Chapter 193 Shock...

Haven't you made up your mind yet?

Aren’t you doubtful about the images played by the human race?

Then go to the scene and experience for yourself how a civilization that is more powerful than yours was completely abused by the human race!

Of course, the human race also needs to be prepared in advance. These alien civilizations cannot be allowed to discover the existence of other alien civilizations, nor can they discover some shortcomings of the human race's weapons. They can only be allowed to see what the human race wants them to see.

In the early stage, we must also fully understand the spiritual world of the "Yong Rong Tribe" and collect sufficient intelligence, so as not to cause any accidents and let those alien civilizations see the joke of the human race.

Well, first let the diplomatic mission send an ultimatum to the "Yong Rong Clan", telling them that the human race will launch a general attack on them in one month, and let them mobilize as many troops as possible to the front line of the spiritual world, so as to annihilate them in one fell swoop. Vigorous.

The human race should take advantage of this month to make various preparations, fully understand the information about the "Yong Rong Clan", and try to know ourselves and our enemies.

One month passed quickly, and the human race was ready to go to the spiritual world to fight against the "Yong Rong Clan".

Since the eight alien civilizations have signed an armistice agreement with the human race, the human race has gathered the eighth- and ninth-level elites from several battlefields to the "Yongxu Clan" spiritual world battlefield.

Originally, the human race's military strength in the spirit world in recent years was mainly concentrated in the crystal clan spirit world, trying to occupy the crystal clan spirit world in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, the crystal clan was a bit stubborn and actually held on to the remaining one-third of the spirit world territory, leaving the humans unable to do so. Destroy them all in a short time.

On the spiritual battlefield of the "Yong Rong Clan", after the human civilization was promoted to the fourth level, only 2 billion troops were retained in the past few years to maintain a stable war situation.

Nowadays, the human race has reached an armistice agreement with eight alien civilizations, and has gathered more than 20 billion eighth- and ninth-grade spiritual world soldiers, plus billions of eighth- and ninth-grade soldiers from the true human race, forming a total of 30 billion eighty-nine-level soldiers. An elite group of products.

If it weren't for the soldiers who were converted into robots, and their soul bodies were bound by the laws of puppetry and summoning, they could only log in to the Jiuzhou Spirit Network to use the most basic browsing information and communication functions, and could not return to the spirit world to fight in the spirit state, then the human race There can also be tens of billions more eighth- and ninth-grade spiritual soldiers.

However, this group army composed of 30 billion eighth- and ninth-grade elite soldiers has far exceeded the imagination of these dozen or so alien civilizations in the spiritual world.

What's more, the human race now has more than 30 million holy-level masters. This is the core combat power of a civilization, and it is more important than any low-end combat power, no matter how numerous it is.

This month, the human race built a huge suspended combat platform more than ten miles in front of the "Yong Rong Clan" spiritual world pass.

In addition to the "Yongxi Clan", the other thirteen alien civilizations in the spiritual world that have been at war with the human race for more than two thousand years all sent an "observation team" at the request of diplomats to the "Yongxi Clan Spiritual Clan". battlefield".

At this moment, the members of these alien civilization observation groups, accompanied by their chief and deputy envoys, were watching the upcoming war in a specially built room on the suspended combat platform.

Before the war started, in order to let these alien civilizations know that the human race was a "peace-loving" race that would not take the initiative to provoke war, the frontline generals were also specially asked to come to them with a "declaration of war."

Counting the crimes of aggression committed by the "Yong Rong Tribe" for more than two thousand years, and their failure to accept the many sincere demands for "peace" made by the human race to this day. Therefore, the human race had to take strong measures to end the war with war...

During this period, the human race also dispatched several top-level masters at the level of creators to sneak into the "Spirit Realm of the Yongxi Tribe" and found out that they had gathered approximately 30 billion troops, and had indeed been promoted to a third-level civilization. The strength has improved a lot than before.

Regarding the situation related to the "Yong Rong Tribe", the Human Race Diplomatic Mission introduced various image materials captured by top spies of the "Creator" level to other alien civilizations in detail to let them understand the powerful comprehensive strength of this third-level civilization. .

Since we are killing monkeys to scare chickens, rather than killing chickens to scare monkeys, it is natural to let the "chickens" understand the power of the "monkeys".

The "Declaration of War" clarified the justice of the human race in launching this war. The enemy had a reputation and had to fight.

After reading the "Declaration of War", the battle officially begins!


A loud noise that shook their souls frightened many members of the alien civilization observation group and fell to the ground...

In order to frighten these alien civilizations, in the specially built "giant gun launch room", an "anti-matter spiritual obliteration cannon" that had been prepared in advance directly fired "anti-matter spiritual obliteration bombs".

Among the observation groups of the Kurokan Civilization, there was a general who experienced an "anti-matter spiritual bomb" passing through not far from his feet on the pass. He heard a loud noise and saw the "Spirit Realm of the Yongxi Clan" in the middle of the pass. Instantly, a deep hole with a diameter of ten miles appeared. He was so frightened that he trembled all over. He fell to the ground, pointed forward with trembling fingers, and stammered in his native language: "Just, just, this, this..."

The last time they went back on their word was only the members of the "Pussis Civilization" observation group who were used by the diplomatic mission led by Zhang Yi to blow up the pass with a spiritual crystal bomb. At this time, they were all terrified.

It is said that the human envoy who was sent to their "Psisi Civilization" at that time was a civil servant with a relatively mild temper. If he replaced him with one with a more grumpy temper, the consequences would be...

In the video that the human mission later played over the pass, a bad-tempered envoy directly used this super weapon to penetrate the pass of another civilization, and even the headquarters tens of thousands of miles away were blown into pieces. Nothingness...

The other six observation groups of different civilizations that have signed the "Armistice Agreement" no longer have any doubts about the images played by the human race, including the "Crystal Clan" who promptly agreed to double the compensation from the human race. The viewing representatives all felt very lucky. Fortunately, the highest The leader signed the "truce agreement" in time and was not swayed by the thoughts of a few "questioners" and "warriors", otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

After receiving the second ultimatum from the human race, the four alien civilization observation groups, although they reluctantly agreed to the "truce agreement", still wanted to bargain over some of the terms of the truce. After seeing the scene in front of them in the observation room, all the members My face turned pale with fear (uh! It doesn’t seem to be white, but green is greener, green is greener)...

The "Armistice Agreement" must be signed. After returning home, he immediately urged the supreme leader to sign...

The members of the observation groups from different civilizations are basically elites with considerable status within their civilization.

As for the "olive branch" thrown by the human race, the members of the observation group of the "Gangshan tribe" civilization who refused to negotiate for the first time and only reluctantly agreed to exchange for the second time were even more overwhelmed by the power of the "big cannon". My legs were shaking with shock, and the horns on my head kept changing color, sometimes red, then black, then white...

In fact, except for the two alien civilizations that had experienced the power of the new weapons of the human race last time, other alien civilizations had some doubts about the images played by the human race.

They are all civilizations that have been fighting against the human race for more than two thousand years. It is really unbelievable that such a powerful weapon suddenly appeared on the human race.

It's just that the progress of these alien civilizations has been very slow. The war in the spiritual world that lasted for nearly three thousand years has not only made the human race exhausted, it has also severely dragged them down.

For more than a thousand years, it has been at a disadvantage and has no longer wanted to continue fighting with the human race in the spiritual world.

Faced with the thorny "olive branch" offered by the human race, most alien civilizations gritted their teeth and accepted the "truce agreement". They were not completely frightened by the images played by the human race.

However, now that they have seen the power of the "Anti-Material Annihilation Bomb", no one can doubt what the human diplomatic mission said.

The human race is indeed powerful, but they focus their development on the real world and have little interest in expanding the spiritual world, so they have not mobilized troops to attack them in a large scale.

These alien civilizations are all existences that are much older than the human race, and they know more about the civilization of the universe. Otherwise, they would not follow the fluctuations in space and attack the human race's spiritual world.

They know that some cosmic civilizations do not even build attached spiritual worlds, and they can understand civilizations like the human race that do not value the spiritual world.

Looking at the weapons and puppet soldiers they use to attack enemies in the real world, their power is indeed far beyond that of the third- and fourth-level cosmic civilizations they know.

In the endless universe, in any large world or in any star field, the number of advanced civilizations is always a minority, and the vast majority are primary civilizations below level three.

Moreover, among the ranks of primary civilizations, the largest proportion of low-level civilizations in the star have not been classified.

Therefore, these second-level civilizations are actually quite good existences within certain parts of the star field.

The probability of encountering mid-to-high-level civilizations above level 4 or 5 is very low. If there were many mid-to-high-level civilizations in the entire universe, every large star field might have been unified by a few civilizations, and there would be no room for lower-level civilizations.

In fact, the number of civilizations around the solar system is somewhat abnormal. Other star fields in the Milky Way may not have such dense civilizations, and other large worlds outside the Milky Way may not have such dense racial civilizations.

Of course, the closer the civilization is to the center of each large world, the more powerful it is. Perhaps they are too powerful and cannot look down on the lower civilizations on the periphery, or they may not be able to adapt to the "bad" environment on the periphery...

In short, these dozen alien civilization observation groups were all extremely depressed after seeing the "anti-matter obliteration bombs" launched by the human race. The development of this human civilization is too fast!

It has only been a few thousand years, but it has developed to such a high level. Is the human race a reborn race of an ancient civilization?

With the inheritance of ancient civilization, is that why civilization advances so quickly?

You must know that among the cosmic civilizations, many races have remained in the first- and second-level civilizations for decades or millions of years, or even in the stage of ignorant civilization within the planet for millions of years.

The universe has been around for billions of years. If all civilizations were developing at such a fast pace, all civilizations would have already reached level nine or above, and there would be no low-level civilizations left.

This human race didn't even know how to block space fluctuations when they built the auxiliary spiritual world more than 2,000 years ago, but now their strength far exceeds them...

A few minutes later, a void tunnel with a diameter of ten miles and a length of 50,000 miles was born in the "Spiritual World of the Yongxi Clan".


Once again, there was a loud sound that resounded through millions of miles of space in the spiritual world.

A spherical void with a radius of ten thousand miles appeared instantly after the "anti-matter spiritual annihilation bomb" reached the target end point, and the "General Finger of the Yongxi Clan's Spirit World" turned into nothingness...

Two minutes later, the heads of the diplomatic missions reported the results of this "cannonball" to the observation groups. Of the 30 billion "Yongrong Tribe" soldiers, about 5 billion had been reduced to nothingness, and there were still more than a dozen Billions of mutilated limbs are constantly struggling...

When the members of the Kurokan tribe’s observation group heard about the results of the battle and saw the tragic scene in the Yongdi tribe’s pass, they couldn’t help but feel sad and empathize with them!

The members of the observation group of other alien civilizations were even more silent, and their power was truly beyond imagination. Watching it through the video, I have never been more shocked than seeing it live.


Another loud noise!

Not far from the "void tunnel" with a diameter of ten miles just now, a "void tunnel" with a diameter of ten miles appeared again.

The "Yong Rong Clan Spirit World" pass, which is only fifty miles wide and thirty miles high in total, has become shaky after two huge door openings were dug. The remaining structure may collapse at any time. Standing at the top of the pass is Yong Rong. All the soldiers of the Mon tribe were so frightened that they trembled all over.

The thirteen members of the alien civilization observation group were all stunned by the loud sound that shook their souls again.

well! This powerful weapon is indeed not rare among the human race!

According to the leader of the human race diplomatic mission, these envoys to other civilizations all carry several such weapons with them to prevent accidents.

The representative of the Kurokan clan looked bitterly at Jisu Jizi and Siomao Metternich who were accompanying him. You are so powerful. You have already broken out of the pass. Why do you still need to launch such a powerful weapon? ah? It's not right for us to go back on our word, so you won't be so angry, right? Fortunately, you only fired one. According to feedback from frontline soldiers, you all took out two at that time...

It's pity for our soldiers who were injured by this weapon. So far, we have not found a way to treat and recover.

The most terrifying thing is that none of the souls of those sacrificed soldiers have returned and condensed after so long...

The representatives of the "Psis" civilization kept wiping the "sweat" on their foreheads. Fortunately, the leader of their civilization who was sent as an envoy at that time had a gentle personality...

The representatives of the "Crystal Clan" civilization exclaimed in their hearts that they were lucky. Fortunately, the human race had never used this weapon against them on the battlefield, otherwise they might not have many of their tens of billions of spirit world soldiers left.

A few minutes later, I heard the accompanying human leader once again report the results of the battle, annihilating about three billion soldiers of the "Yong Rong Clan", maiming about one billion people, and destroying several base buildings...

The representatives of the "Gangshan Clan" civilization could no longer stand on their three legs, and they all fell to the ground and shivered. Everyone screamed in their hearts to ask the current clan leader to sign the "truce agreement" immediately when they got back...

After the leader's announcement, many of the other attendants in each room said in an understatement that this could only be regarded as a small-scale battle. The human race often deployed hundreds of billions of troops to fight against other civilizations in the true world...

Hearing the "Versailles" language spoken by the human escorts, all the members of the more than a dozen alien civilization observation groups began to tremble even more.

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