Tech Translator

Chapter 486

Li Hao did not expect the gravitational vortex above the North Pole of Mercury. It turned out to be a natural space wormhole.

Judging from the information he just translated, such natural space wormholes are very rare.

As long as there is a civilization above the primary civilization, this natural space wormhole will be discovered. They will send heavy troops to protect them.

This is an extremely important strategic battleground for civilizations that have already embarked on interstellar travel.

This kind of natural space wormhole has been processed simply. It will be a very good cosmic communication line.

It can instantly connect two points in the distant universe.

It is like the ancient waterway of the earth, and it is the transportation method of the interstellar era with the lowest transportation cost and the highest transportation efficiency.

The most important thing is its scarcity. Only the intermediate civilization at the peak has the ability to create this kind of space wormhole.

Even if it is an intermediate civilization, they cannot create a space wormhole that is as stable as a natural space wormhole.

These unnatural space wormholes will collapse after being used for a period of time.

The key is that this collapse time cannot be effectively predicted.

Each use may create a collapse, swallowing everything that enters or exits the wormhole.

It is precisely because of this scarcity that the value of natural space wormholes is highlighted.

Natural space wormholes can exist stably. There is no need to waste a lot of energy to maintain the existence of space wormholes.

But after confirming that this is a space wormhole, Li Hao's mood is very tangled.

He doesn't know what's the situation on the other side of the space wormhole?

Is there an interstellar civilization there? What is the development level of this interstellar civilization?

If there is an interstellar civilization, what is the attitude of this interstellar civilization towards other civilizations? Is it aggressive?

Li Hao had to give a comprehensive consideration to these issues.

But the most important decision now is that he is struggling with whether to activate this natural space wormhole.

Let human civilization take a bigger step and make it between savage civilization and primary civilization.

With Li Hao's IQ, he couldn't think of a good solution. His mind is in a mess now, and he doesn't know how to weigh the pros and cons.

Li Hao immediately initiated a video connection with Zhou Yunsheng.

If you are hesitant about something, of course you should discuss it with your dearest wife.

After Zhou Yunsheng answered the phone, he asked suspiciously: "I'm almost home, why are you calling me?

I see you've been at home. Is it okay to come into the house if you have something to say? "

"Ah, I really didn't notice." Li Hao responded with some embarrassment.

He looked at the current time and found that it was already 7 o'clock in the evening.

Before he knew it, a day had passed, and only now did he realize that his stomach was growling, and he was already hungry.

He was so absorbed in studying the gravitational map that he didn't notice the passage of time.

Li Hao sorted out the space wormhole information, sat in the living room and waited for Zhou Yunsheng's arrival.

In the process of waiting, he has already understood the thoughts in his heart.

People must have a backbone in life, and they must not be cowardly when things happen.

Civilization must also have its own backbone, and it cannot be cowardly when things happen.

Civilization also needs to go through hardships before it can be washed away. How can you be a turtle when you encounter difficulties.

China has a lot of history, pay attention to provide enough material for Li Hao.

Contrast the dynasty that upholds openness and the Qing Dynasty's performance of being cowardly when things happen. It can be easily judged that the end of the closed country.

The development of the universe is not transferred by personal will, when you stop developing and hide in a small corner.

Other civilizations have become more and more prosperous through mutual exchanges and mergers.

You can escape for a while, but you can't escape for a lifetime. Hiding will always be found by other civilizations.

He has now made up his mind to open this natural space wormhole. He will regret it very much if he misses this opportunity.

When Li Hao saw Zhou Yunsheng walking in, he immediately helped Zhou Yunsheng to sit down.

After Zhou Yunsheng was done, she looked at Li Hao and said softly, "Brother Hao, what are you struggling with? You have been unable to make up your mind, and now you still have a look of hesitation on your face."

Li Hao briefly explained his discovery to Zhou Yunsheng.

Just talking about the research on gravitational technology, it was discovered that there is a space wormhole on Mercury.

Li Hao avoided talking about the specific details of the discovery and the principle of space wormholes.

He only talked about the effect that this space wormhole can achieve.

After Zhou Yunsheng listened, he said with a smile: "I think you must be hesitant now, but you really want to check whether the other party is a high-level alien civilization, and plan to communicate with the alien civilization.

And afraid that the civilization level of the other party is much higher than ours. It invades our earth along this space wormhole. "

Li Hao nodded, and said rather entangled: "I am no longer entangled now, our civilization cannot be closed to the outside world. Sooner or later we will have to face this kind of thing, it just depends on whether we are fully prepared or not.

Now that the key is in our hands, we can prepare adequately for this kind of thing. "

"I think you are still a little hesitant, let me tell you a little story." Zhou Yunsheng understood Li Hao's thoughts very well.

"In ancient China, there was a very special place. That was Shu County.

Because of the special geographical structure, there has always been a saying that the road to Shu is difficult and it is difficult to go to the blue sky.

It is also rumored that before the Central Plains were in chaos, Shu was in chaos first, and that in the Central Plains Ningshu was not peaceful.

It is because it is relatively independent due to its geographical environment. It is also in a battleground for military strategists, so there are so many repeated situations. "

"Yun Sheng, you also think that we should take the initiative to contact alien civilizations and not block ourselves." Li Hao guessed what Zhou Yunsheng meant.

Zhou Yunsheng nodded and began to analyze.

"That's not the only meaning I said, this story also shows that although the transportation between Central Plains and Shu County is difficult, he is not completely isolated.

The Central Plains has developed by virtue of its huge advantages, even if Shu County is resisting, it will have no effect.

We and alien civilization, if there is no space wormhole. Across the vast ocean of stars.

But this connection is not completely severed if we do not develop it. Sooner or later it will be annexed by other more advanced civilizations.

If an alien civilization invades, the traffic will definitely not be as convenient as in the areas they control.

As long as we are properly prepared, we still have a chance to stand up. "

Zhou Yunsheng noticed a detail, and continued to ask: "I don't know if this kind of space wormhole is easy to find in the universe.

If it is easy to find but not found, it does not prove that our civilization is more advanced than the other civilization.

Could it be that it is one-way and can only be opened by us.

If so, then we have nothing to worry about. "

When Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng's question, a thunderbolt seemed to flash in his mind.

Such a simple question, he didn't even think of it at the beginning.

Watching Dr. Zhou's eyes widen, still waiting for his reply.

Li Hao immediately explained: "The space wormhole is completely natural. How can it take care of us? It's completely impossible.

Space wormholes, as long as the civilization that unlocks the gravitational technology, can easily discover its existence.

Your words woke me up, and there was no space wormhole on the other side.

That can only mean that there is no more advanced civilization than us on the opposite side. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, he felt much more relaxed, and he no longer had to worry about a high-level civilization invading the earth.

It is imperative to open the space wormhole.

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