Technological breakthrough: everyone is a creator

Chapter 199 Adding another subsidiary civilization

"Commander Jia, don't leave! If you leave, we won't be able to defeat the deer tribe!"

"Commander Jia, stay and help us, we don't want to be exterminated!"

"Military Master Jia, we are willing to become a subsidiary of human civilization!"

"Commander Jia, don't give up on us. We have no way to resist the Zhanzhan tribe..."

"Commander Jia, don't leave, our frontline has been retreating steadily..."

The spaceport was suddenly in chaos, and words of reluctance for various reasons continued to be heard.

The Baqingwei Emperor and the top leaders of the fire elf civilization heard the different words shouted by the soldiers with their own spiritual powers. Their expressions were changing, and their hearts were extremely tangled.

Lu Buwei was so happy that he didn't expect that Jia Du Shi had a good acting talent. After returning to Kyushu World, he can be invited to participate in movies and TV scripts created by the screenwriters led by Xiao Guoshi.

Lu Buwei tried his best to break away from Ba Qingwei's hand and said:

"Ba Qingwei Emperor, Commander Jia and I will take our leave. The next time we meet, I believe you have led the heroic fire spirit civilized soldiers to repel the wolf and regain the lost territory!"

Ba Qingwei grabbed Lu Buwei's arm again.

"Envoy Lu, don't leave. What will we do if you leave? You see the soldiers are making such a fuss, something will definitely happen."

"It's okay, it's okay, they won't make trouble if we leave..."

"No, Commander Lu, we will be finished if you leave..."

Half a day later, at Lu Buwei's suggestion, the Fire Spirit Civilization held an unprecedented "on-site referendum" at the Spaceport of the Territory Barrier Headquarters.

Referendum result: Human civilization, add another subsidiary civilization.

The main civilization of the Fire Spirit Civilization, as a mechanical fire civilization that has developed for tens of thousands of years, still has a very profound technological foundation.

After all, he has ruled more than a dozen worlds, large and small, and communication technology is still relatively advanced.

Now all the people in each world have gathered in the main world, and they are all within the coverage of the Fire Spirit Civilization's Heavenly Dao Spirit Network.

Therefore, the unprecedented "referendum" on the Fire Spirit Civilization came to a conclusion very quickly. Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the people voted for the Fire Spirit Civilization to join the human civilization and become a subsidiary of the human civilization.

After the results of the "referendum" came out, Ba Qingwei and all the official bosses of Huo Jing Civilization were a little depressed.

Unexpectedly, more than 99% of the fire elves, the core race of civilization, which accounted for 20% of the total population, were willing to become affiliated with human civilization.

Qingwei, the emperor of the great empire of the Fire Spirits, and other senior officials felt a little frustrated. They did not expect that the "referendum" would have such a one-sided result.

For ten days, they, the top officials of the empire, had been quarreling with each other, and they could not always agree on the same opinions. As a result... they were just like a joke, it was such a failure!

However, in the "referendum" held in front of the human diplomatic corps and military advisory group, it was a foregone conclusion that they would join the human civilization and become a subsidiary, and they could not go back on it.

Ba Qingwei had no choice but to sign the "Memorandum of Intention of Fire Spirit Civilization to Submit to Human Civilization" with the human diplomatic mission certified by Tianda, under the remote witness of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and people at the scene through the spirit network video.

The formal surrender ceremony requires the leader of the fire elf clan, Qingwei, to go to the human race's Jiuzhou world, or the human race's national master to come to the fire elf world to hold it.

The fire spirit civilization can be so smoothly attached to the human race, but the reason behind it is actually not that simple.

Based on the information fed back by Lu Buwei and Jia Xu, the think tanks of Tushan Tianhao and Shangshutai studied and formulated several plans for Lu Buwei and Jia Xu to use flexibly according to the actual situation.

In the past few months, the members of the diplomatic corps and the military advisors have not been in vain. Hundreds of thousands of people, including all the escort soldiers, have been mobilized to inadvertently " It revealed many advantages of the human race such as "beautiful harmony", "advanced development", "unity and progress", and "unlimited potential".

Eighty percent of the population structure of the Fire Elf civilization was developed by races that were successively occupied and integrated by the Fire Elf tribe.

After tens of thousands of years of development, the fire elves, the core race of civilization, accounted for only 20% of the entire civilized population.

In the past few hundred years, all affiliated civilizations have lost their respective main worlds in the face of the attacks of the Roar Clan. The core race of the civilization, the Fire Elves, has long lost its cohesion.

Now that even the main world is in danger and its demise is imminent, the official power of the Fire Spirit United Empire has little deterrent effect on people of all races.

Perhaps the Fire Elves have some trump card that allows their civilization to escape and continue in other star regions without worrying about being annihilated by the Roar. But other races don't have this kind of trump card. Once they perish, they will really disappear from the universe completely.

What's more, the fire elf clan itself is also a combination of fire and goblins. The core life of the fire may be able to escape to other star regions and continue to cooperate with other races, becoming the "fire wolf clan", "fire snake clan" and the like.

But the goblins will have no choice but to be wiped out by the deer tribe along with the main world. Even if they are not destroyed, they will probably have the fate of becoming food for the deer tribe.

Moreover, if the fire core lifeforms want to escape to other star fields and reproduce again, they should also pay a huge price. At least now, the souls and memories of these fire lifeforms cannot exist. That is a complete transformation and rebirth from the origin of the race. .

So what is the relationship between the newly born fire beings in the future and them now?

Therefore, in the absence of a truly desperate situation, how many fire spirit civilized people are willing to give up everything and become the burial companions of fire spirits along with a few extremely stubborn racists?

In the past ten days, the military advisers of the Human Race Military Group have been saying goodbye to the soldiers in the theaters of the distributed boundary barrier, saying "we will never see each other again"...

The pessimistic expectations for the "Fire Elf Civilization" are vividly expressed, and by the way, they "reveal" some top-secret news that the top leaders of the Fire Elf Clan are reluctant to give up their rights, are unwilling to become affiliated with the human race, and are unwilling to join the Anti-Elf Alliance...

The communication technology of the Fire Spirit Civilization is already relatively advanced, and hundreds of billions of people of all races are concentrated in the main world that is fully covered by the Fire Spirit Tiandao Spirit Network. All kinds of information are transmitted at a very fast speed.

Of course, there are human beings behind today's farewell scene. For example, when bidding farewell to the soldiers of the fire spirit civilization, he deliberately said with emotion, "I don't know if I will have the chance to see you one last time when I board the spaceship and leave the fire spirit world." Words like "One glance"...

The words Lu Buwei and Jia Xu said while acting caused the relevant people to be simultaneously transmitted to various parts of the Fire Spirit world.

Only a few hundred thousand people came to see them off, but in fact, those who Jia Xu and others had commanded in battles over the years probably included all the soldiers of the Fire Spirit Civilization. With a casual hint, let the soldiers who were present to see off the scene live broadcast the farewell scene for those who could not be present. After a few rounds of broadcasting, the whole people would know it.

Lu Buwei deliberately said that information to make the people of Huo Jing Civilization finally make up their minds to put aside the decision-making of the ruling class of Huo Jing Civilization and take the initiative to integrate into human civilization through the "referendum" method he suggested at the right time.

It was almost time to "board the plane" and there were still no demonstrators to try to persuade the human race to stay. Lu Buwei thought the performance was a failure, but he didn't expect that Jia Xu "waved his hand" and "sexed up the drama" in the end.

Therefore, in fact, it is not simple to trick the fire spirit civilization into joining the human civilization. The success of the whole plan requires the wisdom and hard work of countless human elites.

Now that the Huo Jing Civilization has become one of their own, Jia Xu and the others in the military advisory group naturally do not need to rush back to the world of Kyushu for a "vacation". Instead, they quickly take a spaceship and rush to various war zones to stabilize the war situation.

In order not to alert the enemy and let the Roar Clan discover that the Human Race had arrived in this star field, the diplomatic mission did not even bring out the advanced weapons unique to the Human Race before the large support force of the Human Race arrived. It only provides a large number of spiritual crystal bombs similar to the commonly used weapons of the Fire Elf civilization to help temporarily stabilize the situation in the war zone where the battle situation is tight.

Three days later, when the situation in the Fire Spirit world stabilized, Lu Buwei took Ba Qingwei and representatives from all walks of life and races in the Fire Spirit civilization to set off on a spaceship and rushed back to the Kyushu world...


The diplomatic mission from Linggan Civilization was led by Xu Fu.

This guy who corresponds to the time and space of the earth and can fool even Qin Shihuang is also a genius in the Kyushu world who has been eloquent since he was a child.

However, he encountered a difficult opponent in Linggan Civilization. The various plans developed by the human race's think tanks were not effective in execution.

It was about time for the Government Council to plan the return of various diplomatic missions to the Kyushu world, but the progress of the Linggan tribe's compromise to join the human civilization was very slow, which made him very depressed.

It's not because the crisis faced by the Linggan tribe is weaker than that of the Fire Spirit tribe, but because the "Holy Spirit Prophet" of the Linggan tribe is an old guy who is more cunning than Xu Fu.

Although the ruling elders of the Linggan tribe are slightly inferior, they are all greasy old dough sticks and are difficult to deal with.

This plant-associated civilization does not have outstanding attack and defense. It relies entirely on overdrafting the geothermal energy of various planets to continuously create new soldiers. It has always resisted the roe deer tribe with war losses several times worse.

In the past ten years, we have relied entirely on the advice of the Human Race Military Council to survive until now.

As a civilization with a plant attribute, it is indeed lacking in the field of war intelligence. It is almost always passively beaten, and its attack methods are relatively limited.

However, their basic lifespan is much higher than that of the human race. If they do not encounter war, ordinary people can basically live for several thousand years. Therefore, a civilization with neither outstanding attack and defense nor outstanding war wisdom can survive for hundreds of thousands of years. In the long years, it has developed into a third-level cosmic civilization.

The Holy Spirit prophets and ruling elders of the Linggan tribe can really be regarded as "people who have matured with age".

As soon as the diplomatic mission led by Xu Fu arrived at Linggan Civilization, they were warmly received by them for a while...

When the communication fleet returned from the round trip, bringing with it the choice of "joining" or "submitting" to the Human Race's Administrative Council, the Linggan Clan was not as angry as the leader of the Emperor of the Fire Clan, who kept yelling at the human race for extortion and taking advantage of the situation.

The Holy Spirit Prophet of the Linggan Tribe acted as if he didn't see it and suppressed a few ruling elders who had some abnormalities.

In the next few days, he and Xu Fu had a lot of hard work, changing the conditions for joining the Human Race drawn up by the Human Race Council beyond recognition. As for the suggestion of joining the Human Race and becoming a subordinate civilization, they were even more distorted beyond imagination.

In the past few months, in the process of carrying out the tasks of the Government Affairs Council, Sima Yi and the members of the military advisory group, who had stayed in Linggan civilization for ten years, had not played much role at all. On the contrary, they were fully exploited by the Linggan tribe and dragged Xu Fu and others into the water. .

It's not that Sima Yi and the members of the military group betrayed the human race, or were bribed by the Linggan tribe to help them obtain some favorable conditions.

But because in the past ten years, according to the definition of the Linggan clan, the human clans of the military group, including Sima Yi, all have an additional identity, that is, they are the "son-in-law" of their Linggan civilization.

Moreover, not only the members of the military advisory group, but also the members of the human diplomatic corps who had just arrived in the Linggan tribe for half a year, including Xu Fu, were also considered the "sons-in-law" of the Linggan tribe.

Ten years ago, in order to establish a friendly and harmonious relationship with the Linggan tribe, Sima Yi asked his accompanying guard Tu Shandaiping to accept the "senior companion Linggan" presented by the Linggan tribe on his behalf.

This Tushan Daiping was Tushan Tianhao's third uncle. He was extremely reluctant to accept it, but it was Sima Yi's hard and soft approach that forced him to accept it.

Although this Tushan Daihei was a blessing in disguise during the "Spiritual Erosion Technique" crisis and was promoted to some cultivation qualifications, he was not that outstanding.

Even though he had obtained a lot of training resources in the "Star Sea Exploration Fleet" all year round, he was only at the ninth level and seventh level at that time, which was insignificant to the human race with tens of millions of holy levels at that time.

Unexpectedly, soon after he accepted the "Advanced Companion Linggan" presented by the Linggan tribe, his cultivation level began to improve by leaps and bounds.

Three months later, he was easily promoted to Universal Saint. Half a year later, he was actually promoted to Creation Saint. And two years later, with the help of the promotion of human civilization, he broke through to the high level of Creation God, which can be regarded as entering the human race. Among the top masters, further down are the rare creators.

It is simply beyond everyone's imagination that Tushan Daihei's innate talent can reach such a high level.

Then, when faced with the "sugar-coated bullets" that the Linggan tribe has been constantly offering, such as the gift of "companion Linggan" to them, the members of the military council half-heartedly accepted it.

Seeing the rapid improvement of the soldiers' cultivation, in the end even Sima Yi could not resist the temptation and accepted the "Companion Linggan" presented by the Linggan tribe.

After Xu Fu led the diplomatic mission to Linggan Civilization, they were also envious when they saw Sima Yi and the others' rapid improvement in cultivation.

Soon, the members of the diplomatic corps were moved by the "sincerity" of the Linggans, and they happily accepted the "Companion Linggan" presented by the Linggans.

Of course, everyone insisted that they accepted gifts from the Linggan tribe in order to increase their cultivation speed. No one would admit that they were doing it because they could shape their image and gender according to their own wishes when signing a soul contract with the "Companion Linggan".

After discovering that various plans had not achieved the desired results, Xu Fu and Sima Yi were also anxious. The time for their return given by the Government Affairs Council was getting closer and closer, and they did not have so much time to linger with the Linggan tribe.

Xu Fu and Sima Yi put it together, you Linggan tribe are so arrogant, we will no longer serve you, so let you continue to bear the attack of the Zhangan tribe alone. When you can't even protect your home planet, let's see if you will still be so naughty.

Therefore, Xu Fu and Sima Yi proposed to the "Holy Spirit Prophet" of the Linggan tribe that since the Linggan tribe had no intention of alliance or joining human civilization, they should return to the world of Kyushu.

The Holy Spirit Prophet expressed his understanding of them and supported their decision.

Xu Fu and Sima Yi said goodbye to the Holy Spirit Prophet at the headquarters of the Linggan tribe, and turned to inform their subordinates to prepare for their return.

The Holy Spirit prophet stopped them.

Xu Fu and Sima Yi did not expect that the Linggan tribe had already set a trap for them.

Sincere thanks to the readers of "Cod of Steel" for their monthly support!

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