Tech Translator

Chapter 429: The Metalloid Layer Blocks the Way

Li Hao watched the intelligent robot lead the army of mining robots. Start digging this crater.

Through the analysis of quantum fluctuation density, Li Hao judged that the source of quantum fluctuation is only two or three kilometers below the crater.

After four or five hours of digging by the robots, it is estimated that a road leading to here will be cleared.

After Li Hao finished making arrangements, he opened the folder of the supercomputer and continued to translate the materials of alien civilization.

After he got a super brain, his memory doubled. The number of alien words that can be written down every night increases exponentially.

Now there are many untranslated articles accumulated in the supercomputer folder.

Li Hao has now focused his translation on popular science articles.

Because most of the technologies he has translated now cannot be used in reality because of the great difference between civilizations.

He can only recharge himself more, hoping that he can tell at a glance which technology is suitable for the current level of technology on the earth, so don't waste his energy.

On the moon, the radar on the intelligent robot is constantly scanning the situation of the crater.

Now the position of the moon is a moonlit night, and the entire crater is pitch black. Fortunately, robots do not need light to move slowly.

Construction was carried out on a moonlit night, coupled with the shelter of craters.

Even if there are satellites flying over the moon, it is impossible to see the construction process of the robot army clearly.

Under the overall command of the intelligent robot, the mining robots began to work together to quickly clean up the crater.

There is a lot of lunar soil on the surface of the crater, which is composed of moon dust and fine rock grains.

Mining robots loaded with buckets can dig up ten cubic meters of earth with one shovel down.

There are also robots responsible for transportation, cooperating with each other, and quickly cleaned up the soft soil on the surface of the crater.

The rest is the moon rocks. After cleaning up two kilometers, the moon rocks are very close to the source shown in the quantum fluctuation distribution map.

Equipped with mining machines equipped with percussion drills, they began to pound the moon rock, breaking it into small pieces and digging deeper and deeper.

Li Hao was translating materials on alien civilizations at home when he heard the siren from the parrot.

Looking at the current time, it was still 10 o'clock in the morning, and there was still more than an hour before the expected end of cleaning.

He asked the parrot suspiciously: "What happened, could it be that the intelligent robots cleaned up ahead of time."

The chubby parrot flapped its wings and said, "Boss, it's not that the crater has been cleaned up, but that our cleaning work has encountered obstacles.

The initial layer of soft lunar soil is easy to clean up. The subsequent lunar rock layer took a lot of work, but it was also cleaned up.

This crater is very deep, and we only cleared the lunar rock layer after two kilometers, and we are close to the target position.

Continuing to clean further down, the robots encountered a metal-like dense substance.

The impact drill has no effect on this material.

It has been detected by intelligent robots in various ways. This should be a strongly compressed, high-density metalloid layer.

The texture is so hard that even the most efficient alloy knife on earth cannot clean this substance.

The only way to clean it now is to irradiate this high-density metalloid with a high-power laser, and transmit huge energy to it through electromagnetic waves.

Make its internal molecules active, let it melt itself.

But this must use the reserve energy of the intelligent scientific research station, which will definitely alarm other people. "

Li Hao thought for a while, and told the parrot: "I agree with the intelligent robot to deploy the reserve energy of the intelligent scientific research station.

Let the intelligent scientific research station send a message to the ground command center. An abnormality was detected in a certain part of the moon.

Apply for full-power operation of detection instruments, and send robots to check. Energy consumption is expected to skyrocket, allowing the planet to recharge rapidly. "

What Li Hao heard from the parrot just now reminded him of the magical information on the moon that Ma Yiming reported to him.

Experts who have seen many experiments on the moon by the Apollo spacecraft in the United States believe that the moon is hollow and has a dense metal-like shell.

Now that intelligent robots are digging craters, they found this dense compressed metalloid, which should confirm this speculation from another aspect.

It's just that Li Hao doesn't know about this kind of dense metalloid. Is it naturally produced, or is it created by civilization?

"Okay, boss. I'll notify the ground command center now." The parrot flapped its wings and said quickly, and then the parrot disappeared into the air.

Li Hao's expression was as usual, and he was not at all worried that his purpose would be exposed because of this situation.

If they found something important to him, even if they found this crater.

It only needs to be said that the equipment detection error, the robot army has been busy in vain, and it can be prevaricated.

Niu Zhengfeng received a message from the Lunar Intelligent Research Station.

With a relieved expression on his face, he told the staff: "Let the cargo space shuttle take off quickly, and immediately replenish the energy of the intelligent scientific research station.

It would be great if a nuclear power plant could be built on the moon in the future.

Although the current thorium-based molten salt reactor nuclear power plant consumes less water.

But it is compared with other nuclear power plants. Running such a nuclear power plant still consumes a huge amount of water. Unable to roll out on the moon.

Now I finally know why the smart scientific research station consumes more energy these days.

It turned out that it discovered that there was an abnormal situation on the moon, and all the equipment was working with high power. "

The employees of the Space Exploration Group immediately started to act after hearing Niu Zhengfeng's order.

After receiving Li Hao's order, the Lunar Intelligent Research Station immediately dispatched a team of ten industrial robots equipped with high-power laser generators.

It is also followed by a logistics charging car full of iron graphene batteries.

The convoy moved slowly towards the space of the meteorite along the path of the robot army.

The smart robot waits until the laser industrial robot and the charging car arrive on site.

It immediately arranges the laser industrial robot to come to the front of the metalloid.

A red laser beam with a diameter of 30 cm was emitted from the industrial robot and hit the metal-like material in front of it.

The metal-like material changed color slightly at first, and immediately began to turn a fiery red as the laser continued to irradiate.

The intelligent robot detects that this method is effective, and immediately irradiates all laser industrial robots.

After an hour of continuous irradiation, the metalloid material began to melt like ice.

A whole day of earth time passed before the intelligent robot led the team to remove the metalloid layer.

They clear a square portal two meters long and two meters wide.

The thickness of the entire metalloid layer is ten meters. After cleaning, the back becomes a cavity.

Because of the distribution map of the quantum fluctuation density, they can basically lock the position of the source. Does not allow the laser to have any effect on the source.

The intelligent robot walks into the interior tightly protected by the metalloid layer.

It sent a photo inside to Li Hao, and Li Hao showed a shocked expression when he saw it.

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