Tech Translator

Chapter 448 Neutrino Communication

When Zhu Bingwen heard the report from his subordinates, he immediately checked the test data of the silicon gold transistor.

After reading it, I found that the test data perfectly met my design requirements. The indicators are still faintly exceeded.

He instructed with a smile on his face: "Install the equipment immediately, and prepare to start the first experiment of the thorium-based molten salt reactor. I feel that this time there is great hope for a successful first attempt."

Li Hao saw the staff installing the core unit of the nuclear reactor.

He asked Academician Zhu Bingwen: "Academician Zhu, why do you use silicon-gold transistors? Are other materials not suitable? Ordinary nuclear reactors only need alloy tubes."

Academician Zhu Bingwen sighed and said: "We have tried many materials before, but none of them met the design requirements.

Because Yanjin can transfer heat quickly, the temperature of the core machine of the nuclear reactor will not be too high to reach the melting temperature of the core.

From this point of view, this nuclear reactor is very safe, and there is a wide range of materials to choose from.

But what we made is a miniature nuclear reactor, and the entire nuclear reactor is only wrapped with a thin layer of metal material.

It is impossible to build concrete walls several meters thick like ordinary nuclear power plants.

This miniature nuclear reactor is going to be commercialized.

He also cannot be operated by professionals wearing heavy protective clothing like the nuclear reactor of a nuclear submarine.

Submarine officers and soldiers perform routine operations and maintenance on nuclear reactors under high radiation levels, only hoping that the protective clothing can withstand nuclear radiation. .

A superpower that can build nuclear submarines, which country does not have a military spirit.

The soldiers of the submarine can almost be said to be racing against death. The living environment of nuclear submarines is even worse, and they will be silent under the ocean if they are not careful.

They can endure the environment of higher radiation, and ordinary people can't do that. More advanced anti-radiation materials must be used.

Today I went to your scientific research building to look for materials, and found that silicon gold crystals can perfectly shield all kinds of nuclear radiation.

This is the micro-nuclear reactor, the ideal applied material. "

After listening to Academician Zhu Bingwen's explanation, Li Hao immediately understood the reason why Academician Zhu chose Sijinjing.

Still for the sake of safety, this kind of miniature nuclear reactor must be applied to the delivery vehicle.

No one wants to endure nuclear radiation and take transportation.

Li Hao saw that the staff of the nuclear physics laboratory installed equipment, all of which were mechanized.

He asked Academician Zhu Bingwen: "Academician Zhu, why do you use mechanical methods for this installation?

With the current technology, the use of electronic assistance should be able to ensure sufficient safety. "

"We have a complete set of nuclear power plant control software, which is installed mechanically today.

Just to verify whether the mechanical means are reliable in extreme cases.

Only the electronic and mechanical control systems have no problems. The safety of nuclear reactors can be sufficiently guaranteed. "Academician Zhu Bingwen briefly introduced.

When he finished speaking, the staff had already installed the nuclear power plant equipment.

I only saw that the nuclear power plant started self-inspection and was ready to start the micro-nuclear reactor.

While waiting for the self-inspection process of the nuclear power plant, Li Hao saw that the staff began to arrange various detectors here.

He suddenly found a group of people wearing the uniforms of the staff of the scientific research building.

The new trademark of Qingci Technology above, the small gourd tied with a Chinese knot is clearly visible.

From the style of the gourd, he could tell at a glance that it belonged to the research and development personnel.

According to Li Hao's knowledge, the staff of the nuclear physics laboratory deployed these devices.

The main purpose is to explore the radiation environment in the surrounding space when the nuclear reaction starts.

However, Li Hao didn't know what kind of work these new scientific research building employees were doing.

Academician Zhu Bingwen saw Li Hao's puzzled eyes.

He asked Li Hao: "Mr. Li, don't you know them? This is not the staff of the physics laboratory of your scientific research building.

We cooperate with the scientific research building, and I am not the only one who goes to you to find valuable materials.

Your scientific researchers also borrow the good conditions of our nuclear physics laboratory.

These are the neutrino communication project team, and nuclear reactions produce a lot of neutrinos, which happens to be used for their research work.

They're here to deploy experimental equipment to try to capture neutrinos in the environment.

This is not their first experiment, I simply asked. Every experiment pays off. "

When Li Hao heard Academician Zhu Bingwen's introduction, he immediately knew the identities of these people.

Now the scientific research of Qingci Technology has entered the formalization.

There are too many scientific research projects, Li Hao just left a general impression of the projects he approved.

Before the specific research details appeared, Li Hao really didn't know much about them.

"I see, this is indeed our company's scientific research team.

I thought they were capturing neutrinos in natural space, but they were collected in your physics laboratory.

Now that I think about it, this approach is correct.

After all, a large number of neutrinos are produced during nuclear reactions. Enough for them to do data analysis. " Li Hao responded simply.

He knew that neutrino communication was one of several advanced means of communication researched by the company.

The most invested should be quantum communication, but this means of communication has the most technical barriers.

Now the company is developing multiple communication methods in parallel to adapt to different situations.

Various communication means are used in different environments and have different adaptability.

Li Hao remembered that he translated a technology for debugging particles.

He directly threw this technology to Bi Ye for research. The rapid development of neutrino communication should be related to this technology.

Using neutrinos to carry information for communication, as long as the loading and debugging technology of neutrinos is solved, it is a very good means of communication.

Neutrino is a kind of neutral basic particle with extremely small mass and no charge.

It can travel in a straight line at nearly the speed of light, and can easily penetrate steel, seawater, and even the entire earth, with very little energy loss.

If the experiment of this communication technology is successful, it only needs to arrange a few base stations in the universe. Global communication can be realized.

Seeing that the experimenters had finished deploying the equipment, Li Hao gradually exited the room.

He and Academician Zhu Bingwen also exited this room, waiting for the micro-nuclear reactor to start.

After they exited the room, the entire room was directly sealed. Prevent nuclear radiation leakage due to equipment accidents.

While waiting outside, Li Hao saw the leader of the neutrino communication project team.

He called him over and asked, "You are Jiang Xun, who is in charge of neutrino communication. How is the technology research going?"

Jiang Xun immediately replied respectfully: "Mr. Li, we are currently researching neutrino capture technology.

It is estimated that enough data will be collected in a few experiments, and it is possible to try to complete the construction of the neutrino communication technology network. "

"Keep working hard, I am very optimistic about your research." Li Hao encouraged.

He gave a word of encouragement, and his eyes were fixed on the light curtain on the wall next to him.

Because academician Zhu Bingwen is ready to start the micro-nuclear reactor.

Thank you Ba Jianling for your reward.

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