Tech Translator

Chapter 467 High Temperature Superconducting Materials

In the Celadon Science and Technology Research Building, Bi Ye, Director of the Physics Laboratory, and Guo Jianzhuo, Director of the Materials and Chemistry Laboratory, came to the laboratory together.

They stared expectantly at the equipment operated by the researchers in front of them.

The material being processed here. If it succeeds, it will almost affect the direction of Qingci's technology products in the future.

They are now tackling high-temperature superconducting materials, and have now entered the final stage of research.

Looking at the busy researchers, Bi Ye said with emotion: "We have searched for many materials, but none of them can raise the superconducting critical temperature to 300K.

In the end, by coincidence, we found the polyiron-barium alloy material, but we did not expect its superconducting critical temperature to reach 2273k.

This is an ultra-high critical temperature of more than 2000 degrees Celsius. It is a veritable high-temperature superconducting material.

Those superconducting materials that can only reach 100k can only be called low-temperature superconducting materials in the future.

They can no longer be called high-temperature superconducting materials, because they are not worthy. "

Guo Jianzhuo said nervously: "The polybarium iron alloy material only solves the critical superconducting temperature of superconducting materials.

Its critical magnetic field strength can only reach 0.001T, and other materials can reach 0.08T after treatment.

But even with such a high magnetic field strength, we still can't meet our goal.

The 100T ultra-strong magnetic field required by the mass accelerator.

In order to generate such a high ultra-strong magnetic field, the critical magnetic field of the superconducting material must reach 0.1T, which is already the lowest extreme value.

Now it still depends on the post-processing of the polybarium iron alloy material to see if it can reach the ideal state.

I can only hope for post-processing, and now I am thinking of deleting other materials. There is not much time until the start of the mass accelerator project, and we don't have enough time. "

Bi Ye also nodded, staring at the researchers' operations.

If the development of ordinary superconducting materials, they have already completed it.

Common superconducting materials are now used everywhere in the laboratory.

But this superconducting material is used to make mass accelerator coils.

It must be able to withstand ultra-high current, ultra-high temperature, and ultra-strong magnetic field.

The researchers quickly completed the heat treatment of the polybarium iron alloy material, which is already the 14678th heat treatment scheme.

Bi Ye took over the heat-treated superconducting material, and he immediately started testing the superconducting material.

The first step is to detect whether the material has damaged its superconducting properties due to post-processing. Only materials with superconducting properties may enter the next round of testing.

After preliminary processing of the superconducting material, Bi Ye began to examine its superconducting properties.

Bi Ye energized the two poles of the superconducting material, and at the same time observed the changes in voltage and current with detection equipment.

When the superconducting material is in the superconducting state, the electrical resistance is zero, and electrical energy can be transmitted without loss.

Ohm's law no longer applies in this state. He must use more advanced means to detect.

The most advanced instruments in the laboratory test the resistance of superconducting materials, and sure enough, the resistance has dropped to zero under normal temperature conditions in the laboratory.

It can now be preliminarily verified that the post-processed material this time has superconducting characteristics.

Director Bi Ye was worried about agreeing to the results of the experiment, so he immediately used other methods to test the superconducting properties of the material.

Bi Ye took out another superconducting ring and placed it in a variable magnetic field.

It was found that the superconducting ring induces an induced current in a variable magnetic field, which is maintained without decay.

When Bi Ye observed, a continuous current was generated in the superconducting ring.

He can preliminarily confirm that this material has superconducting properties.

Just go through the final step of detailed testing, which is to verify another characteristic of superconducting materials.

Superconducting materials have two major characteristics, except that the electrical resistance is zero in the superconducting state.

It also has diamagnetism, that is, no matter how strong the magnetic field is, it cannot detect the superconducting ring.

Bi Ye tested the superconducting ring through a super-strong magnetic field up to 10T.

He found that even the duration of this intensity could not detect the superconducting ring.

By testing two properties of superconducting materials, he has verified that superconducting materials are stably in a superconducting state.

He placed the material in a high-temperature place of 2273K to test whether he could stably maintain a superconducting state at the critical temperature.

Repeat the experimental operation just now, and find that the superconducting material is still in the superconducting state.

This experiment proves that the heat treatment scheme this time will not destroy the high-temperature superconducting properties of the polybarium-iron alloy material.

Bi Ye uses the smart ring to open the physical calculator.

He calculated the critical magnetic field of superconducting materials and then arranged corresponding experiments.

The magnetic field strength required to destroy the superconducting state of a superconducting material and transform it to a normal state, expressed in Hc.

The relationship between Hc and temperature T is Hc=H0[1-(T/Tc)2], where H0 is the critical magnetic field at 0K.

By simply using this formula, Bi Ye quickly calculated the approximate magnetic field strength of the critical magnetic field of the polybarium iron alloy superconducting material.

He directly instructed the researchers: "Start from 0.05T and increase at a rate of 0.01T to verify whether this superconducting material can meet the requirements."

Through a simple test, Bi Ye found that the materials basically met his requirements.

There is no need to go up the test step by step, and start the test directly from the lowest withstand magnetic field he calculated.

After he finished his orders, he only saw the intelligent robot take the materials to a very tightly sealed laboratory.

This is a laboratory that can generate a 10T ultra-strong magnetic field. As long as the ultra-strong magnetic field leaks out, all personnel and equipment in the laboratory will be destroyed.

The reason why the laboratory can establish a 10T ultra-strong magnetic field.

It is the coils and wires of this super-strong magnetic field, which are also made of superconducting materials.

When there was no superconducting material before, it was necessary to maintain such a high-intensity magnetic field.

A dedicated power plant must be used to provide electricity. It also needs to output a huge current.

Now, after using superconducting materials, the energy consumption is less than one ten-thousandth of the original.

The experiment is progressing steadily, and soon the superconducting material has reached the highest record of 0.08T in the last test.

This kind of superconducting material with extremely high critical magnetic field is enough to be used in any other occasions.

But as a magnetic field for mass accelerator coils, it has some shortcomings.

Superconducting materials can quickly withstand a super-strong magnetic field of 0.08T.

Bi Ye showed surprise on his face. It seems that today's experiment should meet their expectations, and there is great hope to find superconducting materials that meet the requirements.

The experimental data increased slowly, and soon reached the predetermined 0.1T ultra-strong magnetic field.

Superconducting materials in the laboratory are still in the superconducting state.

Guo Jianzhuo shouted in surprise: "We succeeded."

Bi Ye shed two lines of tears. He knew what the breakthrough of superconducting materials meant?

He embraced Guo Jianzhuo excitedly, muttering in his mouth: "It finally succeeded, we have finally produced high-temperature superconducting materials."

After Bi Ye came to his senses, he shouted excitedly: "Quick, save this processing technology."

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