Tech Translator

Chapter 464 Spaceship goes to the sky

On January 15th, the Aerospace Airport was very lively. Many people were caged in the square, and they all stared at a giant aircraft.

It is 200 meters long, 40 meters wide and 50 meters high. It looks like a blue whale.

This is the spacecraft newly designed by the Space Exploration Group, the unmanned intelligent spaceship, Xinghai Explorer 1.

It adopts a variety of new technologies and is a masterpiece of Qingci Technology and Space Exploration Group.

The abundant equipment and huge carrying capacity on the spacecraft are one of its symbols.

Its silver-white hull reflects the rainbow-like light in the sun.

Seeing the unique optical reflection effect on the spacecraft, you know that its overall hull is made of the most high-end materials on the earth today, and the silicon gold crystal material is made by one-piece molding.

Because the micro nuclear power plant can provide huge electric power for the ion electric propulsion engine.

The huge storage space can also store enough fuel.

The spaceship is not only larger, it also abandons the airfoil structure design of the space shuttle.

Recoil vertical take-off and landing and vertical landing schemes are adopted.

Although the take-off process of the spaceship is not as convenient as the space shuttle.

But its take-off process is simpler and more controllable, but it consumes more energy and fuel.

Conventional ground is completely unable to withstand the extremely high-temperature flames ejected by the ion electric propulsion engine when it is started.

The firmness of the ground can be known from the iridescent light band unique to silicon gold crystals shining on the ground where the spaceship stays.

Li Hao smiled and said to Qiu Shi who was standing next to him: "Director Qiu, how about the spaceship newly designed by our company. Does it meet the standards of spaceships in your mind?"

"It looks very mighty, I just hope it's not a fake. Seeing these silicon gold crystals used in spaceships, it always feels a bit too wasteful." Director Qiu Shi said enviously.

"The total amount of silicon gold crystals collected by the country and our company is similar, but the country's use of silicon gold crystals is too scattered.

We use all silicon gold crystals on spaceships. "Li Hao said with a smile.

Director Qiu Shi waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "There's nothing to do, the total amount is still too small. The family business is too big, and once it's shared, there won't be much left."

"Your spaceship needs to be more powerful, and now all the activities of collecting silicon and gold crystals on the moon have stopped.

Just wait for the spacecraft to successfully repair the moon before we can continue the collection work.

It is just that I am afraid to continue to investigate and affect the development of the moon, but there is no way to repair it. Director Qiu Shi said in a flat tone with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Li Hao responded angrily: "Don't worry, the process has been simulated many times. Our design is very mature.

If there is no accident, the collection of silicon and gold crystals can resume soon.

Now that our company has received the payment, we can definitely do this job well. "

While they were talking, there was a thud-thump-drum sound in the square of the airport.

The people who were surrounding the spaceship immediately moved away from the spaceship under the arrangement of the intelligent robot that maintained order after hearing the sound of the drum.

On the square of the airport, there is an area circled by a one-meter-wide yellow line.

All personnel and equipment have been moved outside the yellow line.

This is done to protect people and equipment from being injured by the flames sputtered by the ion engine onto the silicon gold crystal floor.

The originally slow drumbeat started to become hasty, and intelligent robots were patrolling the square, and the entire square had already begun to be blocked.

They are ready to fight, even if it is a bird, it cannot fly above the spaceship.

Prevent the failure of the spaceship launch due to unexpected circumstances.

In the aerospace command center, Niu Zhenfeng watched the self-inspection of the spaceship complete.

The virtual light curtain on the aerospace command center shows the entire process of the self-inspection of the spacecraft.

"Xinghai Explorer No. 1, the self-inspection procedure has started. The intelligent computer is operating normally, and all devices are controlled to be turned on in sequence."

"The control software of the micro-nuclear reactor was opened, and the nuclear fuel thorium began to be filled. The nuclear reactor was officially started.

The power module is normal, the thermoelectric generator is normal, and the spare thermoelectric generator can be connected to the power grid at any time. The power supply system of the spacecraft is normal. "

"The fueling of the two main ion engines was successful, and the fueling of the five universal auxiliary ion engines was successful. The fuel supply system is normal and the fuel storage is sufficient."

"The temperature maintenance system was activated normally, and the mechanical control system was activated normally.

Xinghai Explorer 1 is ready to take off. "

Niu Zhengfeng saw that the quality inspection of the spaceship was completed, and he pressed the start button of the spaceship to officially activate the take-off procedure of the spaceship.

A ray of light flashed on the metal ball with a diameter of one meter next to it.

This is the latest neutrino communicator to be deployed.

Only a few base stations need to be deployed on the earth. Deploying several relay satellites in space can cover a wide range of communication needs.

The laser-confined neutrinos immediately carry the information, which travels at the speed of light to the spacecraft's intelligent computer.

"Accepting the instruction, Xinghai Explorer 1 began to enter the take-off procedure."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Take off."

The continuous sound of drums stopped immediately, and everyone standing in the square saw five light blue flames spewing out from under the spaceship.

The distribution of these five flames is similar to the five points on the dice. There are two centers on the front and back respectively.

It's a carefully calculated layout that stabilizes the overall hull of the spaceship during takeoff and landing.

The huge hull of the spaceship slowly rose. From an outsider's point of view, its speed feels very slow, which is due to the small acceleration of the ion engine.

But its true speed was not slow at all, and it quickly rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The primary ion motors located on the sides of the spacecraft were activated immediately.

It spewed out blazing white flames, searing and distorting the air.

All I saw was the spaceship, the hull of which was trembling in the air. It was like an arrow flying off the string, flying towards outer space quickly.

At the same time as the hull and the atmosphere rubbed against each other at high speed, there was a violent roar.

The silver-white hull turned slightly red.

The heat of the hull is introduced into the thermoelectric engine of the nuclear power plant through the Yanjin heat transfer mechanism, and becomes a steady stream of electric energy.

The spacecraft soon broke through the shackles of the earth's gravity.

It flew towards the asteroid belt according to the specified path.

When the spacecraft broke through the gravitational constraints of the earth.

Niu Zhengfeng came to the hall outside the command center.

Li Hao and Director Qiu Shi were also standing in the hall, but most of the people here were supporting manufacturers and manufacturing units of the spacecraft.

Niu Zhengfeng looked around everyone and announced excitedly: "I declare that the Xinghai Explorer 1 launch plan was a perfect success.

The spacecraft meets the design requirements and can already perform space missions perfectly. "

After hearing the news, no one was surprised. But still showing a very happy look, applauding enthusiastically.

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