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Chapter 77 Advertising and Channels

Zhou Yunsheng asked Sun Kai: "Manager Sun, we are going to officially launch the game at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, can you complete the production of the game?"

"Now that the game has been successfully produced, the only thing left is to add the promotional video and the official operation of the data center. The entire production process of the game can be completed today." Sun Kai replied with certainty.

He turned to look at Li Hao and said, "Mr. Li, it's just that we don't need to conduct internal testing? It's a good game, but there are big loopholes after it goes online. This will be attacked by competitors when they find the right opportunity, and the game may die prematurely. "

"No need, when Parrot controls the game engine to finally synthesize the game, it will automatically search. Small bugs may not be found, but big bugs that affect the stable operation of the game will definitely be found. Our game can be tested directly." Li Hao is confident Said.

When Sun Kai saw this situation, he immediately agreed: "Then I will have no problem here. The game will definitely be officially launched tomorrow. There is still one day left. After our debugging, there should be no major problems."

Li Hao nodded at him and said, "Manager Sun works overtime on weekends, so you work hard to stabilize the employees' emotions.

You continue to finish the game here first. If the game sells well, the company will give the game department a handsome bonus. "

After Li Hao finished speaking, he saw Sun Kai continue to work. He and Zhou Yunsheng left the game department.

When he came to the office, Zhou Yunsheng sat down and said worriedly: "The more I get to this time, the more anxious I am, wondering if this game can achieve the expected cash flow as it wishes.

If this game fails, we can only slow down the company's development and develop other projects to supplement funds. "

"Yunsheng, don't worry." Li Hao comforted her confidently, "This game of our company will change the game mode and introduce many novel functions.

Even if there are no other functions, only the function of intelligent NPC will attract some hardcore fans. "

Zhou Yunsheng saw that Li Hao was very confident, and her anxiety eased somewhat. She thought that when she was playing the game just now, she hadn't noticed the game partition when she logged in.

She asked curiously: "Brother Hao, I saw that the Xianyuan game did not have a large number of partitions like ordinary games. Should we divide the game area in advance to share the pressure on the server and the network."

Li Hao waved his hand and said: "Our game has a different operating mechanism, there is no need for partition operations, and all players are in one area.

Our unique compressed data calculation method allows more core data to be transmitted with limited bandwidth.

Other data is stored in the local data center, and only a small amount of data needs to be transmitted between data centers to complete the data exchange of players in the same area.

We set up two data centers in Europe and America to provide services to players there. This is a game belonging to the Chinese civilization, and there are very few European and American players.

In China, each of our provinces has set up a data center, and their data is managed and controlled by China Unicom.

This is also a characteristic area of ​​our game, which can support all players on the same server. The more people there are in this game, the more fun it is.

Especially in terms of hardware, I have already planned. The last time I allocated funds from the company, I didn't tell you to manage data centers in other provinces. "

Zhou Yunsheng suddenly realized, she asked: "Didn't you say last time that we want to develop our own advertising platform, this data center supports advertising business."

Li Hao simply explained: "The data center is just a large server room. It has a system margin. While supporting the advertising business, it can also provide services for the game."

"This method is really good. Centralized management can save money. It's just that other game companies have not adopted this method. Every time a new area is established, it is equivalent to a new game, which affects the communication of players, and then affects the development of the game. Lifespan." Zhou Yunsheng asked suspiciously.

"Large companies like data centers have already completed their layout. Of course, in terms of games, they don't have the technology to solve this problem."

After Li Hao finished speaking, he asked Zhou Yunsheng: "You are in charge of the game channel and promotion. How is the progress now? The Xianyuan game will be launched tomorrow. Do you need to say hello to the partner in advance?"

Now if you want the game to be popular at the beginning, you must promote it. This era is no longer an era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

If you want to sell good wine, you must be willing to invest and let people know that you have good wine there.

Of course, it must be a good wine, if it is the kind of wine mixed with alcohol and water. Even if we try our best to publicize and attract a wave of onlookers, we will not be able to achieve better results in the end.

For example, like the investment in movies, the promotional expenses of most non-big production movies can be compared with the investment in filming movies.

Zhou Yunsheng thought for a while and said, "Channels and advertising are two different things. Let me talk about advertising first."

Then Zhou Yunsheng introduced the advertisement of Xianyuan game to Li Hao. In addition to their company's own advertising platform.

It also cooperates with companies such as Tencent and Baidu. They have already negotiated a contract. When the game is officially launched, there will be advertisements before Tencent's video broadcast, as well as video advertisements and search bidding rankings for Baidu's iQiyi.

Also write some soft articles on the very active game public account to promote the game.

Li Hao heard that the positioning of these advertisements is very accurate, and the promotion of a game is already very good. Most of the gamers are young people, and they all use mobile phones. These ads just cover them.

"These advertisements are already very good. It's hard work for you to talk about so many advertisements." Li Hao praised.

"I'm the one who talks about it, it's all the hard work of the employees." Zhou Yunsheng said modestly, and then frowned, "We talked about the advertisements very well, but the game channels are not optimistic."

Li Hao stared at her, waiting for Zhou Yunsheng's answer.

Zhou Yunsheng sighed, and said: "Our company is still not well-known, so we can't bargain. It's the domestic distribution channel for Android mobile games.

They charge high channel fees, usually 40% to 60% or 50% to 50%, and some large channels also charge 30% to 70% or 20% to 80%. Game manufacturers have no status in front of channels.

Other game developers saw that we were a newly established small company, and asked them to operate the games directly, even though we wanted 28/20. And ask for exorbitant kickbacks.

We only reach an agreement with Tencent on the game channel, and we operate the game. Give Tencent a 10% channel fee. "

Li Hao said loudly: "We must make a perfect start and fight for a breath. Tencent's channel fee is not bad, but some channels will look ugly when they grow bigger. Apple only needs 30% of the channel fee."

Zhou Yunsheng made up his mind: "We also want to build a big advertising platform and turn it into a channel. We will no longer be controlled by others."

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