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Chapter 6 Demonstrating Artificial Intelligence

Li Hao woke up from his desk when he heard a knock on the door.

Last night, Li Hao worked very late, and he finally taught artificial intelligence to carry out basic network attack and defense.

Once artificial intelligence learns a thing, its mechanical application to things is much more stable than that of humans.

Through experiments, Li Hao found that artificial intelligence has reached a world precedent in the field of network protection.

This is not because of his high computer skills, nor because the artificial intelligence learns quickly. Rather, its operating mechanism is different from that of conventional protection software.

Li Hao wasn't thinking about it anymore, he opened the door, and it was Zhou Yunsheng standing in front of the door.

Only then did he realize that before going to bed last night, he excitedly called Zhou Yunsheng to tell her the news of the success of the project.

Zhou Yunsheng saw that Li Hao's eyes had dark circles. The hair is also fluffy, and it looks like it hasn't been washed for a long time.

Seeing that Li Hao looked tired, Zhou Yunsheng tried to make him rest for a while.

She pretended to be exaggerated and urged: "Go and wash up, this look is really sloppy."

At the same time, he covered his nose with both hands, and fanned him a few times. Pointing at Li Hao, he said, "You are too unkempt. You haven't showered for a few days. Go back and wash it. Don't try to get close to me like this."

Li Hao's face was flushed, and he said awkwardly: "I'm not in a research state of ecstasy, I'll go back to the dormitory to wash up, you wait here for me."

Zhou Yunsheng watched Li Hao go out in a hurry, with a smile on her face.

"Looking at how hard you work, I will reward you. It looks like you are working in the office and haven't eaten yet. How can your body bear it in the long run."

She had already tidied up these offices yesterday, and seeing that there was a lot of mess overnight, Zhou Yunsheng continued to clean the offices.

After Li Hao washed and changed his clothes, he came to the office again. He still had two lunch boxes in his hand.

Li Hao put the lunch box on the desk, and asked Zhou Yunsheng who was sitting next to him: "Did you order this dish?"

"Seeing how hard your research project is, I'll reward you. You can't cook here, so you can only order takeaway. Otherwise, I'll cook for you myself." Zhou Yunsheng said with a smile.

Hearing Zhou Yunsheng's words, Li Hao also felt a little hungry. He opened the lunch box and saw two meals of braised pork and shredded fish-flavored pork.

Although they are all very simple home-cooked dishes, they taste much better than the steamed stuffed buns he eats all day long. After Li Hao finished his meal, he turned on his computer.

When the computer started, he confidently said to Zhou Yunsheng: "Our project this time will definitely be successful. When you see this project, you will definitely be full of hope for the future of our project."

Li Hao looked at Zhou Yunsheng's curious eyes, and he turned on the artificial intelligence program.

With a smile on his face, he said: "This is the primary artificial intelligence I wrote. It uses big data methods to make basic logical judgments. It is even more powerful than Google's artificial intelligence Alpha artificial intelligence."

"Is this true? You, you really developed artificial intelligence. This is the direction of future development. I didn't find out when you learned artificial intelligence technology." Zhou Yunsheng asked in disbelief.

In the past few days, she has been thinking about what project Li Hao is working on. My mother started her own business, but she gave Li Hao all the rights to the Light of Taihu Lake that she never wanted to use. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be artificial intelligence technology, which is really worth it.

"Of course it is true. I have developed artificial intelligence. Although it is a rudimentary intelligent program, it is only one or two years ahead of the international mainstream technology. Besides, this project cannot be faked. You can tell it at a glance."

After Li Hao finished speaking, he used his computer to connect to the server where the artificial intelligence was located through the local area network.

On the computer screen, a small robot image composed of pigmented squares appeared.

Li Hao waved his hand at it and said to him, "Myna, good morning."

The little robot on the screen also waved his hand, and said in an electronically synthesized voice: "Boss, you are also good. I just finished eating and my face is rosy. It seems that the food tastes good."

Zhou Yunsheng was surprised, but she still couldn't believe it.

Today is the seventh day of Li Hao's entrepreneurship, which means that Li Hao completed the artificial intelligence in just six days.

Now which company has completed some weak artificial intelligence programs. Both required teams of hundreds of people and took years to complete.

She didn't know the type of artificial intelligence, maybe a very simple one.

But Zhou Yunsheng would not believe that someone could be so talented if it could be completed within six days. It's incredible.

Zhou Yunsheng teased: "You can't be joking with me after recording in advance. We are still a down-to-earth entrepreneur."

Li Hao also heard Zhou Yunsheng's disbelieving tone. He knew it was normal. It was someone he knew very well.

For example, Zhu Yanbo developed an artificial intelligence in just six days, and he would be full of doubts.

Li Hao said calmly: "True gold is not afraid of fire, you will know if it is true or not if you try it yourself.

Besides this program, it cannot be said to be a complete artificial intelligence, it is just a semi-finished product. "

Zhou Yunsheng looked at the ugly robot on the screen, and she also thought it was a half-finished product.

She asked Li Hao, "Can this artificial intelligence control the phone?"

Li Hao said with a smile: "If you want to talk about other fields, I'm not too sure yet. Controlling the phone is very simple.

I spent a long time yesterday, teaching it the basic operation of the network and network attack and defense. "

After Zhou Yunsheng's brief experiment, two small dimples appeared on her cheeks. She has confirmed that this program is really artificial intelligence.

Pass her series of tests. I also found the Turing test method on the Internet. No mechanical program could have predicted her problems in advance.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at Li Hao with fiery eyes. He said happily: "I never thought that you would actually develop artificial intelligence in such a short period of time. You really deserve to be my boyfriend."

Li Hao saw the change in Zhou Yunsheng's attitude. If he didn't find a good reason, it would be difficult to ensure that other than his relatives and friends would discover his anomaly. Quickly find a way to remedy it.

He thought for a while and said: "I have been studying the technology of artificial intelligence for about 4 years. I have been studying the core algorithm of artificial intelligence a few days ago.

During this period of time, I made some breakthroughs, but I didn't expect to be kicked out of the company before I made it. As for how it can be completed so quickly, I designed a set of automatic compilation programs and used the supercomputer TaihuLight to complete its compilation work.

The TaihuLight supercomputer can perform 930 billion calculations per second, and it takes an hour to compile it. You can imagine how long it would take to do it with a human. "

Zhou Yunsheng heard Li Hao say this, and remembered that he used to be in a daze in the library. approved his statement.

At this time, she had a bright smile on her face, and said happily: "We have our own artificial intelligence, which can carry out too many projects, and our entrepreneurial road can be much smoother."

She was happier in her heart, so that the resistance for them to be together would be greatly reduced.

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