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Chapter 480 Moonlight Pig

After Li Hao looked at the food section of the plant factory, there were grains and vegetables, and eating them was basically a balanced diet. He is very happy with this.

He also checked the situation in the non-plant area, where the main plants are watermelon and big-leaf flowers.

Pieces of them provide stable water resources and high-quality oxygen for the lunar base.

Li Hao saw the green pasture plants planted in patches again.

He wondered how there were pasture plants growing here. The moon base will not raise cattle.

This time he didn't ask Du Xianyu directly, but clicked to check the specific situation of this plant.

This pasture grass is five-leaf clover, which is genetically modified alfalfa and suitable for living on the moon.

This forage grass has high starch and protein content, and it can supplement all the nutrients for livestock.

Li Hao vaguely remembered that the livestock transported to the moon was a pig. It's just that in his impression, pigs don't seem to eat grass.

Li Hao didn't quite understand the purpose of planting grass in the moon base. By looking at the materials of the moon base, the reason for planting grass cannot be found.

"Director Du, I remember that the livestock that the lunar base is going to raise are pigs.

I saw that the moon base was planting a lot of grass.

Do pigs also eat grass? In my memory, pigs don't seem to eat grass. "Li Hao asked with great interest.

Du Xianyu calmly introduced: "Pigs are omnivores, even ordinary pigs eat grass.

I remember that I lived in the countryside when I was a child, and every family in a small mountain village raised pigs. I also went to shoot pigweed after school.

This kind of pig doesn't like to grow fat, but its taste is much sweeter than the industrially raised pork.

Our five-leaf clover is different from ordinary grass.

The content of trace elements in its leaves is specially adjusted, which is very suitable for the taste of moonlight pigs.

Our pig is Moonshine Pig, which is the product of genetic engineering. It is completely different from ordinary pigs.

Its digestive system is fully able to absorb the nutrients in the pasture.

The meat becomes very palatable and can be quickly absorbed by the body.

Meat quality does not produce any toxins in the human body, reducing the burden on the liver and kidneys. "

After Du Xianyu finished speaking, he used the virtual light curtain to show the situation of Moonlight Pig.

This is a pig that is 1.5 times larger than the average domestic pig.

It gives people the feeling of being silly, and the most attractive thing is the two big ears of cattail fans.

Its fur is shiny, the hair is hollow and transparent, and it appears white in the sun.

It appears light gray under moonlight or weak light, and at the same time reflects fluorescent light outward.

It is because of this pig coat color that different results are displayed under different optical conditions. Named Moonlight Pig.

Next to the data of the virtual light curtain moonlight pig, the double helix gene structure and chromosome model can be seen.

The moonlight pig is a diploid of the common domestic pig, and most of its gene sequence, especially the meat part, is the same as that of the common domestic pig.

The genetic level has changed a lot, but the overall appearance of the pig has not changed much.

Seeing a strange phenomenon, Li Hao asked Du Xianyu suspiciously: "Director Du, what happened to the Moonlight Pig?

From its chromosome model, how can I see that there are only sows but no boars.

In this way, how will the population of Moonlight Pigs reproduce? "

"Mr. Li observed in detail. Moonlight pigs indeed only have sows and no boars.

It is reproduced by cloning, and the embryos are made and then transplanted into sows to grow.

In nature, male and female reproduction is to maintain the good genetic characteristics of the species and the optimal arrangement and combination of genes.

Let them adapt to the environment better and survive in the cruel natural selection of nature.

As domestic animals, our moonlight pigs do not need genetic diversity, and can be passed on according to the original gene template. "Director Du Xianyu simply explained.

He thought of another aspect and continued: "The selection of parthenogenetic cloning of moonlight pigs is another feature related to the lunar environment.

The radiation situation on the moon has always been one of the biggest problems in lunar farming.

Animals and plants are different, and plant cell walls can ensure that cells are tougher and can carry out cell transfer.

Animal cells cannot carry out active transfer, so we came up with a good way.

It is to simulate the channel for nutrient delivery of moonlight pigs during pregnancy. The cells stained with radiation are directly transported into the uterus of the moonlight pig.

In this way of guidance, the infected cells can be attracted. Let him transfer to the designated place independently.

The cells that are finally polluted by radiation can detoxify most of the toxins through the moonlight pig's menstrual period.

The remaining weak toxins can directly accumulate all harmful cells in the liver and kidney through the liver and kidney detoxification system of the moonlight pig.

In this way, the edible part of the moonlight pig will no longer contain harmful impurities.

When the moonlight pig's liver and kidneys can no longer accumulate toxic substances, there is a little bit of toxic substances in the flesh and blood.

Its cell lysosomes work immediately, lysing all cells.

These characteristics of the moonlight pig determine the safety of its meat. "

Li Hao was very satisfied when he heard Director Du Xianyu's explanation.

Moonlight pig, this kind of multi-level insurance measures, makes people feel more at ease when eating.

Based on the information just now, he can also infer it. The taste of Moonlight Pig will definitely not be too bad, and it will definitely become a delicacy.

"Your method is very good, even on earth, food safety has not reached this level of safety.

Take the pig industry as an example, whether it is scattered farmers or centralized breeding in factories. Farmers typically feed pigs large amounts of antibiotics.

Some unscrupulous farmers also use human medicine on pigs. Many adverse reactions occur after people eat it.

The pig's liver and kidneys are the organs that accumulate the most toxins.

I usually eat pigs, if not sure about the source of the pigs. Pig offal, especially liver and kidneys, must not be eaten. "Li Hao praised.

"Mr. Li, you are right about this. After we created the Moonlight Pig, I don't know if it satisfies the public's taste.

Our company directly provides moonlight pigs to the society after obtaining the safety test from the relevant state departments.

Its exquisite taste and good safety directly open the market.

The enterprise that contracted the production of Moonlight pigs abroad, he gave this kind of meat a few very nice names, called Wufu meat. "Du Xianyu said confidently.

"I didn't expect that the Wufu pork I often eat is actually the moonlight pig produced by you.

Now look at the taste of Moonlight Pig is really good. "

Li Hao said in surprise, he felt that this world was very strange.

He didn't expect that Moonlight Pigs had already started to be put into the market.

Li Hao thought of the price he paid for moonlight pork, so he asked Du Xianyu directly.

"The market price of moonlight pigs is basically the same as that of ordinary pigs. Its biggest cost is that pigs are exposed to cosmic radiation and die suddenly and unexpectedly.

But this kind of thing is very rare, and large-scale breeding can still reduce the price of Moonlight pigs to a lower level, which is slightly more expensive than before. "Director Du Xianyu said in detail.

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