Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 952: An altered spiritual world

In a magical continent waiting to be flourished, the nine gods are directing the reconstruction work. With the nine gods, no one dares to have different intentions. Everyone is united, broken and standing, and all intelligent races live harmoniously together.

In order to thank the Nine Gods and Zhang Yu for their salvation, they eliminated the Demon King, the wisdom race of the Magic Continent, built stone statues, and stood in the major magic academies. They were admired by everyone and the power of belief began to increase the power of the Nine Gods.

The Fashen, who was happy to bloom, smiled and said: "Great, our strength has increased, and it won't be long before we can definitely go further."

"The taste of power is so wonderful." Fight God smiled.

"Yes". The gods agreed.

The nine gods sinking into power and power slowly changed their mentality, and the heart demon spawned. If they can't survive this catastrophe, the nine gods will become the next demon king, repeating the process of playing with the world.

After being defeated by others, a new hero is born. As for whether the new hero will become a demon again, only God knows.

Therefore, strength and soul are indispensable. Zhang Yu, who has been removed from the demons by Man Lisha, has a bright and transparent soul, and his spiritual power will become stronger every day, as if there is no bottleneck.

The skyrocketing mental power made Zhang Yu wake up every day, and he couldn't restrain the urge to vent. Zhang Yu, who suppressed this urge, began to lose sleep, and his mental power was too strong, and he couldn't sleep at all.

In the laboratory, Zhang Yu asked Shi Xi and others to check their physical condition. Shi Xi, who got the results, reported: "Teacher, you are in good health, there is nothing at all."

"Then why I always can't sleep." Zhang Yu said irritably.

"It may be because, teacher, you have too much mental power, how about you try to vent it." Xu Bo suggested.

"I'm a scientist, not a soldier. Various studies and time are running out of me. I want to vent and exercise. Where can I get the time." Zhang Yu vomited.

"Or, teacher, you can use the skill of Yimenghuangliang to consume mental energy, and it is okay to do scientific research by the way." Shu Qiaoqiao suggested.

"good idea". Zhang Yu suddenly agreed.

"Then try to see if it works." The crowd urged.

"it is good". Zhang Yu responded, came to the lounge, lay on the bed, closed his eyes and sank into the spiritual world.

When Zhang Yu began to phantom various experimental equipment in the spiritual world and began to do research, the mental power consumed began to make Zhang Yu less energetic, but after a while, the situation changed.

The consumed mental power was quickly replenished from the outside world, and the rate of consumption could not keep up with the rate of replenishment. Zhang Yu had no choice but to stop scientific research, instead cultivated spiritual concepts, and began to visualize the earth and stars in the spiritual world.

The immense spiritual power transformed into soil, sand, rocks and trees, and the scope of the spiritual world became larger. The spiritual power left by the inner demon was slowly released and merged into Zhang Yu's spiritual power.

Outside, Zhang Yu slept for eight hours. No matter how Shi Xi and others called, they couldn't wake Zhang Yu. Shi Xi suddenly became anxious and shouted: "Take the teacher to check and see what's going on."

"it is good". Xu Bo and others responded with a stern face.

After the test, Zhang Yu's body did not have any problems at all, but Zhang Yu could not be awakened. This made Shi Xi and the others very anxious. The flustered Shi Xi and others did not notice that there was a faint wind around Zhang Yu's body.

The wind flowed beside Zhang Yu and slowly became stronger. Then there was a whistling sound of wind. Energy poured into Zhang Yu's body, causing the clothes on Zhang Yu's body to hunt and hunt, and everything in the laboratory was blown up and down.

"what is going on". Shi Xi was dumbfounded.

"Maybe the teacher is evolving." Xu Bo guessed.

"sure". Shu Qiaoqiao asked.

"Not sure, but it's very similar. In short, let's pack the fragile items and experimental materials in the laboratory first." Xu Bodao.

"it is good". Shi Xi and others responded.

In the tree house, Man Lisha's soul is connected with Zhang Yu's soul. When Zhang Yu evolved, the soul changed, and Man Lisha instantly sensed that she, who was worried about Zhang Yu's accident, approached Yanyan all the women.

"It's not good, something happened to my husband."

"what's happenin". Yan Yan and other women said anxiously.

"I don't know, the soul connection is broken." Man Lisha said anxiously.

"Let me feel where my husband is." Yanyan volunteered.

The telepathy ability enveloped the entire city. Shi Xi, who noticed strange changes in the laboratory, increased his prying into the laboratory. After finding Zhang Yu, he said to the women: "Husband is in the laboratory." .

"Go, let's go over and take a look." Su Mei shouted.

The girls came to the laboratory through the portal and learned about Zhang Yu from Shi Xi and others. At the same time, Zhang Yu, who was evolving in the laboratory, made the surging wind stronger, forming a hurricane,

Man Lisha said in a puzzled way: "Isn't it just evolved? How come it has evolved"

"You don’t know, the original husband’s mental power is stronger than the average spiritual evolver. With the bonus of talent and hard work, the husband’s mental power is even stronger. In the past, there was a heart demon, which can absorb excess spiritual power. .

Now that the heart demon has disappeared, and the spiritual power has begun to merge into her husband's spiritual sea, it should be because of this that it will evolve again." Yanyan, who is very familiar with Zhang Yu, analyzed.

"Then I did a bad thing." Man Lisha blamed herself when she heard the words.

"It's none of your business, it's a good thing to get rid of the demons, and evolution is also a good thing." Yanyan comforted.

"Yes, without the heart demon, my husband would not be taken away." Su Mei agreed.

"Don't worry, it's just evolution, my husband will be fine." Mei Xuedao.

"thank you all". Man Lisa said, not so tangled.

In Zhang Yu's spiritual world, the surging spiritual power made the earth star visualized. The moment the local star appeared, Zhang Yu felt a strange feeling, as if a world appeared in his body.

The feeling this world gives Zhang Yu is not illusory, but real. This looming feeling is not strong, and there is an idea to tell Zhang Yu what to do next.

"Let me see, what happened to my spiritual world." Zhang Yu believes in his instincts.

"Blast me". Zhang Yu controlled the world out of the illusion and began to blew himself up.

"Rumble rumbling."

In an instant, the heavens and the earth broke apart in the spiritual world, everything turned into a state of nothingness, and the world out of the illusion began to compress and turned into a black spot. The black spot began to silence after absorbing the great spiritual power.

Zhang Yu, in an illusory state, looked at the black spot and said in disappointment: "That's it."

The black dot seemed to sense Zhang Yu's disappointment and immediately sent a message to Zhang Yu. Then Zhang Yu was shocked, his mouth couldn't close, his eyes showed eager light, staring at the black dot, saliva flowed out.

It turns out that the black dot is a singularity. As long as Zhang Yu continues to deliver all kinds of energy, it can slowly grow and become a real world, which belongs only to Zhang Yu’s world. This kind of good deeds of heaven and pie, let Zhang Yu Can't believe it.

Zhang Yu, who always felt like he was dreaming, asked the black spot: "How can a singularity be born with mental power blew up? What are you?"

"Dad, of course, pure spiritual power will not explode. In addition to countless life beliefs, a thorough and pure soul, and the energy of time and space, it can pierce a hole and give birth to a singularity." Explained the new world consciousness.

Zhang Yu meets these conditions. As far as space-time energy is concerned, Zhang Yu analyzes that he often enters and exits the gate of the starry sky and absorbs it. As the king of the Xingyue Institution, Zhang Yu is well-respected by everyone.

The mental outlook made the mental mental power extremely large, and all mental mental powers blew up. Coupled with evolving into a five-level evolutionary, and receiving massive energy supplements, Zhang Yu happened to be born into a singularity.

Such a singularity is just a starting point, and more energy must be added to allow the singularity to grow up. In that case, Zhang Yu discovered that the appearance of the singularity is not a good thing for him.

Because in the early stage, when the newly born world was weak, Zhang Yu couldn't help Zhang Yu at all. Zhang Yu still had to take care of it like a nanny, and the time to take care of it would be very long. Thinking of this, Zhang Yu regretted it.

"I regret it at the beginning." Zhang Yu is extremely depressed.

World consciousness found that he was not being seen, and he quickly added: "Dad, things are not very bad, at least your life span is longer than the outside world."

"What's the use of such a long life? Watching family and friends die one by one." Zhang Yu said in a low mood.

"I have a way. As long as Dad quickly lets me grow up, I can create a singularity in other people's bodies, and then their lives will be as long as Dad." Show off the world consciousness.

"Really". Zhang Yu was full of ecstasy.

"Of course, but I have to grow into the appearance of a world, and the life to be implanted in the singularity must be a life above level five." World Consciousness added.

"Ok". Zhang Yu knew it was not that simple, and sighed.

"Don't be sad, dad, I will grow up quickly." World consciousness comforted.

"Since you were born by me, then you are male or female". Zhang Yu asked.

"I have no gender." World Consciousness Road.

"Then I will treat you as my daughter. After all, I am used to thinking of Earth Star as a mother and a female. The same goes for you. I will call you Xiaomeng from now on." Zhang Yu thought for a moment.

"Okay, I will be Dad's little Meng from now on". The world consciousness Xiaomeng said joyfully.

After talking with Xiaomeng for a long time, Zhang Yu left the new world in his body and returned to the outside world. When he opened his eyes, Zhang Yu realized that he was no longer in the lounge, but in his own bedroom on the edge of the bed, Yanyan Waiting for the girl to fall asleep on the side.

"Cuckoo". His stomach was rioting. Zhang Yu looked at the time and found that seven days had passed, no wonder he was so hungry.

The voice awakened Yanyan and the other women. Seeing Zhang Yu waking up, the women wept with joy and said, "My husband, you finally woke up, great." The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 952 The Spiritual World of Change), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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