Tech Translator

Chapter 472: CCTV Report

Li Hao received a report from Yuan Dingfang that the space factory was running well.

Now robot parts have been produced for the moon as planned and delivered to the lunar intelligent research station for assembly.

Li Hao knows that the company's business has now fully shifted to the aerospace industry and scientific research.

The successful construction of the space factory can greatly promote the development plan of the moon.

The spacecraft enters and exits the atmosphere many times, which will cause great wear and tear and affect the overall life of the spacecraft.

Ship parts directly from space factories in outer space.

Not only to reduce the energy waste caused by breaking through the atmosphere. It can also make the spacecraft have a longer service life.

It also has a shorter distance to the Moon, and can save the fuel-intensive takeoff phase.

There is a huge difference in the cost of transporting a container of robots from the ground to the moon and transporting a container of smart chips.

The construction of the space factory also represents the basic formation of Li Hao's aerospace industry layout.

Seeing Li Hao in a daze, Zhou Yunsheng immediately greeted him: "Didn't you say that you have to watch the news broadcast for the next two days.

Now the news broadcast is about to start, what are you doing there? "

Li Hao woke up immediately and stopped his thinking.

He sat next to Zhou Yunsheng, stared at the TV and said, "It's not that Director Qiu Shi said that the country will launch a major policy on the aerospace industry.

I asked him carefully, and he was very strict. It is hard to say clearly that it has not been officially confirmed yet.

I have been staring at the news broadcast for the past few days just to discover the content of this policy early.

It seems that the company adjusted its strategic direction according to this policy.

Policies that affect the development direction of the entire country, it is impossible not to broadcast them on the news network. "

"That's right, that's good news for our company. Maybe after our children grow up.

It may be as convenient for him to go to the moon as it is for us to go to Xiongan. "Zhou Yunsheng said expectantly.

"It will definitely, this is also one of our goals. To give future generations a wider living space." Li Hao said very seriously.

The news broadcast is officially broadcast at 19:00 every day.

The beginnings are all the same, briefly telling where the leaders went and what they did. Significant cooperation between countries and foreign countries.

When the news broadcast reached 15 minutes, a scene familiar to Li Hao suddenly appeared on the screen.

This is exactly the picture of the space shuttle hoisting the orbit of the mass accelerator at the Tanggula Pass.

A clear narration commentary sound came from the screen: "Now the screen is playing the mass accelerator construction scene.

Qingci Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have conducted in-depth cooperation to develop a cheap space transportation method with high efficiency, energy saving, fast transportation speed and high transportation frequency. "

The news broadcast took a full ten minutes to broadcast the situation of the mass accelerator.

Whether it is towering into the sky, very majestic magnetic levitation track.

It is still a miniature nuclear power plant that runs silently beside it and continuously outputs electric energy. CCTV gave a clear close-up.

Finally, the host of CCTV said: "Welcome everyone to watch the special program on CCTV after the news broadcast. It will introduce the situation of the mass accelerator to the audience in detail."

When Zhou Yunsheng saw the CCTV report, she said strangely: "How come the country has returned to normal and does not keep these secret devices secret.

But soon after it was built, this technology was directly disclosed. It's been a long time since I've seen this happen. "

Li Hao explained with a smile: "It depends on the confidence of the country.

In the past, everything I did was mysterious, but the overall level was not as good as that of Europe and the United States.

The United States and European countries are under the coordination and control of capital. They form an industrial whole.

Even if our country's technology surpasses a country in some aspects. However, the overall capability of this system is still inferior to the system jointly reached by Europe and the United States.

The country can only keep a low profile and prevent European and American interest groups from focusing on this aspect.

Let them compete viciously with the country, which will greatly consume precious human resources. Use it for competition, not industry development. It can't play the role of training soldiers with projects.

The country strives to improve technology, and only when the gap between technology and Europe and the United States is very small, will it openly disclose this technology.

But the mass accelerator is completely different, and we've already done it. But the progress in the west is zero.

We can go public because they can't catch up with us. "

Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile: "It turns out that's the case, only when our country has made a major breakthrough in a certain technology, will we not cover it up.

For example, like quantum technology, our country is unique in the world. This technology is really not too concealed.

The Micius satellites are all displayed openly. And like some other satellites, they are called agricultural exploration satellites.

The military technology of the United States is also very strong, what kind of advanced weapons are they going to invest in.

As long as the project is established, the whole world will know about it in a short while. This is where their confidence lies. "

While they were chatting, the news broadcast had already finished.

After a brief advertisement, CCTV began to broadcast the mass accelerator.

A CCTV hostess in a serious turtleneck appeared on the screen.

She was sitting on a circular table with a large screen behind her. There is a stack of paper documents on the table.

She showed a sweet smile and said: "Hi everyone, I am Wang Lele, the host of CCTV. I just introduced the mass accelerator in the news broadcast.

In this special program, we invite experts to introduce the situation of mass accelerators in detail. "

Wang Lele pointed to the side with his left hand, and the camera shifted to Wang Lele's left side.

There are two people who look like experts sitting here.

Wang Lele introduced to everyone: "The expert sitting on the right is Gu Mingcheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Institute of Astrophysics, and he is also the vice chairman of the China Aerospace Development Council.

The expert sitting on the left is Wen Jiangyong, director of the Huaxia Academy of Social Sciences and dean of the School of Humanities at Renmin University of China. "

Academician Gu Mingcheng smiled and said to the camera: "Hi Wang Lele, Director Wen, and audience friends, I am Gu Mingcheng."

Director Wen Jiangyong also smiled and said: "Hello, audience friends, I am Wen Jiangyong. Hello host, and academician Gu."

After everyone's introduction, Wang Lele looked at Gu Mingcheng and asked, "Academician Gu, everyone doesn't have a detailed impression of mass accelerators yet.

Can you briefly introduce the general situation of the mass accelerator to the audience? "

"Okay." Gu Mingcheng nodded and said.

He knew that he came to this show to popularize science for the audience.

Gu Mingcheng sorted out the language and introduced to everyone: "A mass accelerator is actually a large slingshot.

If this is not vivid, you can also think of it as a catapult on an aircraft carrier.

Everyone knows that to take off an early warning aircraft on an aircraft carrier, it must be ejected with a catapult.

With the catapult, aircraft carriers can be launched from very short runways.

The same is true for the mass accelerator, which acts as a big slingshot.

The object is ejected directly into outer space through electromagnetic force.

It only needs a small force to transport tens of thousands of tons of materials into outer space.

Its most distinctive feature is that it can work tirelessly like a train.

You must know that the space shuttle will never reach this speed if it operates astronauts.

It is also impossible for astronauts to go back and forth between the earth and outer space many times a day.

When mass accelerators operate at high frequencies. It can eject a Clipper every three seconds.

The limit capacity per day is as high as 15,000 tons. Only by building a mass accelerator can it be possible to develop resources in outer space on a large scale. "

Academician Gu Mingcheng was introducing the situation of the mass accelerator.

On the big screen behind them began to play the scene of the mass accelerator launching the Clipper-type transport ship in the morning.

Academician Gu Mingcheng's picture was shrunk into a small icon and played below.

When Wang Lele saw Academician Gu Mingcheng finished speaking, she smiled and said, "Academician Gu has already explained to us the situation of the mass accelerator in detail.

Next, Director Wen Jiangyong will introduce to us the emergence of mass accelerators.

What kind of changes it can bring to our society. "

Wen Jiangyong smiled, and he explained to everyone: "I am not familiar with technology, but from the few data that Academician Gu Mingcheng said.

I knew that mass accelerators would have a huge impact on our society. "

Wen Jiangyong picked up the material in front of him, held it up and said to everyone: "This is a comparison between a mass accelerator and a space shuttle.

The limit of the mass accelerator is that it can carry 15,000 tons of materials a day. The limit of the space shuttle is to carry 2500 tons of materials per day.

Anyone can see the gap in efficiency between them.

But what I want to explain more is the cost of running the mass accelerator at full capacity for one day. It is far less than the cost of a space shuttle round trip.

It's like a high-end sedan and a heavy-duty freight train.

Everyone knows that a car is comfortable to sit in, but it is definitely not suitable for large-scale flow of materials.

Now we can be sure that the emergence of mass accelerators has almost the same effect as the construction of the railway network.

It will definitely greatly enhance the competitiveness of our country in the aerospace industry.

In layman's terms, if you invest one dollar in the aerospace industry, you can get a return of 10,000 yuan.

This is the reason why many countries are still flocking to the space industry with high investment and high output. "

Wang Lele stared at the screen and said with a smile: "Thank you Director Wen Jiangyong for the explanation. Let us recognize the changes brought about by the mass accelerator after its completion.

I think many people are concerned about what impact the mass accelerator will have on my country's aerospace industry after it is put into use?

Academician Gu Mingcheng is welcome to answer this topic for us. "

Gu Mingcheng coughed lightly, and he said to everyone: "Mass accelerators, promoting the development of the aerospace industry, will definitely bring great results.

Now we are enjoying the benefits brought by the development of the aerospace industry.

The diapers worn by children today were prepared for astronauts in the early days.

We eat large peppers, sweet and sour tomatoes. Many of them are new varieties obtained after space breeding and screening.

After the mass accelerator is built, it can quickly accelerate the research and development of this basic technology. "

Wang Lele saw Academician Gu Mingcheng talking endlessly, but he still wanted to talk about other projects.

She interrupted Academician Gu's speech with a loud voice: "Academician Gu, I'm really sorry! Now I want to broadcast a quick news urgently."

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