Tech Translator

Chapter 442 Modular Manufacturing

Li Hao had mixed feelings in his heart, and he felt that with his self-cultivation, he couldn't help but get angry.

He came here to talk about it for a long time, not to urge Zhao Jiang to change the robot's strategic plan.

Make some robots that meet the company's requirements as soon as possible.

Let him stop obsessing over the study of intelligent robots and add unnecessary functions to this robot beauty.

He thought that technical nerds like Zhao Jiang had always been hard-headed, and it was difficult for others to persuade them of what they believed.

As soon as he comes up with stubbornness, he completely ignores the consequences that will result from this.

As a result, he talked here for a long time, but Zhao Jiang kept ambiguous and did not answer his question directly.

When Li Hao was about to force the order, Zhao Jiang actually told himself that he had already produced several different types of robots.

He suddenly felt that he was being teased, and the anger in his heart almost rose out. .

Li Hao was still very reserved, he didn't lose his temper directly. He loses his temper indiscriminately, which shows that he has no self-confidence.

He asked with a sullen face: "Manager Zhao, since you have already made these robots, why didn't you make it clear when I asked just now.

Work should be more enjoyable, when did your personality become so awkward. "

Zhao Jiang showed a very tangled expression, and said with some stumbles: "It's not, it's not in a hurry, the robots are not in a good condition. Yes, they are not in a good condition."

"It's okay, it's just a trial production stage. Before industrial production. It will be very good if you can adjust the problem."

Li Hao's voice returned to normal, and he said in a nonchalant manner.

He thinks this sentence should look at the capabilities of these robots.

After Li Hao finished speaking, he stood up and said to Zhao Jiang: "Take me to see these robots. I can arrange tasks for them according to their characteristics.

Especially after he cooperates with other companies and knows its basic performance. Only then can I arrange suitable work for it. "

"Mr. Li, the robot has not been debugged yet. Let's wait for a while and check the robot's situation."

Zhao Jiang's expression was not normal, and he wanted to evade this matter.

Li Hao ordered in a tone that could not be refused: "You and I go to see the situation of the robot.

What success have you achieved during this period of time? Of all the companies under the group, you are the most slack, only focusing on researching beautiful intelligent robots.

Where has all your previous energy gone? For the newly established company, only the framework of the robot company you lead has not yet been established. "

All the anger in Li Hao's heart was vented, and he scolded Zhao Jiang. He didn't know why Zhao Jiang suddenly lost his motivation.

"I really haven't slacked off and have been working hard to research the product." Zhao Jiang seemed to have been wronged, and immediately retorted.

"Let's take a look at the situation of the robot. Facts speak louder than words." Li Hao immediately interrupted Zhao Jiang's statement.

This time, in order not to arouse his ambition, he just thinks about muddling along every day. It won't take long for people to be useless.

"I'm not researching the product first. Mr. Li, if you're not in such a hurry, you'll see a variety of robots appear after a while.

Since you want to see robots, fine. follow me. "Zhao Jiang got up and said helplessly.

Then Zhao Jiang took Li Hao to a somewhat messy room.

Li Hao saw that the room was full of boxes. Some boxes have been unsealed.

The arm of the robot is exposed inside the box, and there are small boxes of different shapes. From the metal contacts on the box, it can be understood that it is a highly integrated component. .

Li Hao could tell at a glance that these were all robot parts.

He saw no robots in the house.

Not to mention the robots that Zhao Jiang showed him. Not even an ordinary robot.

Now he finally knows why Zhao Jiang obstructed him in every possible way.

Turns out he was lying and hadn't built a robot at all.

It is a matter of ability to not find a robot for such a long time, and it is excusable.

But lying to him is a matter of attitude and must be severely punished.

Li Hao's tone was very flat, with a hint of coldness in the flatness, giving people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

"Manager Zhao, what's going on here? Why are there no robots here? Where are the robots you showed?"

Zhao Jiang pointed to the pile of parts and said, "The robot is here."

He saw Li Hao's eyes gradually turning cold, and immediately explained: "Mr. Li will not really think that I have devoted all my energy to the beautiful intelligent robot during this time.

How can this be! This can't be my wife.

I'm a technical geek though. But I still can't tell the line between work and hobbies.

Just now I wanted to explain carefully, and I saw that there was already anger in your heart. I just stay right now and say. "

Zhao Jiang paused, and after seeing Li Hao's expression eased, he continued: "I've been thinking about how to make robots faster.

Limited by the current processing level, there has been no better way.

It wasn't until I saw a children's educational program that introduced children to build blocks that I suddenly had a burst of inspiration. Think of a way to greatly reduce the cost of robots without affecting the quality of robots. "

After Zhao Jiang simply finished speaking, he immediately ordered the intelligent robot following him.

"Meimei, follow the robot assembly drawings I showed just now. Assemble these robots immediately."

"Okay, master. Now carry out the order."

After Meimei received Gao Jiang's order, she immediately walked to the center of these parts.

She quickly picked up various parts with both hands, and assembled various robots according to certain rules.

Like a sculptor, her movements were both accurate and fast, forming afterimages one after another.

In a short time, the general outline of a robot has been formed.

Seeing the performance of the intelligent robot, Li Hao said in disbelief: "Here, an intelligent robot has this ability."

Zhao Jiang looked at Meimei and explained simply: "I carefully analyzed the structure of the robot. I found that most robots have at least 70% of the same parts.

If the external components such as the mechanical arm are removed, the structure of the robot will be able to reach more than 85%.

I was wondering if most of the robots, especially the core components of the robot, could be modularized.

In this way, whether it is manufacturing or updating the equipment in the future. have become much easier.

After many experiments, I have now completed 80% of the versatility of the robot's internal functional modules.

Each robot only needs to install the exclusive module of this type of robot, and equip it with external equipment suitable for this exclusive module.

A new type of robot is created. "

When Li Hao heard Zhao Jiang's introduction, a smile appeared on his face. I am very satisfied with Zhao Jiang's idea.

As long as you know that Zhao Jiang has not slacked off during this period, he is still working hard for the company.

I just blamed him wrongly, and it is very worthwhile to apologize to him.

Li Hao appreciates this modular manufacturing method very much.

The space shuttle is manufactured in a modular manner, although this modular manufacturing has not reduced the cost of the space shuttle.

But now the space shuttle is very convenient to replace various components.

The reason why Li Hao didn't propose is to let Zhao Jiang adopt modular methods in robot manufacturing.

It is because of different industrial products, whether it is manufactured in a modular way. It needs to go through a long period of demonstration, not all products are suitable for this method.

The robot is manufactured in a modular way, and it is definitely suitable for the space shuttle in a different way.

Li Hao believes that the biggest advantage of modularization is that it will be easier to manufacture new types of robots in the future.

According to Zhao Jiang's instructions, it is only necessary to make the exclusive module of this new robot and the corresponding external equipment.

A simple robot is made. Manufactured in this way, the cost of the robot can be greatly reduced.

As long as the price is lowered, most of the market will be seized to form a scale effect.

The profits that robots can bring to the company will increase exponentially.

No matter how advanced the intelligent robot is, its price is high. It means that he will definitely not become the mainstream of robots.

Except for some specific products, most brands use high-end products to build their brand image. Use low-end products to make large-scale profits.

With this modular construction scheme, it is also easier to upgrade the robot.

A breakthrough has been made in the technology of a certain module, and its performance has been greatly improved.

This requires only a small amount of research, and after a technological breakthrough, the capabilities of all robots will be improved.

The most important thing is that with this method, it is easy to form large-scale manufacturing.

The more any industrial product is produced, the greater its unit price will drop.

Li Hao saw a strange noise in front of him again, the time they spoke. Intelligent robots have assembled a new kind of robot.

The sound just now was the sound that this robot made when it was in motion.

Li Hao saw that the intelligent robot completed the assembly work of a robot so quickly.

He praised: "The assembly process of the intelligent robot is so fast. Only this can afford her manufacturing cost."

Zhao Jiang said proudly: "She was not good before. After my research during this period, I have been able to control his accuracy within ten microns.

During this period of time, in addition to designing the modular work of the robot, I devoted most of my energy to the project of transforming the intelligent robot.

An intelligent robot is not good for the eyes, and I still want her to be my best assistant. "

Li Hao looked at the vigorous figure of the intelligent robot, and continued to install these robots.

He asked suspiciously: "Manager Zhao, I think these modules have been manufactured for several days.

Why didn't you let the intelligent robot assemble earlier. "

Zhao Jiang said helplessly: "I was upgrading the intelligent robot just now, increasing its machining accuracy to ten microns.

Just after the upgrade, you came to my office.

The machining accuracy of previous intelligent robots was only 1,000 microns.

The robots she installed were too short-lived and unsuitable for extreme situations. Easily damaged in the universe.

Looking at the smooth movements of the intelligent robot now, my transformation seems to be very successful. "

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