Technician’s Manual

Chapter 971: booze

When Didalus's last concert started, the Canaan was driving on the land of Cangyuan at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. In the past half month, the travel speed of Yaxiu and others has accelerated in vain, and the plan has successfully advanced to 90, and they are about to travel around the stars.

The reason for the increase in efficiency is that they canceled the hotel break time, and it is enough to sleep on the high-speed rail, and start working refreshed after getting off the train. In fact, they could do this from the beginning, but Ash rejected this urgent travel plan. He thought that everyone was very anxious, and an overly intensive itinerary would make everyone's heartstrings tense and difficult to rest.

What's more important is that they are saving the world, not posting on Moments, and they can't fly around like checking in at a scenic spot. If you want Ash to remember the city, you have to let him relax first—traveling the city in such a hurry, Ash will only feel that he is on a business trip, and he will be perfunctory in his thoughts.

Moreover, even if they choose the most comfortable high-speed rail business seat, the sleeping experience of the business seat is still far inferior to that of a regular hotel bed. Yaxiu is a staunch supporter of double beds, even if he is the only one who wants to sleep on a double bed, he just has to roll on the bed to fall asleep!

Anyway, I don’t know when the angel hunting will start. I still have to combine work and rest to travel all over the land of stars and see all kinds of styles.

But on the day they left Changqiao City, because they had fully rested on the high-speed rail, they could only go with the flow and start playing directly. It was also from that day that Feili and Niya proposed to arrange rest like this in the future, try to sleep on the high-speed rail to save time, and speed up the progress of the plan.

Except for Ash, everyone agreed with this trivial change. Vichy also said convincingly: "The world is at stake, how can we still sleep? Master, you have a problem with your thinking! In order to save the world, you must be wronged!"

Therefore, in the No. 1 compartment of the Canaan, Ash slept very soundly, even if there were two regular passengers sleeping on his body, he seemed to be unaware or unaware.

Feili put her arms around his neck, her legs were clamped tightly, her back straightened, she stretched a little, and let out a lazy snorting sound, she didn't care that her round chest was pressed tightly against Yaxiu's body. She had a very good sleep quality during this period, and she relaxed as soon as she hugged Yaxiu, but she couldn't fall asleep alone in the hotel.

In fact, she also thought about whether to share the same bed with Yaxiu directly, but even if she is very bold now, she would still feel shy and timid when thinking of this. But more importantly, she felt that Niya was unlikely to be able to tolerate her connecting with Yaxiu. Sleeping together like this should be the limit that Nya can accept.

But Niya is not the main problem, and it's not impossible to avoid her. The reason why Feili didn't rush to the next step is mainly because the current Ash is too interesting and easy to bully.

She tiptoed to wash her face and brush her teeth, and put on tangerine lip gloss. When she came back, she still got into Ash's arms, and then pulled up the towel blanket to cover their heads.

Yaxiu was still sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, and Feili looked at him with the corners of his mouth upturned, like a gourmet looking at a delicious dish. She stretched out her fingers to move Ash's chin, turned his face to the other side, and pecked his lips lightly.

One click, two clicks, three clicks. Fei Li kept her eyes wide open to observe the expression of Ash. She saw that his eyelashes trembled slightly, so she knew that he had woken up, but he didn't open his eyes and pretended to be still asleep.

Covered by a towel blanket, Fei Li had no scruples, pressed her lips to him and kissed him deeply, and applied lip gloss on his lips. This is their current state-although they have exchanged their deepest thoughts with each other in the world of light and joy, their relationship has not entered a new stage because of this, and Yaxiu even has the meaning of rolling back the version.

Because at this stage, Ash really couldn't go any further with them.

The stars are at stake, and the fate of the whole world is on his shoulders. In such a tense period, it is indeed a bit of an upside-down for him to talk about love. And unless Fei Li and Niya, he will either not make progress, and once he makes progress, everyone must make progress, but two people Progress and the progress of three people, the mental energy consumed between them is not an order of magnitude.

Feili also doesn't expect Yaxiu to accept that only the two of them can make progress. If Yaxiu can give up the illusory fantasy of multiple people making progress, then he would have already become the sword girl's slave, and Feili would have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, before all events are over, it is a rational choice for their relationship to roll back to the comrade-in-arms stage.

But the more critical reason is not them, not even this world, but the sword girl and witch from another world.

It is worth mentioning that, the exchange of ideas between Ah Xiu and them is not for the purpose of furthering the relationship, but simply to respond to their sincerity and let them know that their efforts are not meaningless. But it just stops there, because Yaxiu clearly knows that the sword girl and witch are acting to rescue him in the starry country, how could he accept himself and Felinia under such circumstances?

If it wasn't for Fei Li and Niya's defenses breaking down and running away from home, Yaxiu would probably have to wait until the last moment to reveal his feelings.

Feili can even guess what Yaxiu really thinks - he will never take the initiative to advance the relationship before Yaxiu goes back to confess to Sword Fairy and Witch.

Even if Feili really sneaked into his bedroom, Yaxiu would definitely play dead and never wake up no matter what Feili played, but the next day he would rather hug Harvey than sleep alone.

But this is also unfair to Feili and Niya. Yaxiu knows that he owes them, so when they insist on sleeping with him on the high-speed rail, Yaxiu also pretends to sleep and acquiesces. The subtext is that I fall asleep and I don’t care about anything. I don't know, I don't know it just didn't happen.

After all, it's a public place, Feili and the others can't go too far! ?

It wasn't too much at first, until Philly found out that he could pull up the towel blanket to deceive himself, and the gameplay and depth of the game expanded at once.

Anyway, if others didn't see it, it didn't happen!

Fei Li kissed the corners of his lips, eyes, and cheeks, and saw that Ash's cheeks were slightly flushed, and his eyelashes were trembling, so cute that Fei Li wanted to laugh. The little sheep licked her lips and kissed her again, but this time she was no longer satisfied with the entanglement of her lips, and clumsily slipped her lilac tongue into it.

However, Yaxiu reacted greatly, not only humming lightly, but also defending the line of defense with his teeth to prevent Feili from succeeding. Feili was not discouraged, just when she was about to launch a strong attack, Yaxiu hummed heavily, then turned his head to face Niya!

Fei Li was stunned. Her first reaction was whether she was going too far, but then she pouted and became angry—it’s not that she hasn’t kissed wet before, why are you so resistant! And you dare to resist me, it’s too much, I I want to give you some color to see!

Philly looks timid, but this is based on unfamiliarity. Once she gets acquainted and she finds out the weakness of the bottom line, she will become bolder and walk on the critical line, and will lose her temper at those who prefer her, revealing the temperament of a little devil.

She lifted the towel blanket and took a look, and found that there was a bottle of red wine that Yaxiu drank before going to bed next to him, so she directly filled her mouth with the **** of the bottle, then lay on Yaxiu's neck, and licked it with her wine-stained tongue Lick his smooth neck.

Yaxiu blushed to the base of his ears, and his shoulders trembled slightly, obviously itching. But he couldn't avoid it, and he could only concentrate on suppressing the itch, not noticing that Fei Li was licking up her neck bit by bit.


In a blink of an eye, Feili leaned forward, fixed his cheek with her hand and moved it towards her, kissed him fiercely, and poured the red wine in her mouth into his mouth along her tongue, instantly breaking through his unbreakable line of defense .

"Uh, uh, uh"

Yaxiu's body trembled, his nose kept humming, he looked like I was going to wake up, I was really going to wake up, but his hands were tightly held by Fei Li and his fingers were tightly clasped, and his legs were held by a big woman in white stockings. Riding on long legs, his chest was squeezed by the soft roundness, and he couldn't get up at all!

Fei Li was not afraid of him getting mad at all, and bullied him recklessly, her warm breath hit the other party's face, and the spilled wine flowed down the corner of Ash's mouth.

It is impossible for Ash to open his eyes. Once he opens his eyes, it means that he can't even deceive himself and others, and has to enter the next stage with Feili. But as long as he closes his eyes, he can still pretend that he is asleep and doesn't know anything, and when he wakes up, everyone is still a close comrade-in-arms.

That's why Fei Li is so arrogant, you continue to sleep with you, I will continue to play with mine, wake up and resist if you have a feeling, or hold me back

Hmph, let's see if you dare to turn your face away next time!

Only when she could no longer taste the wine in her mouth did Fei Li let him go with a bang. Almost immediately, Yaxiu turned his back to her, it seemed that he was really angry, and Fei Li didn't mind, she leaned on his back contentedly, wiped his face with her sleeve, and consciously dealt with the traces of the battlefield.

After all, besides her, there are other people who want to use it.

Fei Li's movements were so intense, Niya on the other side naturally woke up long ago. However, she and Feili are completely different types. Feili looks timid, but emotionally resolute and decisive, while she looks arrogant, but her first reaction when encountering relationship problems is to avoid and retreat.

If it is said that Feili will become active when she sees Ash being passive, then Niya will become more passive when she sees Ash being passive.

So she didn't do anything for half a month, just lying quietly next to Ash. Although Niya felt a little uncomfortable seeing Fei Li getting more and more excessive, but she didn't say anything, just quietly enjoying the rare intimate time.

Seeing Yaxiu facing herself, Nya scraped the tip of his nose with her fingers, her petite body curled up in his arms and continued to sleep.


When the crisp cracking sound resounded through the entire stars, everyone bounced up immediately, opened the curtains and looked outside

"This is..." Vichy looked at the sky: "The whirlpool?"

In the boundless starry sky, a swirling red cloud appeared, so clear that it could be seen everywhere.

"It's a hole." Rose said suddenly.

Everyone can also see it, because the night is trying to swallow the vortex, and the pure crimson is actually the brilliance from the Ruby Mountain!

The sky of stars was smashed into a hole that could almost see Ruby Mountain!

"The sword girl and the witch are on the move!" Yaxiu immediately realized the situation in the other world, "But it's not enough, the sky has self-healing ability, they couldn't penetrate the sky barrier in an instant!"


Vichy took a deep breath, "Ready, ready to launch at any time!"

"Igola, Harvey!"

"Psychological preparations to step into hell? I've already had it." Igola said calmly with his hands folded on his chest.

Yaxiu shook out his dagger and swiped upwards to draw a hole in the ceiling, "Philly!"

Feili came over and was lifted onto the roof by him. Just as he was about to go up, the corner of his clothes was suddenly caught. He turned his head and saw Nya pursing her lips tightly, her brows and eyes glowing, looking at him helplessly like an abandoned little hedgehog, with her thumb, index finger, and **** tightly clutching the corner of his clothes.

This moment is the time of parting. Success or failure will bring the journey to an end.

Ah Xiu thought she would not let go, but in the next second, Niya let go of her fingers.

There was no time to waste, under Niya's astonished gaze, Yaxiu put his arms around her waist and kissed her lightly, then immediately climbed to the roof of the high-speed train.

Nya touched her lips with her fingers, but she couldn't help but pouted despite being happy, and angrily gouged out Fei Li on the roof of the car.

This kiss smells like wine.

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