Technician’s Manual

Chapter 928: The end of the distant sky

Ash and Diya were already numb.


The chaotic attack and defense has lasted for a full two minutes. He, Diya and Yinzhi are dancing around and fighting wildly. He and Diya have no need to mention that their tacit understanding has reached the level of heart-to-heart. Even though Yinzhi was a temporary teammate, her fighting consciousness almost crushed the two of them. Yaxiu even felt that they were dragging Yinzhi's hind legs, and Yinzhi had to reduce her strength to cooperate with them.


Yaxiu's sword, Diya's fist, Yinzhi's gun, facing this near-perfect siege battle formation, there should be no mortal in this world that can compete.


But their enemies are not mortals, but demons.


Leba couldn't see the slightest bit of nervousness, he dodged and retreated gracefully, his body fluttering in the wind like a willow leaf. When the three of them attacked at the same time, his head backed away from the blade of Yaxiu's sword, and only his bangs were cut. Go for a little bit, then hold the ground with both hands and dance with both feet, kick Feidiya with one foot, and kick the explosive sound of bullets with one foot!


It's not even acting anymore, is it!?


To be honest, it is not impossible for Yaxiu and Diya to resist bullets only with their hands and feet. The swordsmanship sanctuary has a sword flash, and the fist and claw sanctuary naturally also has a fist flash that blocks all damage. But even they are wholehearted. It is not bad to be able to trigger a punch and a flash under the bet, and it will consume a lot of energy, and it must be cooled down for a long time before it is possible to trigger the second time.


However, how many times did Leba trigger the fist flash from the beginning of the battle!? All the attacks, all the damage, whatever he could not dodge perfectly, he would definitely use the fist flash to block perfectly!


What's even worse is that if he uses his fists and feet to cast a fist and a flash, he can even cast a fist and flash on his shoulders, and everything on his body is a medium and a weapon.


Ash couldn't help recalling what Vichy once said - the ultimate **** of archery, the ultimate power of taijutsu!


Leba's combat power level has reached the level of divine power! "Do you still want to fight?"


Le Bad took two steps back, patted the dust on his coat, and in the two-minute battle of life and death, he didn't even break his slippers, "Unless you make the phonology technique spiritual, there will be no results in the fight for a long time. Or, you two magicians try to use miracles directly?"


Diya looked at Ash, who was expressionless.


He will never let himself and Diya connect with Yinzhi, not to mention whether Yinzhi will take this opportunity to contaminate them, and more importantly, they can use miracles after spiritualization, but Yinzhi can also use their miracles!


Yinzhi is not a cute new demon like Fili, and the threat of her controlling power is too great, it's like handing a knife to the devil, I don't know if Ash can win, but Yinzhi will definitely win.


As for the use of miracles, it can be considered. Ash originally thought that they should be able to kill Leba by hitting them with their feet, but now they don't consume a shot opportunity, I'm afraid they really can't win Leba. But the problem is, he can really hurt Leba with miracles. bad?


A fist flash is a skill that can even block miracles!


You must find a suitable opportunity and find the flaws exposed by Le Bad, so that Ash can ensure that his phantom wings will not be thrown around!


As his thoughts turned sharply, Ash suddenly asked, "Is Rajesh your follower?" Zheng!


Before Yaxiu finished speaking, Leba avoided his blade and approached him like a phantom. He grabbed his wrist with his left hand, and pressed his right hand on his chest. The hands-on man, when he showed his edge for the first time, almost took off Ash's heart.


"It was you who fought that day?" Leba stared straight into Ashe's eyes, as if to see if he was lying: "You told him the secret poison of hell?"


However, Yaxiu is not surprised but happy, it seems that he has fallen into the control of Leba, but Leba is also unavoidable! At this distance, his miracle will come in an instant, Leba has no room to block!


Miracle: Heart Pen Sword Waterfall!


With the intense agitation of the golden magic power, Axiu's sword set off a violent sword light, Diya's kick and Yinzhi's gun bullet also arrived as scheduled, blocking all the evasion gaps of Leba!


"Borrow a sword and use it."


Even though he said that, Le Bad didn't intend to take away Yaxiu's sword at all. He deceived himself into his arms and directly knocked Yaxiu down. He controlled Yaxiu's wrist and swung the blade, and slashed the sword light to the flute. Ya and Yinzhi, it's as if Ya Xiu's whole body has become his sword!


Then he took advantage of the situation and threw Ash towards Diya, and turned back to block the dense shot of Yinzhi.


When Deya caught Yaxiu, the mysterious chain also quietly twisted Yaxiu's golden wings and broke it!


"Watcher—" Diya saw this situation for the first time, her hair was dirty, and she almost cried: "Your virtual wings—"


"I'm fine, I'm used to it." Ash resisted the pain of tearing his soul. He gasped for breath. He had broken more virtual wings these days than the honey roasted chicken wings he had eaten: "It will be fine in a while."

He never imagined that he would still not be able to kill a demon even after using a miracle. Just now, Leba would dodge in any direction, but he had to get close to Ash - Ash's miracle couldn't hurt him, The area in front of him must be a dead end!


However, after successfully breaking the game, Leba did not get carried away, nor did he take the opportunity to kill Yaxiu. If he still held on to himself, Yaxiu would definitely not be stingy with the third and fourth shot, but he threw himself at Diya, not only gave herself two chances, but also made Diya have to take care of herself.


"You haven't answered my question yet." Even in the face of Yinzhi's barrage storm, Joy and Bad are still at ease: "Did you tell Rajesh the secret poison of hell?"


"Accurately speaking, it's not me, it's my companion." Ash took a deep breath and stood up slowly: "But you can think of it as me, I'm her guardian. And don't tell the secret poison of hell, we Probably dead, I never regret it."


"In other words, is Rajesh forcing you to the point where you have no choice but to make him a demigod?" Leba raised his eyebrows and smiled, "That's not bad."


"Although your fight is your business, and Rajesh has actually gone through **** rituals, if it weren't for those ghouls, he would have been a newborn angel. But after all, he is my follower, don't blame me Take anger on you."


"Don't be afraid!" Yin Zhiqi said, "As long as you take refuge in this beautiful girl, I will protect you forever!"


"We are a life-and-death rivalry." Ya Xiu took a long breath and clenched his sword: "What about expressing your anger?"


"Okay." Leba took two steps back, "However, now is not the time to decide between life and death. I can't solve you, and you can't help me. If you don't plan to spiritualize..."


"Let's quietly welcome the coming of the new era together."


Ash and Diya turned their heads and saw that the mixed rainbow rising from the Holy Grail also flowed into the rainbow beam. The rainbow beam was dazzling, violent as thunder, solid as steel, and the dazzling colors drifted between them, as if they were See an unyielding soul.


It wants the sky to hide its brilliance, the earth to hide its greatness, and vows to penetrate this cage!




As if his heart beat violently, Yaxiu saw the rainbow running through the sky, extending all the way to the limit of the heaven in the dream, pointing at the star net of the Star Master!




The ear-piercing sound like a steel cord breaking through the eardrums of all the magicians, everyone stared blankly at the star net that was torn apart by the rainbow, and did not respond for a while.


Rainbow... Breaking through the cage of Master Fanxing!? Angel, did he really escape successfully?


At this time, however, Yaxiu noticed that the corners of Yinzhi's mouth were slightly upturned, and his expression was a little teasing. Leba put his hands in his pockets, looked a little sad, and sighed softly.


I saw that the torn star web changed into a purple cobweb in an instant, firmly trapping the sharp-edged rainbow. When the rainbow tore the cobweb again, the cobweb changed into an orange mask, then a cyan barrier, followed by blood red The ocean is cyclical and endless.


Yaxiu stared blankly as Rainbow broke through the siege again and again, and was beaten back again and again, until the color faded and the light came to an end, like a trapped beast hitting a cage, performing a futile struggle.


If all the magicians condense the rainbow chalice, the source angel may really be able to break through the cage at one time. But the eclipse chalice occupies half of the number, and the source angel cannot condense enough power. As long as it can't rush out at one time, the five **** masters can Take turns to slowly wear off its power.


Not only the Dharma Master Fanxing, but even the Blood Moon Extreme Master, the Omniscient Weaver, the Imagination Music Master, and the Unbounded Abyss Master who are in a competitive relationship have also stepped in to help. Although there are differences in their allocation, they have already reached an unshakable consensus. - The source angel must fall.


After Lord Senluozhan fell, they were the top of the world, the spokesperson for all beings, and their combined will was the fate of the world.


As the master of the virtual realm, will the source angel dream that he becomes the enemy of the world? It has written manuals for so many magicians, does it think that it will become an obstacle for magicians?


Finally, with the failure of the last charge, the rainbow slowly faded. At the same time, all the magicians heard that the space was collapsing, time was shaking, and the colors of the whole world began to change.


"This is the end of the history of the distant airspace."


Le Bad said softly, "From today onwards, there will be no more distant airspace."

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