Technician’s Manual

Chapter 891: enough

, the fastest update of the operator's manual! The secret poison of **** will continue to grow virtual wings. Once the four wings are full, it will immediately trigger the demigod ascending ceremony. No matter where you are, **** will come to you!

After witnessing Rajesh's promotion, no magician could guarantee that he would survive the ceremony, not even Vichy. Falling from hell, balancing the four wings, creating gods, and having to deal with the attacks of demigods The questions are out of the syllabus, but once you do it, all your classmates will come to the **** exam to tear your paper!

In the past, Yaxiu and the others thought that not publishing the promotion method of demigods was a way for the gods to deliberately suppress legendary magicians, but after learning the truth, they discovered that the reason behind the monopoly of promotion channels was heartwarming. Young people just stay in the world and work, and the higher the level of contribution, the higher the realm. Once you want to break through the class, the vested interests will really rush down and take away your achievements.

In theory, unless there really is a miracle, Ash and the others should now find Harvey to choose their own corpse spot pattern.

But in the wizard world, miracles are a resource that can be sold.

ot Mr. Igula, Mr. Harvey, ot Vichy said with a smile: ot, since you teamed up with demons from other teams temporarily, they should have recruited you afterwards? ot "Yes." Zhi told me that if I didn't want to die in the demigod promotion ceremony, she was the only one who could save me."

"The people sent by the omniscient weaver have this level of speaking skills?" Wei Xi sneered: "I can guarantee that other teams are willing to offer you the same price. Now which side has more magicians, the probability of victory Just one more point, as long as you are willing to be dogs, the gods will never be stingy with an angel seat! Of course, it is more likely that you died directly in the angel hunt, and the gods even saved the angel seat."

Igula is a little confused: Your Excellency Ot Vichy, you have always hated joining the power of the Lord, but isn't it normal for a lower-level magician to seek refuge with a higher-level magician? All kingdoms operate according to this logic. "

ot Because the one-winged magician acts as a dog for the four-winged magician, it will not hinder the one-winged magician's hope of promotion. But if the demigods take refuge in the gods, they will be demigods for the rest of their lives. otVishy paused, otDo you still remember the Nightmare Angel?"

"The first master of the kingdom of heaven in the dream" ot have you ever thought about it, he clearly has the name of an angel

, but why is he stealing the dream kingdom as a free demigod? Do you still have to exalt the dream kingdom to become a god? Ot Weixi said: "This is because he can't create his own kingdom, and his magic temple has already contributed. ." After Vichy briefly explained the concept of the temple of magic, Igula immediately responded: the temple of ot is the predecessor of the kingdom of heaven? ot

"That's right." Vichy said, "Although I don't know how to do it, the temple can indeed expand into a kingdom of heaven. This is also the most orthodox way for a demigod to become a god." "Although I don't know how the temple expands into a kingdom of heaven. , but how the kingdom of heaven continues to expand is common sense that everyone knows."

Igula murmured: "A temple to absorb other demigods"

"This is the price of obtaining the protection of the Lord. Your own temple must be integrated into the kingdom of heaven. You can only exist as a vassal of the Lord for eternity, and there is no possibility of promotion." Vichy sneered: "The Nightmare Angel was not with the Lord at first because of his incompatibility with the Lord. And betrayed the kingdom of heaven, but he no longer has a temple, so he can only steal the kingdom of heaven to regroup."

ot so it is not difficult for you to survive, just be a dog to the gods. Although the possibility of them turning over is not ruled out, if the side you join wins, then he will help you to be promoted to demigod. "

"If Rajesh is promoted in the outside world, the music master will most likely help him, and even send gods to help him carry the fifth hell. Those ghouls also have eyesight, and they will not cause trouble at all in the ceremony where the **** master personally assists the promotion. ."

Fili looked at the silent Ash and whispered: ot but if it is to survive ot

"I recommend you to take refuge in the Lord of God, but I will never do it." Vichy said, "I would rather bet that I can pass the promotion ceremony than take the path of an angel. That would be a fall for me."

The worst devil in the world still has room to fall.

Ash suddenly said ot you won't kill yourself. ot

ot In my eyes, there is no distinction between life and death, only which one is closer to the highest. ot Vichy said firmly: If ot is a temporary affair, I don't care, but the magic temple is like a virtual wing, it is the most important foundation of a magician, and losing it is equivalent to losing the highest hope. Compared to becoming an angel, betting that you can pass the promotion ceremony is the most cost-effective option. "

"However, miracles are not free." Vichy looked at them: "When you are bound with the Lord of God, you must obey orders to compete for the power of the source angel. Unless

The one you follow wins, or you will die in this kingdom before **** comes. "

A huge sense of absurdity spread in the minds of the magicians: If you don't follow the gods, you will trigger the **** trial when the angel hunt is over; if you follow the gods, you will most likely die in the angel hunt.

Yaxiu asked, "Vichy, do you know them, Leba, Yinzhi, Longyuan, see you at night."

ot don't know. ot Vichy shook his head ot was probably an angel under the command of God. ot

Igula asked: Is it possible for ot, they are the will of God? ot

Vichy pondered for a moment, but shook his head: "The risk is too great. You can't imagine the importance of will. For example, if I capture the will of other demigods, I can basically search out most of his cards. If Master Fanxing catches The will of the God Lord, the intelligence advantage obtained by searching the will is enough for him to defeat other God Lords."

Igula nodded in agreement, and said: ot other demons will surpass the ability to synchronize, and can strengthen the magic of our magic to a new level. ot

After that, everyone looked at Fili who was eating cantaloupe. Phili blinked, put the rind down, and repeated uncertainly: ot transcends coherence? ot

Obviously, Feili doesn't know this skill at all, but Igula is not surprised. Compared with other demons with **** masters, Feili is simply an ordinary wild demon who has not received education. Perhaps as they guessed last time, the demon is just a container. After other teams find the demon, they can get the advanced elite demon by stuffing the magician's soul into it.

"Harvey," Igula gathered her thoughts and looked at the necromancer: "Do you have any additional information on your side?"

Harvey, who has been in a daze, came back to his senses, he thought for a while, and asked: ot Igula, why did you say that you would die in the demigod promotion ceremony? ot Igula was startled ot because I will perform the promotion ceremony. ot "Then you won't get it if you don't do it"

Igula went over and patted the black-skinned, curly-haired head, ot you sober up, is that something I can decide? Hell's secret poison will continue to grow my virtual wings, and once the wings are complete, the promotion ceremony will be triggered immediately. "

ot ah, yes, **** poison. ot Harvey pondered: ot can you repeat the content of the secret poison of hell? ot

"The quadruplet is the angel at the top of the Ruby Mountain." Igula became more and more strange, "Didn't you see it all?" "Wait."

Vichy looked at Harvey in amazement, and asked tentatively: ot Mr. Harvey, don't you actually know the secret poison of hell


Ash and Igula were startled and looked at Harvey in horror.

Harvey's expression was flat: "Now I know." Impossible! "Igula grabbed Harvey directly:" When Rajesh was performing the promotion ceremony, you were clearly watching me, how could you not know?"

"I saw **** coming, but I was studying the reincarnation of billions of ghouls, and I didn't pay much attention." Harvey said: "Should I know?"

"You should know!" Igula groaned in a complacent manner: "Haven't you heard of that legend before? The way for a legendary magician to become a demigod is to climb to the top of the Ruby Mountain to find the angel after condensing his four wings. Take the trial - whoever sees the picture of Rajesh's promotion will definitely be associated with this legend!" "I haven't heard of it."

Igula was completely dumbfounded. He let go of Harvey and sat on the sofa staring at the ground. Vichy asked, "Then, before you separated from Yejian, did Yejian say nothing?" It seemed so, but I didn't listen to it much. "Harvey said: "I only remember the details of the reincarnation of hundreds of millions of ghouls. UU Reading”

Ash never imagined that Harvey's withdrawn personality, if no one else was immersed in his own world, would actually keep him away from danger at a critical moment, at least once.

But on closer inspection, it's normal that Harvey has never heard of that legend - he was still a Sanctuary before entering Ruby Mountain! Sanctuary has no reason or qualification to pursue Next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

The legend of Ruby Mountain, like elementary school students, will not pay attention to the content of the high school entrance examination.

"No, this legend should be recorded in my "Ghost Manual"." Vichy was a little confused: "Have you not read the "Ghost Manual"?"

"He said that the ghost inheritance has nothing to do with the necromantic faction, so he never challenged the ghost inheritance at all." Igula suddenly said: "During that time, he was studying the dracolich in the shackles of the ghost king, and the content of the "Ghost Manual" is still me and Ya Xiu Ping told him that in small talk."

His shoulders trembled slightly: "He's always like this, he always doesn't listen to others, he doesn't care about valuable information, he thinks about his undead all the time, he talks about corpses, and the smell of corpses blows wherever we live. Where, I can't smell the smell of the food when I go to eat. I really am, I am really otot enough ot

The always elegant and calm blond fraudster suddenly smashed the glass coffee table with a punch, and Fili was shocked and instantly took the cantaloupe

When she came back, Rose opened her skirt to block the shards of glass that splashed towards Ashe, and Vichy stood directly in front of Ashe. Igola ignored the blood in his fists, pushed open the door of the villa without saying a word, and left, leaving behind everyone who looked at each other in dismay, my virtual wings seem to be growing automatically. ot Harvey took off the glass shards from his arm and said happily.

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