and said to everyone with a serious face: "This time, we have called everyone again because we have important matters to discuss.

Some old friends are still here, but some old friends are no longer, replaced by new friends.

The last time we convened everyone to work together to do something was in the 1970s.

At that time, the Bretton Woods system collapsed, and the dollar's plan to control the entire world was almost bankrupt. We established the big decision of the petrodollar.

We got the right result last meeting and everyone got a lot out of it.

The petrodollar system we formed defeated the very bad financial system of the former Soviet Union.

It directly dragged down the former Soviet Union and let us dominate the world in the United States. "

Everyone listened, recalling the consequences of their predecessors, thinking of the power of capital that looked down on the world at that time.

Bill Rockefeller, seeing them recall the glory days.

He slammed down on the table with his hand, which woke everyone up.

Bill stared into his red eyes, and the wrinkles on his face were crowded together like dead trees.

He said fiercely: "Everyone, don't dwell on the glory of the past, now we are facing a major challenge.

Huaxia opened Petroleum Huayuan, and we all acted on our own, instead of concentrating all our strengths to attack it.

Because this will only cause damage to the interests of the United States, while our interests have not suffered much damage.

We can easily transfer the damaged part and let the middle class bear it. "

The representative of the Mellon Consortium snorted coldly when he heard this: "How can we twist together and deal with Huaxia together? Some people are quietly becoming traitors, and they have nothing but interests in their eyes."

The representative of the First Citibank consortium gave him a hard look.

Bill Rockefeller slapped his hands on the table heavily, blew his white beard and said, "Conflicts between your consortiums can be resolved in private. Don't attend this meeting with emotions."

After he got angry, many consortium representatives fell silent.

Bill continued: "China's aerospace industry is developing so fast that it can fly manned to the moon easily.

Everyone should have received this news, it has been confirmed. "

After Bill finished speaking, he patted the table heavily with his hand. The muscles on his face tightened, and he roared hysterically: "What does this represent? It means that space colonization has entered the take-off stage, and a new era of colonization is coming.

This marks the beginning of a new round of global capital reshuffle.

That's just under 50 years. How many people here have changed.

You are very clear in your heart. If we fail to keep up with the times, we will also be replaced by others. Your own capital is shared by others. "

After Bill finished speaking, everyone was silent. Of course they know what will happen to the talented groups that fall behind.

There were several consortiums in the field who climbed up by stepping on the corpses of other consortiums.

Henry Morgan looked at them and said with a smile: "Don't look at them taking a step first, but we also hold huge power in our hands.

As long as we work together, we will be able to turn this difficulty into a driving force for us to move forward.

Everyone must not sit still, it is not just that our consortium is going to be eliminated when it lags behind.

It is a major issue related to the future survival of our capital. "

Henry sighed, and said: "If Germany or Japan developed this technology, we still need to support them, and we can easily control them through financial means.

But this happened to be Huaxia taking the lead in entering the era of space colonization. We will never allow it to develop into the sole superpower.

Huaxia and we are following two routes. No matter how we label democracy and freedom in the Western camp, its essence is that capital controls everything.

However, Huaxia's path is that power controls everything, and they actually let power override capital. This is something we must not allow. "

DuPont said: "This kind of system must not be allowed to spread around the world.

The annual profit of our pharmaceutical group accounts for a quarter of the US GDP.

Huaxia real estate accounts for only 15% of GDP, and this field is strictly controlled.

The proliferation of this system has too much impact on our benefits.

The development of aerospace can bring huge benefits. Think about the age of great navigation, how did our ancestors get rich?

Now that we have entered the era of great voyages in the universe and started space colonization, what huge benefits can it bring us. "

Bill Rockefeller saw their glowing eyes, and immediately took out the prepared plan and said: "Now time is running out, we can only catch up faster if we unite.

The whole plan is to act from two aspects, one is to slow down the pace of Huaxia's development, which is only a means of treating symptoms.

The most important thing is to concentrate all scientific research forces to develop our own spacecraft. Compete with China for space resources. "

After Bill finished speaking, he showed the plan to many consortium representatives.

In the end, everyone agreed to join forces to deal with Huaxia's challenge this time.

The reason people agreed so easily was because they could pass the plan. Use the power in their hands to rapidly expand their own capital.

They are full of self-confidence, and the world's largest consortium unites to control the world's largest country.

The technology has already been realized by Huaxia, which means that this technology is not difficult to break through. They can definitely make it.

They all have a belief that if China can do it, so can I.

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