Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 931: Found anomalies

Yanyan, who has spiritual power, saw a dream similar to Su Mei in the dreams of Mei Xue and Angela. Obviously, the three of them had the idea of ​​occupying Zhang Yu. This made Yanyan the mistress very upset and gloomy. Said with a compassionate smile.

"Be a nightmare, everyone."

The power of the mind turned into a devil, a landslide, a tsunami, and the end of the world. They messed up in the dreams of Mei Xue and Angela. Before long, the two women were suddenly awakened with cold sweat on their faces and escaped the invasion of desire.

Mei Xue, who woke up, looked at Yan Yan with a smile and said, "Sister Yan, you just entered my dream."

"Yes it is". Yan Yan said viciously.

When the thoughts in her heart were discovered, Mei Xue quickly explained: "Sister Yan, it's just a dream, don't take it seriously."

Angela nodded wildly and said: "Yes, it's just a dream, not real".

"Thinking day and dreaming night, I remember the three of you." Yan Yan said angrily.

"---". The three women Su Mei, Mei Xue, and Angela suddenly became at a loss.

Zhang Yu on the side saw that his wives were awkward, hurriedly talked and changed the subject, "Don't worry about dreams, now there are more important things to figure out. If our dreams are not the only one," That would be terrible".

"Yes, let's go and check it out." Su Mei said sternly.

People with good health rarely dream, but Zhang Yu and others not only dreamed, but also dreamed at the same time. In the dreams, they were all dreams generated by strong desires. With so many coincidences, Zhang Yu suspected something was wrong.

At this moment, Xingyue Institution is now in the middle of the night, and the afterglow of the moon illuminates the entire city. Zhang Yu, who opened the bedroom window of the tree house, looked out, his ears pricked, and evil laughter came from time to time in the silver-white city. .

"Sure enough, do everyone have dreams?" Zhang Yu muttered solemnly.

"What exactly happened here". Yanyan's spiritual power skipped over the city, sensing the strange spiritual power emanating from the citizens, and said in confusion.

The calm and calm Su Mei analyzed: "Perhaps, there is something that is changing mankind. In short, it's the right thing to wake everyone up first."

"Xiaowen, do what Meier said." Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu quickly ordered.

"Yes". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

Zhinao Xiaowen, who was in action, sent a text message to every citizen of Xingyue Institution. The ringtone of the text message rang at the same time, causing the entire city to have such a sound, even with such a big movement. , Still no one woke up.


In the tree house, the ringtone floated here, and Su Mei said with a horrified expression: "It is certain that something really happened."

"What to do, husband". Yan Yan said anxiously.

The depressive atmosphere in the city made Zhang Yu become irritable. After a moment of reflection, he said: "It is still unclear what happened, Yan'er, you go to wake up my students and ask them to gather in the laboratory. It is necessary to thoroughly investigate the entire Xingyue organization."

"Yes". Yanyan responded and hurriedly left the tree house.

Su Mei, Mei Xue and Angela asked: "What about us?"

"You go to wake up the robots and be on guard in the city. You must not let the Xingyue mechanism turmoil, you know? Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes". Su Mei's three daughters responded and started to act.

Sleeping Shi Xi’s family, no matter how Ren Yanyan knocked on the door, there was no response. Yanyan had to let Zhinao Xiaowen control the access control system of Shi Xi’s house and opened the door. Yanyan hurried to Shi Xi’s bedroom. in.

Shi Xi lying on the bed with a happy smile on her face, Yanyan said after seeing this: "Is she immersed in a dream again?"

"Mind Link".

Yanyan whispered and dived into Shi Xi's dream. Shi Xi, who hid a violent heart, was an incredible queen in the dream. Yanyan saw that even Zhang Yu was in front of Shi Xi. Too respectful.

Yanyan, who didn’t even bother to watch, transformed into various ghosts and scared Shi Xi to wake up instantly. Shi Xi, whose brain recovered her memory, saw a dark shadow appearing in her bedroom, and she immediately covered her head with a quilt. Shouted bitterly.

"Ah ghost".

"Snapped". When the switch was turned on, the bedroom became brighter, and Yanyan said with no good air: "I am not a ghost."

Shi Xi lifted the quilt and said angrily: "Mother, it's so late, why come here to scare me? It's all boring."

"Something went wrong, hurry up to gather in the laboratory, I'm leaving first." Yanyan explained.

Shi Xi, who had just been scared, was afraid of being alone, and suddenly shouted: "Don't go now, wait for me to go together."

"Then you hurry up". Yanyan urged.

After changing his clothes, Shi Xi followed Yanyan step by step, and came to the street to release the street lights. The bright streets were full of robots, and the robots were covered with ammunition.

Shi Xi had never seen such a scene of an enemy. Shi Xi, who knew that something must have happened, asked: "Mother, what happened?"

"I'm not very clear. People who only know the Star-Moon Organization have fallen into a dream and can't wake up at all. Fortunately, I awakened to a Level 3 spiritual evolution, otherwise I won't be able to wake you up." Yan Yan said solemnly.

"So strange". Shi Xi's face was full of horror when he heard this.

"Time is running out, let's go quickly, I'm going to wake up Xu Bo and the others." Yanyan urged.

"Oh". Shi Xi quickly followed.

When he came to Xu Bo's house, Shi Xi finally understood what it meant to wake up. No matter how Shi Xi slapped, pinched, or even splashed water on Xu Bo's face, he could not wake up Xu Bo, and continued to smirk and fall asleep without responding. .

"Mother, come on, I can't do it anymore." Shi Xi gave up the act of waking Xu Bo.

"Mind Link".

With a whisper, Yan Yan entered Xu Bo's dream. Soon after, Yan Yan regained consciousness and cursed angrily: "Sex ghost".

"Mother, what dream did Xu Bo have?" Shi Xi said curiously.

At the same time, Xu Bo, who was awake, heard Shi Xi's shout, and suddenly asked with a panic on his face: "How do you know that I have a daydream? No, why are you here with me, what do you want to do".

Seeing Xu Bo who was covering his body with a quilt, Shi Xi said, "Hurry up and change clothes and gather in the laboratory. There is something wrong with the Xingyue Institution."

"Oh". Xu Bo responded awkwardly.

In the headquarters building laboratory, as soon as Shi Xi and others came in, they saw Zhang Yu pumping his own blood, Yanyan immediately stopped and said, "Husband, what are you doing?"

"Check your body first to see what's going on." Zhang Yu explained.

"Then you don't need to draw your own blood, Xu Bo's, he is very energetic, it doesn't matter if he draws more blood." Yanyan pushed Xu Bo, who was bewildered, in front of Zhang Yu.

Xu Bo, with a burst of mentality, said silently: "Why me?"

There are ready-made test products, Zhang Yu is not polite, grabs Xu Bo's arm, and starts to draw blood, Xu Bo's face is full of melancholy, watching the blood in the syringe slowly increase, and more and more, without stopping at all the meaning of.

The frightened Xu Bo said, "Teacher, don't take me alone, it's better to find more blood than to check."

"You are right, Shi Xi, come over too." Zhang Yu agreed with Xu Bo's suggestion and greeted Shi Xi and others.

Shi Xi and the others stared at Xu Bo fiercely for a few times, then walked over helplessly, and asked Zhang Yu to draw out a few tubes of blood, and found that Xu Bo, who was hated by him, sneered and hid behind Zhang Yu.

With blood, Zhang Yu used an electron microscope to magnify the blood sample and saw the strange energy hidden in the cells. The energy contained living bacteria. This was the first time Zhang Yu saw this.

After waiting for a long time, Shi Xi couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, how is it going?"

Putting down the electron microscope, Zhang Yu frowned and explained: "In your body, you are all infected with an unknown germ. I saw this germ for the first time. The ability is unknown, the infectivity is unknown, and the lethality is unknown."

"how so". Shi Xi and others panicked.

Yanyan said eagerly: "Husband, is there a solution?"

"No, only by analyzing the various characteristics of the germs can you find the corresponding antibody antidote. By the way, you can draw a tube of blood for me, too." Zhang Yu suddenly remembered that Yanyan had automatically solved the dream and had an idea.

"it is good". Yanyan responded and stretched out her snow-white lotus arm to Zhang Yu.

Withdrawing a tube of blood, Zhang Yu did the test again. It took a while before he raised his head, and said with an expression on his face as expected: "Yan'er, you are really immune to this germ."

"really". Yanyan said in ecstasy.

Hearing that Yanyan's body is immune to germs, the frightened Shi Xi and others said with envy, "How come I am not immune to germs."

"Although I don't know what the germs are all about, but since Yan'er's body is immune, it means that there must be a way to solve this kind of germs. Let's quickly experiment to find out the weakness of the germs." Zhang Yu ordered after analysis.

"Yes". Shi Xi and others responded and started the experimental work.

It is a pity that a single scientific test cannot find out what is in Shi Xi's body that is immune to pathogens, and Zhang Yu also discovered that even the air is full of pathogens. This kind of pathogen has an infective effect on all living things.

In the experiment, Zhang Yu injected the concentrated germs into the mice, and then something terrible happened.


The manic mouse rushed into the cage, and the mouse's eyes showed a tyrannical color. Even if it hit the cage and made himself bloodless, the mouse still didn't mean to stop and completely lost his reason.

Seeing this scene, Shi Xi said in horror: "Will we become like this in the future?"

"--". Xu Bo and others were shocked.

"This scene seems to have been seen somewhere." Zhang Yu looked at the crazy white mouse and mumbled to himself. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the technology empire of the city: city’s technology empire txt download address: city’s technological empire mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 931 Anomaly found), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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