Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 941: Offensive and defensive warfare

Zhang Yu, who was ridiculed, pushed Shi Xi and the others out of the lounge with anger and anger, closed the door of the lounge with his backhand, and looked at Shi Xi and the others with a gloomy face, in Zhang Yu's dangerous gaze. , Shi Xi immediately changed the subject.

"Teacher, a lot of enemies have come outside the new base, let's quickly destroy them."

"Yes, let's go out quickly, business matters." Xu Bo and others nodded frantically.

"Let's go". Zhang Yu nodded and walked out of the base hall first, and came to the new city wall to look around.

Outside the city wall, dark creatures gathered more and more, densely surrounding the new base. The eyes of every dark creature were full of tyrannical emotions, and a large group of bat monsters quickly flew in the sky.

"Huhuhu". The wind that stirred the wings spread to the new base.

The bone-covered skeleton walked out of the forest and got into the dark creatures. The rock monster rolled down from the mountain and turned into a human form when it came to the foot of the mountain, making the number of dark creatures even greater.

The nine gods who were resting in the base also heard the movement from outside, and immediately walked out of the base and came to the city wall, beside Zhang Yu, looking at the dark creatures under the city wall, the faces of the nine gods changed.

The goddess of life said solemnly: "This is not the time for a decisive battle. We haven't restored our divine power to the strongest yet, what should we do?"

"Zhang Yu, what do you think". Poseidon asked.

"I said, you go to deal with the devil, and his subordinates, I will deal with him, so you just watch it quietly, and you don't need to take action." Hearing this, Zhang Yu said confidently, finished not paying attention to the dark creatures outside the city wall.

"you sure". The goddess of life doubted Zhang Yu's ability.

"Don't hold on." As an old man, Fashen kindly reminded the younger generation.

"Well-winded, isn't it just a mere dark creature". Zhang Yu, who was questioned, said unhappy.

"Just don't die." Kindly reminded, but did not receive thanks, the Nine Gods filled with indignation.

Inside the city wall of the new base, there are powerful weapons loaded with the latest transformations. Shi Xi, who really wants to test the strength of the weapons, came to Zhang Yu and asked eagerly: "Teacher, do you want to attack?"

"No hurry, wait for the dark creatures to attack first, I want to see the strength of the city wall." Zhang Yu shook his head and said.

"Ok". Shi Xi resisted the eager thoughts, she narrowed her mouth, and looked at the monsters sent down by the city wall with eyes full of pity.

Shortly after.




Outside the city wall, the dark creatures that had already gathered made a huge messy roar, and then launched an attack on the city wall. The huge rock monster race took the lead and rushed to the forefront, and clashed hard with the city wall.

The huge and hard body of the rock monster directly hit the wall with a loud crash. Under Zhang Yu and the others' gaze, the wall remained motionless, but the rock monster that hit the wall did not move.

On the city wall, Shi Xi said uncertainly: "Hey, why the rock doesn't move anymore".

"Because they are all dead, look carefully." Zhang Yu explained.

Everyone who heard the words looked straight at the rock monster that was attached to the city wall, and then discovered that it was because the iron pillar protruding from the city wall-the energy shield transmitter, directly pierced the body of the rock monster. , Knocked myself to death.

Shi Xi, with a twitching mouth, despised: "I thought it was so powerful. It turned out to be a fool, and he could actually knock himself to death."

"Then you are wrong." Zhang Yu smiled.

"Where is wrong". Shi Xi was puzzled.

"The rock monster died not because of stupidity, but carelessness. Our steel is much harder than the steel on the magical continent, so the self-righteous rock monsters will hit it stupidly." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Well, it makes sense." Shi Xi and others agreed.

The goddess of life watching the battle, seeing the rock monsters with countless casualties, suddenly smiled like a flower: "It seems that Zhang Yu really doesn't want us to help."

"Yes". The gods were speechless.

Below the city wall, most of the rock monsters that died in one round of impact did not continue to hit the city wall, but the remaining rock monsters became cautious, looking for the weakness of the city wall, and quickly found the location of the city gate.

There were no iron pillars protruding from the huge alloy gate, and the rock monster suddenly slammed into it stupidly, trying to knock the gate open.




Under the roar of steel, the bodies of all the rock monsters were all attached to the alloy city gate. The huge reverse impact made their heads dizzy, and even forgot who they were.

"Buzzing". The little stars in the head of the rock monster are spinning.

The skeleton group did not come hard, but the iron pillar protruding from the city wall, slowly climbing up, although only bones are left, but the skeletons are still very flexible, just like an ape, and quickly climbed halfway. .

"Kacha Kacha".

The dense rubbing of bones and joints reached the ears of Zhang Yu and the others. Zhang Yu and his group lowered their heads on the outer wall of the city wall and looked down at the city wall. Skeletons swarming like a frenzy of ants came into their eyes.

Shi Xi, who was staring at each of the skulls, was startled and said, "Teacher, the skulls are coming up."

"I saw". Zhang Yu said calmly.

At the same time, in the sky, densely packed bat monsters flapped their wings and flew toward the new base. The new base has not been completed yet, and the top is not covered. It is the only loophole in the new base. The huge shadow covers everyone on the city wall.

Lifting his head, Shu Qiaoqiao exclaimed: "Teacher, the bat monster has also flown over."

"---". Nine Gods didn't know what precautions Zhang Yu had, so he felt tight and looked at Zhang Yu. When he saw Zhang Yu's confident expression, he was very surprised and didn't understand why he had reached a critical juncture. Why didn't he panic.

The calm Zhang Yu then began to command: "Launch air-to-air missiles and open the energy barrier."

"Yes". Shi Xi and others responded, turning on the control system of the smart wristband and turning on the weapon system in the new base.


As soon as the system of the new base was opened, the iron pillars protruding from the city wall were flooded with chaotic energy. The skeleton army near the iron pillars was immediately oppressed and cut into fragments by the chaotic energy, and then drifted away.

"Huhuhu". When the wind blew, white powder was flying all over the sky.

At the top of the city wall, a whole row of burrows are opened, the launcher is extended, and the tracking missiles are sent into the barrel by the conveyor belt. The automatic ignition system allows the tracking missiles to be launched one by one, facing the bat monsters in the sky. collide.

"call out".

"call out".


No matter how the bat monster dodges, the tracking missile will still chase it. As long as it is within 10 meters of the bat monster, the tracking missile will explode. The explosion range is 20 meters, and all bat monsters will be flooded by the explosion.




The dazzling fire light lit up in the sky, heat waves and shock waves spread to the surroundings, and the skeleton army on the ground outside the city wall was blown to each other, the surrounding trees were also blown crooked, dust and leaves were all swept away by the wind.

Part of the gust of wind was blocked by the energy barrier, and the remaining wind blew everyone's hair on the wall. When the fire was extinguished, there were no bat monsters in the sky, and even the corpse was shattered by the explosion.

Feeling that the explosion can threaten her, the goddess of life said to herself in shock: "Such a small weapon is so powerful."

"Guru". The gods swallowed, looked at Zhang Yu in horror, and never dared to look down upon Zhang Yu again.

Zhang Yu, who was very satisfied with the power of the tracking missile, said with a smile: "Next, only skeletons and rock monsters are left. Shi Xi, you can move."

"Yes". Shi Xi responded and pressed the switch.

When the switch was pressed, rows of small holes were exposed outside the top of the city wall, with alloy barrels protruding from the openings. Each barrel was aimed at an enemy in an area. The barrel lit up with blue light and the shells shot out.




Under the sonic boom, a circle of white smoke appeared outside the muzzle, and the blasted shells directly hit the rock monster below, piercing the rock monster’s hard head through a big hole, losing the head of the rock monster, and falling down. , Making a crashing sound with the ground.

"Boom boom boom boom".

Indifferent to the death of their companions, the skeleton army continued to rush towards the city wall, but this time, the skeleton monster was blocked by the energy barrier and could no longer climb up. The skeleton monster that could not get in could only spin around in place.

The electromagnetic cannons on the city wall don't need to be aimed, and they can hit the target if they are launched randomly. The skeletons were broken up by the electromagnetic cannons, but soon, the skeletons that fell apart actually got up again.

It turned out that the bones scattered on the ground can be connected with the bones of other skeletons, so the skeletons will be reborn. After Zhang Yu discovered this, he hurriedly stopped the launching of the electromagnetic cannon.

At the same time, Zhang Yu discovered that the skeletons that were cut and compressed into powder by the energy barrier at the beginning were automatically glued together and joined the battlefield. In this way, the skeleton army did not lose a skeleton at all.

After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Yu ordered: "Switch to missiles and cover strikes."

"Yes". Shi Xi responded.

The moment the launch button was pressed, tens of thousands of missiles, with their long tail flames, blasted out from the new base, and fell vertically in the sky, ploughing all the land outside the city wall.


In the flames soaring into the sky, the skeleton army that was affected by the shock wave of the explosion fell apart in an instant, and the flame immediately engulfed all the skeleton skeletons. Under the raging high temperature flame, the ground was burnt red.

"Cracking". Fresh withered grass and trees that have evaporated their moisture by the high temperature have also begun to spontaneously burn.

The flame soon extinguished, and the thick smoke rose into the sky. There was no longer a standing skeleton on the pitted ground. Just when Shi Xi and the others were about to cheer, the red bones began to connect again. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technological empire txt download address: city’s technological empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 941 Attack and Defense), and open the bookshelf next time. To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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