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Chapter 661 The Battle of Dingding

"According to plan."

Li Hao gave an order, and the human civilization fleet filed out.

Li Hao led more than 800 dragon-class warships and more than 300 star-class auxiliary ships in the main fleet.

The main fleet began to disperse into three brigades, which could attack from any angle to support the fleet of the home planet of Yuanji civilization.

Gundam led the Second Fleet, a total of more than 600 dragon-class battleships, divided into six teams, surrounded the home planet of Yuanji civilization from six sides, and prevented the energy ball inside the home star from breaking through.

The vanguard fleet, Zhao Shengli, led more than 200 Dragon-class battleships, and deployed special empty cannons, preparing to deal with the space.

"Block the universe and prohibit all space technology."

In the center of the main fleet, there are five spheres with a diameter of three light years, which are mobile source energy reactors, and they charge a dark sun-sized sphere with energy.

This dark sphere emits violent energy fluctuations, and an energy vein appears in the space within a radius of fifty light years.

This is a battlefield control auxiliary ship specially developed by the Royal Academy of Sciences. It can block space and block all space technologies.

"Control battlefield information and disrupt Yuanji civilization battlefield communications."

Two crimson warships, imitating energy balls, constantly produce distance energy fluctuations.

The entire Yuanji civilization parent star is completely silent in the Yuanji civilization territory. All the long-distance communication information of the Yuanji civilization energy ball on the battlefield cannot be transmitted.

In addition to the Zhiling virus, it is precisely because of these two technologies that Li Hao has the confidence to destroy the Yuanji civilization. They are all technologies prepared for the Yuanji civilization, but they are one step behind the Zhiling virus.

Gundam commands the Second Fleet, with every ten Dragon-class battleships towing a gigantic contraption. There were twenty of them.

This is a huge sphere with a diameter of one light hour. The battleship is dragging the sphere, preparing to go to the vicinity of the parent star of the Yuanji civilization.

At this time, the Yuanji civilization had already reacted, and their fleet came out from the parent star.

The Second Fleet began to fight the Yuanji Civilization, and each dragon-class battleship was equipped with a device to spread the Zhiling virus.

As long as the Yuanji civilization energy ball is excited or injured and causes emotional abnormalities, they will be killed by the Zhiling virus immediately.

Under the protection of other warships, the warships pulling equipment began to move forward in the sea of ​​energy.

After arriving at the target position quickly, these devices immediately merge with the surrounding space after stopping in the space, and continuously absorb the surrounding energy to strengthen the surrounding space.

The devices seemed to grow above the space, and they released powerful particle shield defenses. And generate a beam of energy from the top of their heads, extending towards the giant black hole in the distance.

Zhao Shengli led the vanguard fleet on two hundred specially-made dragon-class warships.

This kind of warship is equipped with a special empty cannon, and the space is under the action of the empty cannon.

The nature of space becomes crisp and brittle, as long as there is a huge force impact, the space will disintegrate.

Using this method instead of directly splitting the space is for the safety of their fleet.

Prevent the fleet from being directly swallowed by the void space, so that it is not an attack, but annihilation.

Li Hao watched the development process of the battlefield, which did not surprise them. Everything went smoothly.

"Yuanji Civilization's support fleet came very quickly. Now is the time for us to attack them." Li Hao saw the violent fluctuations in the lower right of the fleet, he said with a smile.

The fleet, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately launched a fierce attack on the Yuanji civilization fleet.

Time passed slowly, and the fleet supported by Yuanji civilization gradually became three times their fleet.

But they were all intercepted by their fleet, and none of the energy balls broke through the defense.

The energy balls of the Yuanji Civilization's parent star, they also did not break out.

The Yuanji civilization cannot communicate through communication, but they communicate at close range through physical fluctuations.

"What's going on here, where did they come from as enemies? Surrounding our home planet, but not breaking through to the core, this is to surround the point for reinforcements, so much confidence."

"Our casualties are huge. What kind of technology is this? Why do they seem to have developed it specifically for us?"

"By the way, this is a method called human civilization. We can't crack it yet, we can only strengthen our own energy control."

"Human civilization is not a very weak civilization, how can they have such strength. This is impossible."

Zhao Shenglihui reported: "Your Majesty, we have completed the space processing work."

"You assist the Gundam, and you must not let the Yuanji Civilization interfere with the energy beam." Li Hao ordered immediately.

Yuanji Civilization is supporting more and more fleets. Li Deren asked: "Your Majesty, the Yuanji Civilization fleet is already ten times our size. Can you persist now?"

Li Hao said calmly: "It's okay, the more the better, we haven't released the Zhiling virus to the outside world now, and we are going to harvest a wave later."

Time passed slowly, and the battle situation in the universe was still extremely fierce.

Gundam Gao Shenghui reported: "Your Majesty, the energy beam has been connected to the giant black hole and received energy feedback from the giant black hole. Now it is extremely stable. Our goal has been achieved."

Li Hao said excitedly: "The fleet evacuated immediately, the device reversely charged the energy beam, and immediately released the wisdom virus."

The fleet of the home planet of the deep Yuanji civilization immediately withdrew.

The device that merged with the space around the parent star of the Yuanji civilization stopped releasing energy beams immediately. Instead, start recycling back into energy beams.

But the energy beam has been captured by the giant black hole, and it cannot be recovered successfully at all, which is equivalent to the giant black hole pulling this space.

The huge power breaks through a limit, and the space processed by the special empty cannon. It was as if tempered glass had been hit hard, and the space began to shatter.

The space where the parent star of Yuanji civilization is separated from the universe as a whole, and flies towards the giant black hole.

The human civilization fleet surrounded the parent star of the Yuanji civilization, and flew towards the giant black hole at the same speed as it.

"Ah! How could this be. Our home planet."

Most of the energy balls of Yuanji civilization became excited, which hit the trap of human civilization. Most of the energy balls of Yuanji civilization died immediately.

The home planet of Yuanji civilization wanted to attack the device, but after it didn't work, it wanted to split the space and escape.

Seeing their tricks, Li Hao sipped the tea in his hand, and said calmly: "Our device is made of materials tens of thousands of times stronger than neutron stars, and they can't break it in a short time.

The home planet of Yuanji civilization was originally reinforced by themselves. Now they simply don't have time to cut open space. "

The other Yuanji civilization energy spheres saw that they could not save their home planet, they all became crazy, and launched a tactic of dying together against the human civilization fleet.

Dragon-class warships have been besieged and destroyed by Yuanji civilization energy balls.

However, Li Hao couldn't stop. Now that he was about to succeed, if they gave up at this time, their sacrifice would not be in vain.

"Retreat, have reached the gravitational capture range of the giant black hole."

The human civilization fleet immediately left the home planet of Yuanji civilization.

Only see this huge parent star and its attached space. directly engulfed by a giant black hole.

In this battle, the fleet supported by Yuanji civilization has also lost more than 95%.

"Yuanji civilization is over, and we will be the overlord civilization here from now on. We have won the battle of Dingding." Li Hao said happily.

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