Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 993: Date three

After solving the problem of the liar David, Zhang Yu turned to look at the parents of the young girl. If such parents do not punish them, they will definitely sell their daughters in the future. It is best to give them a lifelong uncomfortable experience.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu broke the silence and said: "As parents, you are guilty of betraying your daughter for profit."

Upon hearing this, the parents of the young girl suddenly said with a panic: "We know that we were wrong, and we will never be like this again."

"It's fine if you know what you are wrong, but if you are guilty, you will have to be punished. You go to prison for three months in a labor camp. If such a thing happens in the future, you will go to the labor camp for the rest of your life, and the robots will take them away." Zhang Yu judged.

"Yes". The robot security officer answered the urn, and went up to catch the woman and the middle-aged man.

The two of them seized the table in the coffee shop, fixed themselves in place, and begged Zhang Yu with hiss and his lungs.

"Go around us, Your Majesty."

"Never dare again next time."

The Miaoling woman couldn't bear her parents being caught in a labor camp, and she hurriedly stood up and pleaded: "Your Majesty Zhang Yu, my parents know that they are wrong, please forgive them once. They are old, and the body will be overwhelmed by the labor camp."

"---". The women and the middle-aged man looked at Zhang Yu pitifully, hoping that Zhang Yu could take his life back.

It’s a pity that Zhang Yu’s decision will not change at all. Under the pleading gazes of the three, Zhang Yu hardened his heart and said: "Do you think this is your home? If you make a mistake, you will be punished. No one can be an exception. go".

"Yes". The robot security officer answered the urn and forcibly dragged the women and middle-aged men away.

"Parents". The helpless young girl burst into tears and shouted.

The cry made the people around feel unbearable, but no one dared to help them to plead with Zhang Yu. Everyone in the coffee shop was silent, only the cry of the young girl was reverberating. The young girl who cried so much that her voice became hoarse, she did not know what to do. The measures were sluggish in place.

Seeing the girl crying enough, Zhang Yu said: "When you are over crying, go and register your temporary residence permit. It's best to find a job quickly."

"---". The young girl looked at Zhang Yu with complicated eyes, and her heart was very complicated. It was Zhang Yu who rescued herself from the fire pit, but Zhang Yu caught her parents in the labor reform, which made her wonder whether she was grateful or Resentful.

Zhang Yu, who no longer cared about the young girl, greeted: "Xiaomei, it's time to go."

"it is good". Su Mei, who walked out of the crowd, embraced Zhang Yu's arm and left together.

After Zhang Yu and Su Mei disappeared in the coffee shop, the atmosphere became less depressing, and the surrounding guests and waiters dared to comfort the young girl, and help the young girl with a word and a word.

"What your Majesty said just now, you should do it quickly."

"Yes, without a temporary residence permit, your parents have committed a crime again, and you will be deported soon."

"With a temporary residence permit, find another job, and if you perform well, you can apply for an immigrant visa in the future."

"Your Majesty has treated you very preferentially. Don't hate your Majesty. After all, no one can apply for a temporary residence permit, but with a word from your majesty, your temporary residence permit will definitely be able to apply."


After hearing what everyone said, the young girl realized that Zhang Yu not only rescued her from the fire pit, but also gave her the opportunity to immigrate to the Xingyue Institution. As a result, the young girl felt more entangled and looked at the coffee shop with complicated eyes. Whispered outside the door.

"thank you".

Su Mei, who left the coffee shop, found that the time was only halfway there. Although she got up early for a date, the time was shorter. Su Mei regretted it and knew that Zhang Yu should not be allowed to deal with troubles.

Some depressed Su Mei urged: "Husband, hurry up with me. From now on, I will listen to my arrangements."

"Oh". Zhang Yu replied blankly, letting Su Mei arrange the schedule.

Su Mei, who was racing against time, took Zhang Yu and visited all the playgrounds, beaches, couples parks and other places in the Xingyue Institution. Su Mei, who was always happy, went to all the beautiful places by sea, land and air.

Happy times always disappeared so quickly, and dusk came again. Su Mei and Zhang Yu, who were tired, sat quietly on a small mountain peak without people, watching the sunset until the sun completely disappeared.

Zhang Yu, who stretched his waist, languished and said, "Can you go home?"

"Ok". Su Mei replied in a depressed mood.

I thought I could have a sweet date, but who knows that everything was disrupted. Although I went to all the places I wanted to play, I didn’t have enough time, so I had to visit in a hurry, and even the atmosphere of the date faded a lot.

Unwilling to reconcile Su Mei, she finally realized that dating does not necessarily require many beautiful places. As long as Zhang Yu is there, there are beautiful scenery everywhere. Unfortunately, the date is only one day, and I don’t know how long to wait for the next time.

Back in the one-piece tree house in the city, Yanyan and other women immediately came around and asked about Su Mei’s date. When she heard that there was an accident again, Yanyan was completely confused. She also appeared on a date with Zhang Yu. accident.

Is this a curse? Thinking of this, Yan Yan suggested to Mei Xue and other women: "When you date tomorrow, you should go to a place with few people to avoid another accident."

"Well, it makes sense." Mei Xue and other women, who were also afraid of unexpected situations, immediately agreed.

"Go ahead." Zhang Yu heard the words and said with a bitter face. The first date was still very new, but repeated appointments were boring. Sure enough, it is not that simple to enjoy the blessing of the people.

"what did you just say". The girls stared at Zhang Yu sharply, and their faces were as cold as frost. As long as Zhang Yu dared to say nothing, she would definitely serve her.

"I mean, I'm looking forward to it." Zhang Yu changed his face instantly and smiled.

"It's pretty much the same." The expressions of the girls melted, and their smiles were like flowers.

Zhang Yu, who had been tired for two days, felt even more tired than doing experiments without sleep. As soon as he lay on the bed, he fell asleep immediately. No matter how Ren Yanyan and other women called, they did not wake up, just like a dead pig.

Touching her unresponsive belly, Yan Yan said depressed: "When will we be pregnant with a child?"

"Yes, obviously we have all become perfect evolvers, why haven't we been pregnant with children? The mother-in-law must have opinions on us." Su Mei said very distressed.

"It seems we have to work harder." Mei Xue blushed and suggested.

"But my husband is asleep, how can I work hard?" Mermaid Manlisha blushed and said.

"Humph". The girls immediately looked at Zhang Yu, who was asleep, angrily, and began to sleep unhappy.

The next day, Zhang Yu was woken up early again, and started to wash and eat breakfast in a daze. He was pulled out of the house. Mei Xue's red cheeks were full of excitement, and he took Zhang Yu to the suburbs to start camping.

In the space ring, there are everything for camping. Soon, a layer of cloth was spread on the ground, which was covered with various foods. Then, the sun rose from the ground and Mei Xuela sat in confusion with Zhang Yu. On the cloth.

"Husband, what a beautiful sunrise, look at it." Mei Xue screamed.

"Yeah, yes". The confused Zhang Yu opened a seam in his eyes.

One kilometer away from the camping of Zhang Yu and Mei Xue, five men with weird movements, carrying a big bag, approached, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, Zhang Yu in the camping noticed the movement, and his ears suddenly stood up. .

"There is a situation." The confused Zhang Yu instantly sobered up and said solemnly.

When Mei Xue heard the words, she suddenly thought to herself in a daze: "We have already avoided the crowds and came to the suburbs. How could accidents happen? This must be a curse. No, we must not let others disturb the date."

Mei Xue, who had made a decision in a flash, and Zhang Yu, who wanted to get up, said, "It may be just a small animal. Leave it alone, let's continue."

"Ok". Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu nodded in agreement, thinking that nothing major would happen to Xingyue Organization.

Zhang Yu, who continued dating, found that the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and judging from the frequency of the footsteps, people were coming, not animals. Just when Zhang Yu was thinking, should you tell Mei Xue that someone is coming? The five also found Zhang Yu and Mei Xue.

The eyes of the two sides were facing each other, and the corners of Mei Xue's mouth twitched and said, "Why can't I make a good date?"

Zhang Yu, who felt a weird breath in the five people, guarded Mei Xue behind him, watched the five people watchfully and asked, "Who are you?"

Among the five, the leader who walked in the forefront flashed a cold light in his eyes, and then said with a gentle smile: "We are also camping out in a team, don't disturb your date, goodbye."

After speaking, the leader urged the four people behind him: "Go fast."

"Ok". The four nodded, followed the leader quickly, and wanted to leave.

Mei Xuesong breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be camping. It's great that it's not troublesome."

The frowning Zhang Yu noticed an anomaly from the strange behavior of the five people. After all, how could a person who came out camping carry a **** bag? Besides, the space ring has become popular, and how could he carry camping equipment so hard? .

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu shouted just in case: "Wait a minute."

The five people stopped helplessly, and the leader who turned around asked anxiously: "What's the matter?"

"Open the black bag and let me see." Zhang Yu said in a deep voice.

"Who do you want, why should we let you see, ignore them, let's go". The leader was shocked, his expression pretending to be nonchalant and said, and the leader wanted to leave quickly.

More and more suspicious points appeared, and Zhang Yu was basically sure that the five of them must have problems, and shouted: "Stop, or I will call the police."

Suddenly, the five stopped, and when they turned around this time, the five of them showed their ferocity at the same time, and their expressions became sullen. The leader took out guns from his trousers and aimed them at Zhang Yu and Mei Xue, with a smile. .

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in, right, don't blame me."

When he found the gun, Zhang Yu's pupils condensed, and he hurriedly stood in front of Mei Xue, pretending to be scared, and inquiring: "Why do you have guns, who are you?" The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technological empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 993, Appointment 3), and open the bookshelf next time. To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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