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Chapter 427: The Astronaut Returns

December 7, morning. Li Hao came to the space shuttle airport.

Today is the day when the astronauts are scheduled to return, and it's a little more noisy than usual.

The leaders of relevant departments have come here to prepare for the return of the astronauts.

Astronauts are expected to arrive at Earth at night, but the airport is still full of people.

Some of these people are well-known cars in the world, and some are guests who come to watch the space shuttle.

The mainstream media from all over the world has arrived. They set up the camera against the cold wind. Get ready to shoot the moment the astronaut steps off the plane.

Li Hao exchanged pleasantries with officials from relevant departments and asked the company employees to lead them to visit the company.

He went directly to the command room and saw that Niu Zhengfeng was busy nervously. Li Hao took a closer look and found that he was planning the return route of the space shuttle.

This time, they learned the lesson from last time. They used multiple detectors to repeatedly explore between the earth and the moon orbit.

To ensure that meteorites will not appear on the route at the scheduled time, the space shuttle can return to Earth safely.

The meteorite that floated near the orbit of the moon a few days ago. Aerospace experts have determined the reason for its sudden appearance.

This meteorite is a new meteorite formed after the impact of two meteorites. It had just been formed for a few hours when it was discovered.

They hadn't noticed it before when they were combing the routes of the space shuttle.

Now a number of space environment detectors are urgently manufactured, which can already cover the movement of celestial bodies within a distance of one astronomical unit (the distance from the earth to the sun) centered on the earth.

Inside the lunar space shuttle, several astronauts fixed their bodies. Waiting for the shuttle to return.

Gu Yu said worriedly: "You say that the robot can install the engine by itself. Will the engine be installed incorrectly?"

When he was talking, he turned on the light curtain, and he could see the picture outside the space shuttle.

Under the left wing of the space shuttle, there is a robot the size of a truck.

Its shape is similar to that of a spider. The chassis is an ordinary base composed of eight crawlers and multiple mechanical arms.

Its multiple robotic arms each hold different devices.

Two of the robotic arms are holding an engine, aiming it at the interface under the wing, and the other arm is holding a tiny welding torch, which is installing the engine.

Lin Ziheng looked at the robot's actions, and said nonchalantly: "It's enough to install these two engines on the space shuttle.

As long as it can operate for a minute, we can fly out of the moon. If the engine falls off midway, it's like landing on the moon, and we force it down again. "

After everyone heard it, they once again recalled the memory of physical pain when they landed on the moon.

But they are still very willing to go home after enduring these pains.

Lan Lian said to Gundam: "Captain, we have worked so hard to build a smart scientific research station.

We haven't seen what the smart scientific research station will look like after it starts up, and we are about to return to Earth.

You can apply with the base, let's take a look. The operation of the intelligent scientific research station. "

After hearing this, Gundam immediately nodded and said, "I'll send a message to the base right now. I'm also very curious about this research station."

They had just finished sending the message when they heard a voice from the shuttle's artificial intelligence system.

"New device found, start self-test now."

"Self-inspection completed, new equipment meets standards."

Hearing this, Chu Xiu said excitedly, "I didn't expect this robot to be really capable. It installed the engine by itself. We can finally go home now."

Everyone was very excited when they heard this sentence. They're on a lonely moon, and there's almost no trace of civilization other than them.

Human beings live in groups, and if they are out of society for a period of time, their mental state will be subtly affected. Create a great sense of loneliness.

They will soon return to a civilized society, and the excitement in their hearts cannot be understood by those who have not experienced it.

Li Hao's figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the space shuttle. He smiled and said to them: "The space shuttle is in good condition and is about to take off from the moon. Welcome heroes home.

Your application has been received, and the images of the intelligent scientific research station will be played during your return journey at a slow speed to satisfy your curiosity. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, he told Niu Zhengfeng next to him: "They have been waiting for too long, and now they can return."

After Niu Zhengfeng heard it, he pressed a button on the console with his right hand.

The space shuttle will return to Earth according to the scheduled route.

Seeing that the space shuttle really took off, Gu Yu said excitedly: "I can finally go home. I thought it would be an easy business. I didn't expect to experience so many things this time, but it feels really good."

"Stop talking to yourself, the video of the intelligent scientific research station has been played. Take our rare break time and see how the intelligent scientific research station is running." Gao Da reminded.

When Gu Yu heard Gundam's reminder, he saw that there was already a light curtain in front of him broadcasting the situation inside the intelligent scientific research station.

Since this was a completely silent scene, Gu Xinxi hadn't noticed it just now.

Through the silent light curtain, we can see that there are various types of detection equipment in the intelligent scientific research station.

Various detection equipment occupies a third of the space.

The pictures are boring, and they don't understand what these devices can do.

Soon the camera turned to the other side, which is the place where materials are smelted and screened.

They saw that the alloy steel smelted through the electric furnace was directly manufactured into various parts. It is then assembled into two different robots by the production line.

Except for a small number of parts such as chips that need to be transported from the earth, most materials can now be processed through intelligent scientific research stations.

Gundam felt his muscles tremble, and said to everyone: "It is almost at the limit speed, everyone holds your breath, and waits for this time to pass."

At 9 pm on December 7th, the sky was full of stars, but the airport was as bright as day.

Soon a bright spot is seen speeding across the sky.

Sharp-eyed reporters quickly snapped pictures. They figured the space shuttle was about to land.

These people's predictions are not wrong, it is the space shuttle that flies from the sky.

It assists the engine to initiate the brakes and bring the vehicle to a firm stop on the airfield ahead.

Seeing that the space shuttle had stopped, the engineers and medical team of Space Exploration Group rushed to the space shuttle.

Gundam opened the cabin door, and he was the first to step out of the shuttle. After that, Gu Yu, Lin Ziheng, Chu Xiu, and Lan Lian walked out one after another.

As soon as they stepped out of the hatch, they were immediately surrounded by medical teams. Help them to check their physical conditions in detail.

But this did not delay the shooting of the media, they immediately passed on the information.

Li Hao watched the astronauts return safely, with a smile on his face.

Looking at the information collected by the intelligent scientific research station again, the smile on his face grew stronger.

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