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Chapter 67 Flat Management

As professional legal professionals, Han Xuan and Bai Chen discussed how to change the contract.

Li Hao's mind is relaxed, the cooperation has been reached, he just waits for the result.

He took the opportunity to ask Principal Tian Yuan: "Principal Tian, ​​I saw Professor Du Xianyu's deeds in the news. Where did he go after he left school?"

Tianyuan sighed, and said: "Xiao Du's technical level is very good, I advised him to only study organs, he insisted that human beings must be studied together as a whole.

He was also very happy to make his results public, and the results were distributed internationally by Japanese scientists.

For the sake of reputation, the school had to expel him. I heard that he went to India to investigate some projects, and he would not be able to return until half a month later. "

After Tian Yuan finished speaking, he asked curiously: "Why are you looking for Xiao Du? Don't study human cloning, this will touch the moral bottom line of society, and the current law does not allow it.

Before the thinking of the whole society is reversed, any behavior that wants to fight against social cognition will be crushed. "

Tianyuan taught him dutifully as an elder, and he didn't want to see a rising entrepreneur destroy his future because of his arrogance.

Li Hao could hear the concern in Principal Tian's tone, and he said gratefully: "Don't worry, Uncle Tian, ​​I will not do anything that touches the bottom line of law and social morality."

Principal Tian saw Li Hao's serious attitude and knew that he was not impulsive. A reasonable person thinks carefully about his decisions.

Zhou Yunsheng quickly walked over with the contract, and said softly to them: "This contract has been revised, and we have printed the contract. Now sign the contract."

Principal Tian Yuan glanced at Bai Chen and saw him nodding. Knowing this contract is no problem.

He directly picked up the carbon pen on the desk and signed his name. And affix the special seal of Tsinghua University for scientific research cooperation.

Li Hao also represented Qingci Technology, signed the contract and affixed the company's seal.

This contract is very detailed, and the patented technology of the iron graphene battery and its derived technologies are owned by Qingci Technology.

After the scientific research team of Tsinghua University notifies Tsingci Technology, it can use the scientific research process of developing iron graphene batteries to publish papers that do not involve core technologies.

To put it simply, the technology ownership belongs to Qingci Technology, and the honor belongs to Tsinghua University.

After the contract was signed, Li Hao took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Professor Pan.

It records the data of the finished iron graphene battery. Of course, most of the data was disguised by Li Hao.

In addition to the correct data it also adds a lot of data that interferes with the line of sight. Use mathematical formulas to calculate its effect.

"Mr. Pan, this is the data I calculated on the iron graphene battery using a supercomputer. I hope it can help your research."

Pan Guofeng took the USB flash drive politely, but he didn't care about it.

After Li Hao and Principal Tian said goodbye, they left the office. The cooperation has been decided, and it will be implemented in the manner specified in the contract, just waiting for the research results.

Li Hao feels that the cooperation between the two parties is pleasant, but the steps are also somewhat troublesome. He is not yet able to direct or indirect instruction. This also made him determined to establish his own scientific research unit when the time is right.

They walked to the door, and Han Xuan walked outside and said to them: "I will take full responsibility for the patent application issue. My law firm still has something to do. I will go back to the office first."

Zhou Yunsheng smiled and said, "Sister Xuanxuan, you have worked hard today. I am too busy these days, I will treat you to a big meal when I am free."

Watching Han Xuan go away, Li Hao and Zhou Yunsheng walked side by side to the restaurant they often go to. It's time for lunch now.

"Brother Hao, I see that the contract stipulates that we need to transfer the funds to the account designated by the school. Will this make them slack off?" Zhou Yunsheng asked Li Hao thinking about the terms of the contract.

Li Hao simply replied: "No. The use of funds in the scientific research process is supervised by the relevant departments of the state and the school. We can also send financial personnel to review.

It doesn't matter if it's a bit of a waste, or they use our funds to buy other equipment. As long as the iron graphene battery research is successful. These charges are added directly to the cost of the battery. "

On the way, Zhou Yunsheng chatted with him about the company's income and expenditure, mainly to tell him to use funds carefully. Don't overspend and cause the company's deficit.

They walked into the restaurant without knowing it, and it was still a normal meal. Return to the company after dinner.

When they came to the company, they found that there were many more people in the company. This simple office is already packed with people.

You must know that the total number of people in their company used to be less than 50, but now it seems that the number of people in the company can reach more than 100 people without security guards.

Li Hao said with emotion: "Yunsheng, our company has already left the fledgling stage. We should rent a few floors of office buildings outside. Or there will be no place for the company's employees to work."

Zhou Yunsheng looked at Li Hao, and said with a smile: "It will be too late when you find out, I have already started looking for office buildings.

Now many companies are moving to Xiong'an New District, leaving many office buildings empty. I'm negotiating prices with several office buildings. After the negotiation, we will officially move.

This office is reserved for those students who are temporary workers in our company. I see that they have many good projects on the smart platform.

They are younger and more thoughtful. We provide the platform. Let them make this a maker center. This is more in line with the positioning of this entrepreneurial park. "

Seeing the two of them come back, Zhao Ling reported to them: "Mr. Li, Mr. Zhou. We are recruiting 157 people in the game industry this time. 50 people are currently going through the entry procedures, and the rest are resigning from the original company. formalities."

Li Hao praised: "Manager Zhao, you are a very good recruiter."

They walked to Li Hao's office and sat down respectively.

Zhao Ling handed the employee's information sheet to Li Hao, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Li, this recruitment only recruits professional positions such as game planning and art.

I know Mr. Zhou is in charge of recruiting the manager of the game department. But doesn't our company need to recruit middle managers? "

Before Li Hao could speak, Zhou Yunsheng answered her: "Sister Zhao Ling, we really don't need middle managers.

Our company is now fully adopting the cloud intelligence platform task system. In the past, the role of middle management was to communicate from top to bottom.

It is mainly to convey high-level instructions to grassroots employees and manage grassroots employees to complete tasks. And report their basic situation to the senior management.

The feedback chain throughout the company acts as a link between the past and the future. Now their functions have been replaced by Parrot, and the top management directly assigns tasks on the cloud intelligence platform.

All the activities of employees in the company are also recorded by parrots. It has no emotion and can evaluate employees more accurately and fairly.

After parrot receives the task and analyzes it, it is disassembled into multiple task modules and provided to suitable people to complete. "

Li Hao also said with a smile: "Taking the opportunity of the launch of the game project, we have fully launched this flat management method in the company."

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