Technological breakthrough: everyone is a creator

Chapter 157 Why not take the initiative?

As Tushan Tianhao walked, he pondered the intelligence he had just received. When he arrived at the Imperial Council Hall, Xia Zhentian and Si Mao Feifei were already waiting at the entrance of the hall.

"I have met His Majesty the Emperor, and His Majesty the Dean!"

"Hey! Boss, please stop slandering us. Your Majesty and His Highness are all your younger brothers and sisters! It's better to call me Zhentian."

"In public places, be careful of the impact. Besides, I have always regarded you as brothers and sisters. Don't talk about me as younger brothers or younger sisters."

"Forget it, forget it, boss, we haven't seen each other for more than a month, how come you have become more serious? Anyway, in our hearts, you will always be our boss. Boss, what's the emergency? Do you want Feifei and I both? Come over for a meeting.”

Xia Zhentian, who was wearing a black royal robe, said loudly with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Your Majesty the Emperor..."

"Boss, call Zhentian!"


"Zhentian, you have been emperor for two years and you are still so impatient. There will be a meeting soon. We will talk about it at the meeting to save me having to explain it again."

"Okay, boss, you just want to whet my appetite. You know I'm impatient and you deliberately try to temper me like this..."

Si Mao Feifei, who was standing nearby, had been quietly watching the exchange between the two without interrupting. She just nodded slightly and said hello to Tu Shan Tianhao.

She saw that Tushan Tianhao did not go into the political hall, so he must be waiting for someone. There were only a few people who could make Tushan Tianhao wait. It seemed that things today might not be simple.

Soon, National Preceptor Tu Shan Yanpu and Xia Shi Emperor Xia Yu arrived at the meeting hall with dozens of top human advisory group members. Tu Shan Tianhao welcomed them in, followed by Xia Zhentian and Si Mao Feifei. Entered the political hall.

After everyone was seated, Tushan Tianhao informed everyone of the intelligence he had just received.

Originally, all intelligence on the empire's military affairs was compiled into the royal family, which screened and shared important information with the Council of State and the Senate.

After this change of office, Xia Zhentian and Si Mao Feifei were not interested in handling government affairs, and pushed many matters directly to the Government Affairs Council. Anyway, the governing team formed by Tushan Tianhao was very efficient, and even the boss only worked on The other two people certainly followed the example of the general direction and major affairs.

"The secret spy fleet has explored several worlds ruled by the Roar Clan and found that they are mobilizing troops on a large scale and are already transporting them to the main world of Twin Wolf Star."

"According to intelligence personnel's comprehensive data from several worlds, it is roughly estimated that the troops mobilized by the deer tribe this time may exceed 500 billion, accounting for almost one-third of the total population of the deer tribe. It can be said that except for the young, old and responsible The personnel involved in the production of logistics supplies are all out in force.”

"It's still unclear which world the deer tribe will attack after gathering their forces. However, no matter who they are going to attack, we must attach great importance to such a large-scale mobilization of troops, so I have called everyone together to discuss countermeasures."

After Tushan Tianhao told the information, dozens of people present at the meeting were shocked.

"What? Mobilized 500 billion troops? Are you planning to wipe out our human race in one fell swoop?"

An ancestor of an advisory group exclaimed.

"Guo Ji Zibai, didn't you hear clearly what Tianhao just said? We're still not sure which world the Roar Clan will attack."

"Zhao Bohu, isn't it obvious that they are going to attack our Kyushu world? The other two worlds they are attacking are just hanging on. Even with the help of our staff, they will only delay their demise for a few more years."

"The worlds around the Twin Wolf Stars have all been occupied by them. Only our world of Nine Provinces is left for them to attack repeatedly. With so many troops mobilized this time, if they don't attack us, who should they attack?"

The dozens of people present at the meeting began to argue with each other.

In order to improve administrative efficiency, Tushan Tianhao has streamlined meetings at all levels. Unless there are matters that require extensive public consultation, meetings that are attended by thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people will no longer be held.

So he selected a group of highly respected and capable ancestors from the original elders and advisory groups to form the "Human Race Major Affairs Research Committee". When encountering major issues, he notified them to discuss them together, and after reaching a consensus, relevant decisions were notified to others. The relevant people are aware of it.

Once the human race leaves the solar system and embarks on a journey of cosmic conquest, new worlds will continue to be added. If any reform or important matter has to go through countless layers of approvals like before, then everyone will not have to do anything at all, and it will be impossible to deal with it in meetings every day.

Moreover, this time the civilization was promoted, nearly 30 million new saints were added, and the base of saints was greatly increased. They were no longer considered rare high-end "big guys".

As civilization continues to advance, holy ranks will become less rare in the future, and the average life expectancy will become longer and longer. Therefore, there is no need to use holy rank cultivation as the basic standard to measure everyone's status or voice in the empire.

"Sima Ranju, you said that we should proceed step by step, build countless defense lines, and gradually consume the strength of the deer tribe. Then I ask you, how should we deal with the steady increase of troops from the deer tribe? Even if every atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb Even if we exert our maximum effect, we will not be able to eliminate more than 500 billion antelopes!"

"What's more, if the other two alien civilizations are wiped out, they can increase their military strength by more than 200 billion. How should we respond?"

"Also, they have several true affiliated worlds to provide logistics. We are just a Kyushu world. Even if we temporarily resist their attack with nuclear bombs and new weapons, we can't fight the consumption of various materials. The longer the war lasts, the more The more disadvantaged we are.”

"Sun Changqing, do you think there is no other way to deal with the continuous attacks of hundreds of billions of wild antelopes besides taking every step?"

"Relying on your ingenious plans to make surprise attacks? Even if you occasionally win with less and win more, can you change the entire situation of the war?"

"In the face of absolute strength, all tricks are useless."

"Can't we combine surprise and rightness? While holding on, we can attack by surprise..."

Tushan Tianhao listened to everyone arguing for a long time, discussing how to resist and defend the attack of the deer tribe, and said:

"Seniors, why do we have to defend? Can't we take the initiative?"

"Take the initiative?"

"How is this possible? Our boundary barriers are all blocked by the rooster tribe. Even every time we send a few spy ships into the star sea, we have to dispatch a lot of troops to open up routes."

"Why is it impossible? It's not like all the 500 billion soldiers of the Zhanzhu Clan were transported to the Kyushu True Realm battlefield at once. Now there are only tens of billions of troops left to surround us in the Kyushu World Boundary Barrier."

"Why can't we take the initiative to completely annihilate them, and then destroy their starry sky channels so that they can't continuously send troops over?"

"We can even follow the starry sky passage to counterattack their home world."

"I heard a saying, the best defense is attack!"

"I think that our human race is now strong enough to use offense instead of defense!"

Tushan Tianhao's words made everyone stunned, and then they all turned around.

"Huh? This is a good idea. Why do we only think about defense and not counterattack?"

"We were frightened by the figure of 500 billion troops just now, and we only thought about how to resist it. Now that Tianhao reminded us, we discovered that this idea of ​​proactive attack is better than passive defense."

"Replace defense with offense, good!"

"Having been blocked by the Roar Clan for thousands of years, I have become accustomed to defensive thinking. Every time I face their large-scale attack, I think about how to defend. Once I have stabilized my position, I think about breaking the situation through a surprise attack."

"Our human race's current military strength, including the Gundam Mecha Legion, has exceeded 100 billion. We can definitely take the initiative! Why wait for the Roarer Clan to continuously transport hundreds of billions of troops?"

"It will take many years to transport their hundreds of billions of troops. We can launch an active attack in advance and completely eliminate all the enemies within our boundary barrier before they can transport enough troops." Monkey tribe.”

As soon as the nature of the response changed, everyone's minds opened up and they all offered suggestions and advice. One said how to take the initiative, another said how to prevent the deer from counterattacking, and the next said how to use atomic bombs for sneak attacks...

Dozens of human race bosses who were a little worried just now because they heard the news about the gathering of hundreds of billions of antelopes were not even half anxious at this time. They all expressed their opinions passionately and full of fighting spirit, as if they were suppressed. The giant mountain that had dominated the human race for thousands of years suddenly became vulnerable.

Seeing the change in everyone's status, Tushan Tianhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the ancestors present today were not confused by the sudden news and were thrown into disarray, causing the human race to be unable to unite as one. It is impossible for the Roar Clan to bring much crisis to the human race.

Unless the three-level starry sky channel of the Roar Clan can be upgraded to the fourth level at once, and 500 billion troops can be gathered into the solar system in a short time to launch a full-scale attack, then even if the human race has nuclear weapons, it will definitely be difficult to compete.

But obviously that is impossible. If they had that technology, they would have wiped out the human race many times. The tens of billions of troops stationed at the boundary barrier of the Kyushu world are much stronger than the original human race many times. Launching large-scale attacks also ended in failure. The tenacity of the human race exceeded their imagination.

Soon, everyone in the congregation reached a consensus to take the initiative and began to discuss specific implementation details.

Tushan Tianhao had no experience in how to carry out such a large-scale battle. Together with Xia Zhentian and Si Mao Feifei, he was a good student and listened to these ancestors who had commanded countless large-scale battles discuss various arrangements. .

"Xi Jia, you were the first person to fly an aircraft into the starry sky passage to pursue the Zoeler clan when our human race counterattacked the Zoeler clan more than two thousand years ago, and successfully occupied the opponent's starry sky before reinforcements arrived. Passage base. Do you think we have a chance to seize the third-level starry sky passage of the Roaner tribe in one fell swoop this time and counterattack their home world?"

"Senior Shaokang, Xi Jia's success in occupying the starry sky channel of the Zhanzhan tribe was very accidental. The remaining personnel here were eliminated by my surprise attack. I did not have time to close the starry sky channel, and the guards over there did not expect to suddenly appear in front of them. The person next to me was a human race, so I successfully attacked him by surprise."

"Now that the starry sky channel of the Zhanzu clan has been upgraded to level three, there must be many times more people stationed there. It will be difficult for a sneak attack to succeed."

"But the starry sky channel can accommodate more spaceships. Why don't we have the opportunity to occupy their starry sky channel?"

"Shaokang, it makes no sense for us to occupy their starry sky channel now, because the distance between the main world of the Zhanzhan tribe and our world of Kyushu is very far, and there are many starry sky channel transfer bases built in the middle. If we occupy one, they can take the rest at any time. Closed or even destroyed.”

"Second Ancestor, maybe we can drive straight in and directly reach their main world? What's more, even if they are cut off in the middle, we can save a large section of the starry sky passage and save countless resources."

"Shaokang! How many times have I told you not to call me 'Second Ancestor'? This title has been broken by Tu Shan Tianhao and has become a special title for those arrogant and domineering family members."

While Xia Qi corrected Xia Shaokang's title, he glanced at Tu Shan Tianhao on the podium with some resentment.

"You are truly the 'Second Ancestor'! According to the First Ancestor, back then you..."

Seeing Xia Qi's increasingly stern eyes, Xia Shaokang's voice became lower and lower.

"Whether we can occupy the starry sky channel of the Roarling Clan, we will discuss it as the next step. Our first step is to focus on how to quickly and effectively eliminate the active forces of the Roaring Clan."

"Ziqiao, there are twelve major star regions in the boundary barrier. The Zhanzu tribe has an average of about five billion troops stationed in each star region. It is very difficult for us to quickly eliminate them."

"Even if we send all the Gundam Mecha Legions to join the battle, we will only have twice as many troops as the Roar Clan. It will be very difficult to annihilate them quickly. We must fight steadily and advance step by step..."

"Huang Duozi, the step-by-step approach is too conservative. It will give the Zhanzhan clan enough time to increase their troops. It is not advisable. We should fight quickly..."

Everyone discussed for a whole day and formulated several combat plans with active attack as the core. The ancestors present each received some combat tasks and went to the twelve major star regions of the boundary barrier to take charge of the combat command of several major war zones. …

Tu Shan Tianhao, Xia Zhentian and Si Mao Feifei were also assigned corresponding tasks.

After the meeting, the empire officials immediately issued an announcement to the people of Kyushu through major media. The world of Kyushu will enter a "wartime state" from now on, and all affairs of the empire will be given top priority to meet the needs of the war.

After the official news was released, there was no panic and chaos that the decision-makers were worried about. On the contrary, all the people responded positively, and many people from various places petitioned to go to the front line to join the war.

The various competitions among the people in the spiritual world of Kyushu to compete for the quota of Gundam robots have become more intense. They all want to transfer Gundam robots as soon as possible to catch up with the war between the human race and the wolf clan.

After the loosening of information control in the past two years, people from both worlds in Kyushu have greatly increased their recognition of the official Zhongxia Empire.

The main reason is that the various reform measures launched by Tushan Tianhao have gradually begun to take effect, making everyone truly feel that the imperial official is indeed working hard for the progress of the entire human race.

The official media also often reports on the actual situation on the battlefield between the two worlds, analyzing and commenting on the threats faced by the human race from the deer tribe.

Therefore, the people have long been psychologically prepared for the upcoming crisis brought by the deer tribe. Not only are they not afraid, but they are also full of fighting spirit, shouting that they will fight for themselves, their families, their people, and their country!

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