Tech Translator

Chapter 484 Unification of the Four Fundamental Forces

March 3rd at 15:27. The Jukun-1 spacecraft landed steadily at the airport.

Li Hao and the senior executives of Qingci Technology took off their spacesuits and walked out of the spaceship.

They went to the moon, and their temperaments changed slightly.

Li Hao looked at Chen Youxi who was carried away by the doctor. The two of them had already made an appointment.

I have time to talk about martial arts in detail.

Li Hao maintained great interest in China's ancient martial arts.

After he briefly explained some things to the company's executives, he immediately drove home in a vehicle.

Li Hao started to contact Zhou Yunsheng in the car.

Zhou Yunsheng has been following his activities on the moon base through videos.

But in pregnant women, the psychological situation is very sensitive.

Li Hao found that the communication had been officially connected, he said to Zhou Yunsheng gently.

"Honey, I'm back."

"Yeah, I see. You have a lot of experience!"

The speed of the smart electric car was very fast, and Li Hao returned home soon.

Seeing Zhou Yunsheng standing up to greet her, he immediately helped her to sit up.

"Don't worry, my physique is much stronger than that of ordinary pregnant women. Light exercise doesn't matter at all." Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile when she saw Li Hao pampering herself.

"You should have dispelled the doubts in your heart when you came to the moon this time." Zhou Yunsheng looked into Li Hao's eyes and asked.

Although she didn't know what Li Haofei's purpose of going to the moon was?

But from his usual performance in life, it can be inferred that he has a concern on the moon.

Li Hao nodded, and responded easily: "It's all resolved now, and I won't do such risky things in the future."

He felt that it was a bit inappropriate to say so, and added a seemingly casual sentence: "The data of the detection of the moon's gravity will be of great help to my research on gravitational technology."

Li Hao chooses to tell the truth, hidden behind the truth is another bigger truth.

In this way, no one can feel abnormal, because whether it is micro-expression or mental activity. It can be shown that he is telling the truth.

Zhou Yunsheng showed surprise in his eyes, and she said in disbelief: "Brother Hao, you are too good, and you have already researched the gravitational technology."

As the administrative director of a technology company, Zhou Yunsheng inevitably came into contact with some advanced technological knowledge.

Of course she knew the importance of gravitational technology.

A breakthrough in this technology will make up for the weakest plank of modern physics.

Li Hao looked at Zhou Yunsheng with a hint of pride in his envy.

He was very happy in his heart, and said with a smile: "Gravity technology is indeed very important, I am looking for a gravitational constant, which can be used to establish the unified formula of the four fundamental forces.

This constant has been found now, according to my previous research, and other scientists' research on other forces.

It should be able to complement this formula, and explain the nature of gravity through this formula. "

Zhou Yunsheng saw a tired look on Li Hao's face.

It is known that after taking a spaceship, it consumes a lot of energy for people.

Zhou Yunsheng said with concern: "Brother Hao, I have already prepared the meals. You can go to rest after we finish eating. Don't be too tired."

Li Hao also knew his current situation, and he didn't have the energy to do other things. Go to rest soon according to Zhou Yunsheng's arrangement.

In the morning of the next day, the energetic Li Hao came to the study.

He didn't talk nonsense yesterday, he really passed the space environment probe on the moon.

Specific gravitational constants around lunar space have been observed.

As long as he knows the gravitational constant, Li Hao can deduce the fundamental formula of mechanics and the unified formula of the four basic forces based on the content he translated.

As long as there are specific formulas, the theory of force is basically formed.

This formula is also the rule guiding the development and change of all forces.

When Li Hao asked the parrot to sort out the data, she stared at the gravitational technology theory written in alien characters again.

As one of the four fundamental forces, gravity is deeply hidden.

The electromagnetic force has been detected long ago. With the development of nuclear physics technology, the strong interaction force and weak interaction force have also been discovered one by one.

These three forces have been unified by scientific theory, and they are different manifestations of a certain force.

Gravity alone, gravitational waves were caught shortly after. No scientific entity has yet captured the graviton.

Physicists are now speculating on the nature of force. There is no authoritative statement for this, but there is a consensus among scientists.

"The four fundamental forces are just the same force manifested in different ways under different circumstances."

Based on this consensus, many scientists are speculating on the unified formula of the four fundamental forces.

The information placed in front of Li Hao now. It is the prototype of the unified formula of the four basic forces deduced by Li Hao based on the alien civilization.

There are many unknowns in this formula. But as long as the gravitational constant is found, the specific situation of this formula can be deduced according to mathematical means.

Li Hao had already discovered the materials recording the gravitational technology very early on, but due to his lack of knowledge reserve.

There is not much understanding of gravitational technology at all.

I don't even understand this technology, how to translate this technology to unfamiliar words.

After Li Hao discovered this situation, he immediately started charging himself.

Fortunately, the super brain formed by using the intelligent strengthening liquid. In terms of learning and memory, it has a good auxiliary effect.

He studied by himself and communicated with different scientists. Basic knowledge of gravitational technology.

Scientists on Earth have little understanding of gravity.

But these superficial studies are enough to form a seed.

Under the watering of Li Hao's alien civilization information, this seed is about to grow into fruit.

The parrot fully runs its computing power, Li Hao only waits for a short time.

The gravitational constant he needs has been officially calculated.

The gravitational constant of the universe is a fixed value, and it will not change due to the size of the mass of the star.

Li Hao added this gravitational constant into the unified formula of the four fundamental forces.

The formula is only now becoming a little more complete.

Other unknown items still hinder Li Hao's research on this formula.

Li Hao started to deduce using mathematical tools, and quickly ruled out many unknown items. Convert them into known conditions that can be observed.

This is a system of equations with great mathematical beauty, and its mathematical rigor and relevance to physics are impeccable.

After simple verification by Li Hao, this formula can almost solve all the problems about the four fundamental forces.

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Through the unified formula of the four fundamental forces, and then observe the gravitational force. It became much easier, as if the smoke covering the eyes had disappeared.

Using this formula, the distribution of forces in the entire universe can be clearly deduced.

It can greatly deepen people's understanding of the universe.

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