Technician’s Manual

Chapter 962: wandering on the edge of love and righteousness


When the roller coaster came to a slow stop, Yaxiu saw Feili gasping for air next to him, and couldn't help laughing, "Is the reaction so serious?"

"I'm afraid of heights!" Fei Li pursed her lips, "I feel like my heart stopped just now...they still took pictures!"

"Why are you afraid of heights and still ride roller coasters?"

"If you are afraid of heights, you can't like to ride roller coasters!"

Got it, the more food you cook, the more you love to play.

Yaxiu unlocked the seat and saw that Fei Li was sitting still and stretched out her hands towards him, like a child who wanted to hug him. He blinked: "What's wrong?"

"My legs are weak." Fei Li said with a cute face, "Help me."

Yaxiu glanced at Vichy behind him, but after thinking about it, he still took Fei Li's hand and helped her up. After taking two steps, Feili turned around and led him to the next maneuver: "I want to play with the big pendulum too!"

Niya frowned and chased after, Vichy and Rose followed unhurriedly.

Igola looked at their backs, and suddenly felt that he should have nothing to do here, and he didn't like to play motor sports, so he turned his head and said, "Harvey, we—"

He looked around and found that Harvey was not there, but from a distance he saw a parade about the theme of 'corpse party' leaving, and there seemed to be a black-skinned curly figure inside.

Is there any mistake, you, a legendary necromancer, are actually attracted by this kind of boring entertainment... Igola sighed, turned around and saw a "Crystal Ball Divination" tent, and there was a row of people in front of the tent. There was a very long queue, and the left side of the door said "Know it all" and the right side said "Nothing is wrong".

He took out his mobile phone and checked, and found that "Crystal Ball Divination" in Xiaguang Paradise is actually the main project of the park. The fortune teller here is known as the number one spiritual master among the stars, who can see through people's thoughts and thoughts, and predict people's past and future !

Looking at the bragging article above, Igola has unknowingly moved to the end of the queue.

He wasn't attracted by entertainment projects, but it was really hard for him to refuse this opportunity to compete with his peers as a fraudster Igola.

"I'm so dizzy... I can't move..."

Facing Feili's pitiful gaze, Ash shrugged and had no choice but to hug Feili up.

Fei Li wrapped her arms around Ash's neck, and secretly glanced at Niya behind her. The corners of her mouth could not help but turn up slightly, which made Nya furious.

However, Fei Li didn't give Nya a chance to get mad, and quickly got off from Ash, and dragged him to a nearby booth: "Here, you can paint themed eye makeup for free! What do you want to paint, Ash?"

Yaxiu glanced at the eye makeup watch: "I want those dark circles under the eyes!"

"Master," Vichy reminded, "the evil and crazy lesbians are always lesbians, and they are not dark circles..."

Ashura said angrily, "If you talk again, I will put a helmet on for you."

"However," he raised his head to look at the sky, "it's really bright here, it's almost like daytime."

The theme of the world of flawed light and joy may only appear in the kingdom of stars, because only a world like the kingdom of stars that lives in the dark all day long will regard 'daytime' as a fantasy theme.

I saw several huge curved reflective walls covering the entire amusement park. From the outside, Xiaguang Happy World looks like a broken egg shell. These reflective walls reflect the light layer by layer, so that the interior of the theme park is illuminated with blazing white light, almost the brightest place that Ash and the others have seen since they came to the stars, and it is really like daytime.

It's just that when passengers raise their heads, they can see the dark night outside from between the reflective walls. This is the origin of the name of the 'flawed light' - the flawed day.

But this alone has already excited countless tourists. They walk in the artificial daytime world, enjoying the omnipresent light.

"Daytime?" Feili pulled Ash to the eye makeup booth, and she painted a sequined eye makeup by herself, the corners of Lying Silkworm's eyes were shining brightly, "Is it similar to the daytime outside here?"

"Hmm—" Ashura thought for a while, "It's still a lot worse. No matter how blazing the light is, it can't compare to the real sunshine."

" is it?"

"Warm, prickly

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Chapter 962 Hovering on the Edge of Love and Righteousness

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Eye-catching," Ash paused, "If starlight is a star caressing with its hair, then the sun is the star sticking out its tongue to lick."

Fei Li was a little dumbfounded: "Although I don't know what sunshine is like, I also know that your statement is too strange."

"Although there is a problem with the brain circuit of Axiu, this place is really not as good as the real sunshine." Vichy clasped his hands and said, "When you are basking in the sun and walking on the street with your sweetheart, you will really feel life Yuedong, what is dazzling is not only the sun, but also yourself.”

Feili was slightly taken aback when she heard that, and said softly: "That's great..."

At this time, Yaxiu also finished his eye makeup with dark circles. He looked in the mirror, and he really looked more like the evil and maddened Lala Fat. But he didn't mind: "What's next?"

"I want to ride that ten-loop roller coaster!"

"Aren't you afraid of fainting?"

"Isn't there still you? Let's go!"

Fei Li was so energetic that she didn't look like a person who suffered from insomnia, she dragged Ash through the wheels of various maneuvers, and some even played it two or three times. When they came to the north area of ​​Happy World, they discovered that there is a cable car going directly to the top of the mountain, and there is also a super bungy jump event on the top of the mountain.

The cable car can only take two people at a time, so naturally Fei Li sat with Ash. This kind of chairlift cable car is more roller coaster than a roller coaster because both feet are suspended in the air, and the cableway is almost vertical. Fei Li is so nervous that she almost sticks to Ya Xiu, and the sequins of her eye makeup rub against Ya Xiu's face.

Niya finally couldn't bear it this time, but before she rushed over to squeeze Yaxiu off, she was pulled away by Vicilia. Vichy said: "There will be a fireworks feast at 8:30, you all come to the central square to meet us at that time, and we will not go up."

"Okay." Ashura looked at her and nodded slightly.

The Alpine Bungy Jump lived up to their expectation of taking the cable car up, especially the Bungy Jump was built on a cliff, every time the rapid fall made Ash's heart beat a little faster, not to mention Fei Li. Every time, Feili had to be helped out by Axiu, and then excitedly lined up again.

When they noticed that the number of people in the line had decreased, they realized that it was already eight o'clock, so they hurriedly lined up to take the cable car and prepared to go down. It is more exciting to take the cable car down from above. The cable car and the cableway make a scalp-numbing sound, but the mountain area is not within the scope of the happy world, so the starlight of the clear starry sky spreads unreservedly on the cable car cableway. They seem to be returning to the world in a galaxy.

The cable car cableway is not a straight line, but rises and falls with the ups and downs of the mountains. After their cable car landed at the bottom, they suddenly found that the speed of the cable car became very slow, and then the sound of the broadcast speaker rang through the cableway: "There is a cable car coming Faulty, urgent repairs are underway, please stay calm, passengers, it is expected to resume normal operation in 15 minutes..."

"Fifteen minutes!?" Fei Li looked at her phone, a little anxious: "We don't have time to go back down the mountain to watch the fireworks!"

"It seems that we can only miss the fireworks feast." Ash comforted, "But the cable car is still very interesting, just like the Ferris wheel."

"Like the ferris wheel we rode at the end of our last date?"

Yaxiu blinked and nodded, "That's right, it's like the last date."

Feili thought for a while, then suddenly said, "I should say sorry to Niya."

"I almost monopolized all of your time today, leaving nothing to her...but I really don't want to give it up to her."

She raised her head and looked at Yaxiu, her eyes shone like stars, "This is our second date, and it may be our last."

Ash thought for a while: "This seems to be my second date too."

Fei Li pursed her lips and smiled, she took a deep breath, a faint blush appeared on her face.

"Ash, I have something to tell you."

"Vichy, do you like Fili, or hate me, or both?"

In the scenic restaurant, Niya suddenly attacked Vichy.

Vichy was eating French fries indifferently, and said, "I'm actually a very caring person—I like all small animals, whether it's sheep or hedgehogs. How could I hate you?"

"Then why..." Niya bit her lower lip lightly, "Forget it."

"I did help Fili create and Ash

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Chapter 962 Hovering on the Edge of Love and Righteousness

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A chance to be alone, but that doesn't mean I'm doing her a favor. Vichy laughed, "If I really wanted to help her, I wouldn't give her any chance to be alone with Ash."

Niya looked at her, "One of the reasons I don't like you is because you speak hard to understand."

Rose carves the steak gracefully, paying no attention to their conversation.

"Do you think that Feili is looking for a chance to be alone with Ash to say something?" Vichy laughed.

"Of course it is—" Niya almost blurted out, but when she saw Vichy's half-smile expression, she immediately realized that she must have thought wrong. But she has always been unwilling to admit her mistakes and stupidity, so she just shut up and didn't speak.

She didn't ask Weixi, and naturally she wouldn't say it, let's see who will die first.

After a while, Niya asked sullenly, "So why did you help her?"

"Because I'm also very curious." Vichy glanced at the distant mountain top: "Walking on the edge of love and righteousness, what kind of answer will Feili give."

Niya frowned, she hated this way of speaking in riddles.

"Actually, I'm more curious about you than Fili."

Vichy tilted her head: "Niya, do you really care about your relationship with Ashura?"

Niya froze and stared at Vichy for a moment, but quickly restrained herself, lowered her gaze and stopped talking, and ate dinner quietly.


Ashura said softly, "I'm listening."

"I want to tell you," Felix took a deep breath, "about the Soul Paradise project..."


"I hope, I hope you,"

The following words seemed to be stuck in her throat, she panted shallowly, but no more words could come out of her lips.

She grasped Yaxiu's arm limply, and her breathing became heavier and heavier, as if breathing had taken away all her strength.

"I hope don't..."

Feili bit her lip tightly, tears gradually blurring her vision. She leaned her head lightly on Ash's shoulder, the sound of breathing in her throat gradually turned into a whining sound, and the whining sound became louder and louder, and finally she couldn't help so hard Heart-piercing, crying hysterically, as if the grief accumulated for a long time can finally be vented unscrupulously.

Yaxiu patted her on the back and said with a smile: "Cry slowly, don't be in such a hurry, I'm afraid you may suffer from respiratory alkalosis."

"I can't say...I can't say it!" Fei Li sobbed twice and hiccupped: "I can't say anything!"

"Why can't I tell... I've clearly made up my mind..."

"Because you don't want me to get hurt, and you don't want the stars to be destroyed." Ash looked up at the stars and said, "Because you are a kind demon, Fei Li."

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Chapter 962 Hovering on the Edge of Love and Righteousness


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