Tech Translator

Chapter 432 Verification

Li Hao saw that the robots were building a total reflection lens group, so he didn't wait quietly.

Instead, two space shuttles were sent toward the moon.

These two space shuttles, in addition to the regular mission of delivering materials to the moon, they have their own missions.

One of the space shuttles is to go to the moon, retrieve the relic space debris sorted out by the robots, and let the scientific research building analyze these debris.

Another plane will deliver a batch of more advanced equipment for the lunar intelligent research station.

Li Hao discovered the relic space on the moon, and there was such a major change.

In addition, he has basically found the source of starting smart glasses.

Now the lunar intelligent scientific research station is basically useless. Just adapt it into a robot production factory.

After the space shuttle delivered the equipment, it was in the process of returning to Earth.

It will also deploy several special satellites in Earth orbit.

Li Hao expects that the robots will complete the construction of the total reflection lens group tomorrow morning.

At that time, these special light bands will be illuminated with laser light.

If speculation is correct, the ribbons will produce laser-like energy.

This beam of laser-like energy, find a way for him to directly transmit it to the earth.

If it did travel in a straight line, it would pass to the other side of the Earth.

It is also impossible to have a large circle of energy to find Li Hao's location by himself.

This requires the satellites deployed by the space shuttle to work. These satellites released by the space shuttle are a large reflector.

According to the judgment of the intelligent robot yesterday, the small box binds the light belt to rotate around it, which should be caused by the electric field.

There is also a special electric field on these mirrors, which can change the transmission path of laser-like energy.

After Li Hao finished his work, he fell asleep under Zhou Yunsheng's strange gaze. There are still bigger challenges waiting for him tomorrow.

Early in the morning, Li Hao didn't even eat any rice. Instead, he went directly to the window and tentatively pointed his glasses in the direction of the moon.

Sure enough, nothing changed, and the energy to activate the glasses had disappeared.

It works by connecting intelligent robots that have detected changes due to the sun angle.

The sunlight is no longer transmitted to the relic space through the ventilation holes.

This can basically support his idea that the small box will generate special energy.

Seeing Li Hao standing by the window, Zhou Yunsheng asked curiously: "Brother Hao, what have you been doing these days? I see that you are so busy that you don't have the mood to do other things."

Li Hao was not going to tell Zhou Yunsheng the specific situation, but he suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Yunsheng, I'm going to turn the intelligent scientific research station into a complete intelligent robot production plant. Let the robots develop the moon in advance.

It is necessary for the robot to gradually transform the environment of the moon to make it more suitable for human survival. After that, astronauts will be sent to station on the moon on a large scale. "

Seeing Zhou Yunsheng's astonished expression, he continued to explain: "Yunsheng, we found a major change on the moon, and we still don't know what this change means?

But the status of the moon is completely different from before, and it is worthy of our company's continuous investment. "

"You don't need to explain these things to me in depth, just deal with them. I'm just curious." Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile.

After a simple meal, they took a car together and rushed to the bamboo building, the company's headquarters.

Li Hao can't stay at home today, he needs to receive laser-like energy from space.

What else could be more suitable than the Bamboo Building?

Due to the government's ban, the construction of high-rise buildings in Xiong'an New District is not allowed.

Their bamboo building is already one of the few high-rise buildings in the Xiongan New District.

Li Hao came to the building and saw the energetic work of the employees.

He is also quite envious of the performance of the employees, who only need to complete their own tasks.

There is no need to think about strategic plans or alien invasions.

But since he has this ability, he must take this responsibility.

Li Hao greeted Zhou Yunsheng, and he walked to the top floor of the bamboo building.

He turned on the supercomputer and connected to the moon.

It was found that the robots had already arranged the total reflection lens group and were waiting for his order.

Li Hao immediately entered the virtual world to check the situation in the relic space.

He found that the robots arranged the total reflection lens group very well according to his plan.

Before Li Hao started the whole plan, he first moved a chair.

He lay on a chair, first put on a special eye patch, and then put on his glasses.

In this way, the laser-like energy is out of control, and it will not damage your eyes.

With the existence of artificial organs, Li Hao is not worried about damage to his eyes.

But he is afraid that the laser will damage the optic nerve, so it is better to protect it.

After Li Hao finished the protective work, he immediately gave orders to the robot on the moon. Officially start implementing the plan.

In the relic space of the moon, the intelligent robot heard Li Hao's order and slowly exited the space.

A laser industrial robot and a mining robot holding a camera equipment were left behind.

After Li Hao saw that everything was ready, he ordered the robot to work according to the plan.

The laser industrial robot turns on its laser transmitter at full power, aiming at the light band floating above the small box.

Only seeing the laser hitting the light strip, he was like a bottle of carbon dioxide released into the air and disappeared without a trace. It didn't affect the light band in the slightest.

The laser industrial robot continued to work for a few seconds, only to see a drastic change in the light band.

It started to spit out energy rays, which were exactly as Li Hao speculated.

Sure enough, according to the characteristics of the laser, he turned into a quasi-laser.

This type of laser energy begins to spread out in all directions.

It hit the metalloid layer, and dissipated with a soft sound.

It hit the shells of the other two objects without any reaction.

It hit the laser industrial robot, and transparent holes began to appear on the robot immediately.

This hole is not burned out at high temperature, but it seems that the intermolecular force of this material is suddenly destroyed, and the material loses its overall structure and becomes powdery.

Part of the laser energy hits the total reflection lens group.

He really starts to pass along the lens group like light.

At the exit of the lens group, the laser-like energy goes directly to a certain satellite on the earth.

Its transmission speed is almost the speed of light, more than one second later.

Laser-like energy is officially captured by satellite reflectors.

What Li Hao observed is still useful, under the twisting of the electric field, after several transfers.

The energy of this laser-like beam was almost exhausted, and it seemed to be drifting towards Li Hao's position slowly but really quickly.

In front of Li Hao, it may be that the power contained in the laser-like energy has dropped a lot, or it may be that his spectacle lenses are too magical.

The glasses directly swallowed the beam of light, Li Hao was in a trance for a while, and he came to the library.

Li Hao was kicked out of the library due to violent mood swings.

His face showed joy from the heart, and he finally verified the energy source of the glasses.

It also found a way to solve its energy supply in the future.

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