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Chapter 462 Slow by a thousandth of a nanosecond

Li Hao left the computer company. Walking in the corridor, he glanced at the faces of some people on the Internet after the blacklist was announced.

These people really think that there is no need to be responsible for doing things, and they want to distinguish right from wrong.

Children are the only ones who can distinguish between right and wrong, and everyone is an adult, so of course the most important thing is the interests.

As for some people who want to apologize, ask for their own forgiveness, and lift the blacklist.

Li Hao can only say that these people think too much. If an apology is useful, what do we need the law for?

If you say that you will be sealed forever, you will be sealed forever, and you will never engage in formalism.

Seeing their hysterical performance, Li Hao's depressed mood was swept away.

If these people behave calmly, he will doubt whether his method is correct.

Now their performance indirectly proves that their method is direct, accurate and effective.

He inspected other newly established companies, and their business was stable. Develop according to the predetermined strategy.

When Li Hao was inspecting each floor of the Zhuzi Building, he suddenly received an important information reminder from the smart glasses.

When he saw this bright red text message, he wondered what kind of crisis situation had arisen? Only then will this most advanced notification system be used.

Li Hao clicked on the notification and found that it was a message from Niu Zhengfeng, chief engineer of the Space Exploration Group.

The text message only informed him that a major change had occurred on the moon.

When Li Hao saw this message, a serious expression appeared on his face.

As the only natural satellite of the earth, the importance of the moon is self-evident.

Just don't know why? It can arouse Niu Zhengfeng's great attention.

I only hope that this abnormal phenomenon can be repaired, otherwise the impact will be too severe.

After receiving the message, he immediately trotted a few steps to the elevator. Directly use your own authority to mobilize the elevator to come to this floor immediately.

He quickly arrived at the office of the Space Exploration Corporation via the elevator.

Li Hao walked into Niu Zhengfeng's office with a serious expression, and he found that the atmosphere in Niu Zhengfeng's office was also very heavy.

They mobilize servers composed of multiple intelligent supercomputers to calculate a complex set of data.

After Niu Zhengfeng saw Li Hao coming, he just nodded slightly at Li Hao.

The muscles on his face were tense, and he stared intently at the result being calculated by the server.

When he waited for the specific results from the server, his face immediately became gloomy, and beads of sweat kept dripping from his temples.

Seeing Niu Zhengfeng's performance, Li Hao knew that the result would not be too good.

But now that something has happened, we can only find a way to make up for it now.

He looked at Niu Zhengfeng and asked, "What happened to the moon?"

Niu Zhengfeng raised his finger and pointed at the data that had just been calculated, and said in a low voice: "As expected, there is no problem with the equipment.

One-thousandth of a nanosecond slower, the moon's rotation speed is one-thousandth of a nanosecond slower. "

When Li Hao heard this data, he hadn't realized the seriousness of the consequences.

But looking at Niu Zhengfeng's expression, he also knew that this weak data would have a huge impact.

He tentatively asked: "Is the moon's rotation speed only slowed down by one thousandth of a nanosecond? One nanosecond is equal to one billionth of a second.

This is an extremely small time, even the time for the electronic energy level transition outside the nucleus is longer than this time. "

Niu Zhengfeng sighed, and said: "Mr. Li, this time is extremely small. We can't directly measure this time through the many devices of the lunar scientific research station, and can only obtain data through indirect observation.

After repeated experiments, the accuracy of the matter was finally confirmed.

It now has little influence on the moon, and almost no influence between the earth-moon system.

But this trend has sounded the alarm for us, and if it continues, it will cause very serious consequences. "

After Niu Zhengfeng finished speaking, he played a short video to Li Hao. Shows the consequences of slowing down the Moon's rotation.

When the moon's rotation speed slows down, the earth's gravitational influence on the moon will increase.

The moon's orbit will slowly approach the earth during this time period.

The gravitational force of the moon on the earth increases, the tides on the earth are more powerful, and the water cycle process will also be accelerated.

The movement of magmatic material in the mantle is intensified, and seismic activity is frequent. Atmospheric friction increases.

It will cause a slow rise in sea level and a dramatic increase in rainfall.

The rate of global warming begins to intensify, and the average temperature will rise by more than ten degrees.

The polar glaciers have completely melted, and the alpine glaciers and snow cover have melted.

In the end, a large area of ​​land on the earth will be submerged by sea water, leaving only a few isolated islands.

When Li Hao heard the consequences, he also felt terrible.

This result is exactly the evil result brought about by climate warming.

The great flood shown in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" is only a very weak side of this evil effect.

Li Hao suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said quite relaxedly: "It is impossible for the moon's orbit to change so fast, and the length of time for this change should be as high as tens of thousands of years.

For such a long time, the speed of technological development is unimaginable. Perhaps with the development of technology, we have already been able to solve this problem. "

"Mr. Li, it seems very optimistic." Niu Zhengfeng shook his head with a wry smile, "The degree of slowing down of the moon's rotation is very small now. But it will gradually intensify at any time as our development and interaction deepen, and eventually break through the critical point. "

Li Hao asked in amazement: "The moon's rotation speed has slowed down, is it affected by our development of the moon? What is the reason? Can it be corrected?"

Niu Zhengfeng said with emotion: "The rotation speed of the moon has slowed down, and we will find out the reason immediately after we find it.

Finally, the summary of various data analysis is due to the fact that we transport silicon gold crystals.

It causes the mass of the center of the moon to decline, and the internal gravitational constraints are out of balance.

As a result, the moon's rock layers are dislocated, and the friction between different rock layers is intensified, causing the phenomenon.

As we develop silicon gold crystals, it will cause the moon's rotation to continue to slow down.

It initially had little effect on the Earth-Moon system, but when it reached a critical point.

The moon will be attracted by the earth and hit the earth directly.

This is not the destructive power that climate warming and water circulation disorders can achieve.

The moon will directly smash into the earth and form a new planet. Even the gravitational balance between the entire solar system will be broken. "

Niu Zhengfeng saw cold sweat dripping from between Li Hao's cheeks.

He let out a foul breath from his abdomen, and said in a relaxed tone: "Fortunately, this phenomenon was discovered in advance, and there is still hope of saving it.

The main reason for this phenomenon is the decrease in the mass of the moon.

As long as we collect silicon gold crystals. Fill the interior of the moon with objects of corresponding mass according to a certain ratio. This phenomenon will not happen. "

After hearing this, Li Hao revealed a relaxed expression.

He said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, the cause was discovered in advance, and no evil results were caused. Otherwise, we would be sinners of civilization.

A celestial body can exist stably for a long time, that is, its various conditions have reached the most appropriate point.

This has taught us a lesson. When we develop celestial bodies in the future, we must carefully measure the impact it brings. "

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