Under such rage, only two days later, thousands of reporters from all over the country surrounded the headquarters of Bodao Mobile.

In this unprecedented heat, all kinds of reporters are also staring at the Bodao mobile phone 24 hours a day, and even the high-level executives of the Bodao mobile phone!

On September 5th, Xu Hua, the president of Bodao Mobile, was finally blocked by reporters at the door of his house!

At this time, more than a dozen reporters blocked Xu Hua at the door, staring at Xu Hua with burning eyes.

"Mr. Xu, may I ask why you suddenly made a targeted capital increase, making Lianfuke the largest shareholder of Bodao Mobile?"

At this moment, dozens of reporters surrounded Xu Hua, as if you don't have to leave if you don't speak today.

Slightly frowning, Xu Hua at this time has lost the splendor of the past, and lost the high-spirited spirit when he scolded and ridiculed Lin Xuan and scolded Xia Keyuan.

At this time, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were a bit thick with dark circles. It seemed that he was under great mental pressure.

Surrounded by a group of reporters, he frowned and said slowly:

"We, Bodao Mobile, are a listed company, and all decisions we make are in compliance with business rules, because Bodao Mobile is indeed facing strong competitive pressure in the market.

At this time, it is in the interests of Bodao to introduce the mobile phone chip company Lianfake. "

"Wait, Mr. Xu, you may not know what we want to ask?"

The reporters came here because they wanted to hear the rumors. At this time, Xu Hua was acting like a businessman and did not expose the rumors they wanted. The reporters were naturally dissatisfied.

He, a reporter, looked at Xu Hua with burning eyes and said:

"What we want to ask is that you sold the wave island mobile phone, the champion of the big summer mobile phone industry, the wave island mobile phone that defeated Motorola, to Lianfuke at a low price. Is this behavior a bit "disregarding the overall situation"?"

Hearing the reporter's burning eyes, looking at their forced words, Xu Hua, whose eyes were red and bloodshot, with thick dark circles, sneered and said:

"I'm a businessman. What I do is in the interests of the businessman. Don't put patriotism on me. As for patriotism, haha!"

What kind of person Xu Hua is, and what Da Xia is like in his heart, can be seen from the word "hehe".

What is the difference between him at this time and a big boss in Xiangjiang who said "Don't use those empty morals to judge me, I am just a pure businessman." It's exactly the same!

Listening to Xu Hua's cold words, all the reporters present showed sarcasm in their eyes. Of course, at the same time, the corners of their mouths also turned into excitement.

They don't care what kind of person Xu Hua is, what they care about is the breaking news!

At this time, they got the "explosive" news from Xu Hua, and they all turned and left with excited faces, leaving Xu Hua with a gloomy face.

Under the press of the reporter, he accidentally spoke out what was in his heart just now, and by the time he wanted to stop talking, it was already too late.

Under the recording of so many reporters and cameras, he couldn't take back what he said, so his face was gloomy at this time.

"Lin Xuan!"

The appearance of a young man appeared in Xu Hua's mind, which was the appearance of his enemy!

It's all Lin Xuan, who developed the first-generation Hanfeng chips, and the first-generation Hantang Glory mobile phone, which broke the rule of the second-generation laborers in Boshima!

At this time, he is just like the Xiong Ba who is about to rule the world, he is about to rule the world and become the supreme martial arts master, but the god damn Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun appear!

If it wasn’t for the Han and Tang glory generation mobile phones, then the Bodao mobile phone has already dominated the world, and the Bodao mobile phone will completely crush all domestic and foreign mobile phone manufacturers.

In the end, with the annual sales volume of 25 million units this year, it will completely suppress all mobile phone companies in Daxia!

At that time, the annual sales of Boshima mobile phones accounted for the proportion of the national annual sales, perhaps 25% or even 30%, instead of the mere 15% now!

15% market share is too dangerous, 15% is only 1% higher than TLC mobile phone 14%, and only 1% higher than TLC mobile phone.

This insignificant gap made Bodao mobile phone a headache and a lot of pressure. This situation followed the release of the Hanzhong generation chip by Lin Xuan of Hantang Technology.

Seeing that there was another strong player in the already brutal market competition, Bodao Mobile decided to take a gamble at that time.

Seeing that there is a tendency to win the bet, it turned out that Lin Xuan actually released the Han and Tang glory generation mobile phone, which is really unlucky.

At this time, Xu Hua really hated Lin Xuan, and of course he also hated his cousin Xu Bo, if his cousin Xu Bo hadn't vowed to tell the strategy of 30 million mobile phones that day.

And he decided to implement that strategy in a flash of his head at that time, then Bodao Mobile would not be in such a predicament, everything was caused by that damned Lin Xuan!

Not to mention that his shareholding has dropped from 35% to more than 10%, he has become a traitor in the eyes of the Chinese people!

So Xu Bo really hated Lin Xuan at this time, but it is not without benefits to let Lianfuke enter the game this time.

Lianfake has less than 40% of the company's shares and has become the largest shareholder and the chairman.

Then it is conceivable that the Boshima mobile phone will receive the full support of the United States, so now the second round of the war begins!

Thinking of this, Xu Hua's eyes were ferocious. This time he wants to make Lin Xuan go bankrupt, even if he can't go bankrupt, he will also suffer a huge setback for Hantang Technology Company!


In the evening, Xu Hua’s speeches made by Bodao mobile phone at noon appeared on the major media one after another. At this time, Xu Hua’s words:

"I am a businessman, and what I do is in the interests of the businessman. Don't use patriotism on me. As for patriotism, hehe!" The words were written by the reporters in the article. superior.

In an instant, countless people saw Xu Hua's words, and they were completely irritated by Xu Hua.

And Xu Hua also took this opportunity to become the most famous person on the Internet now!

On a certain forum.

"Xu Hua is really a thief of the country!"

The old man once said that let a group of people get rich first, and then get rich first and then get rich later. In the end, it is a guy like Xu Hua who gets rich. It really makes me feel inexplicably sad. "

"That's right, Xu Hua doesn't have any morals as a businessman. It's right for a businessman to put profit first, but business has no boundaries, and businessmen have boundaries!"

"Yes, business has no borders, and a businessman has borders. Even if a businessman has no borders, he should know what to do and what not to do.

He even said not to put patriotism on me. This sentence made me see him clearly. This kind of person is really a moth. "

"Yes yes, now I have an aversion to the wave island mobile phone, I bought a wave island mobile phone before.

Now when I look at that Poshima phone, I just feel like holding a pile of excrement when touching it, it’s so disgusting.”

"I agree, the Bodao mobile phone has been hacked all my life, and I will be a dog if I buy a Bodao mobile phone from now on!"

There was a wave of anger on the Internet, and Xu Hua and Bodao mobile phones were implicated in it. One post in every ten posts on the Internet publicly stated that they would never buy a Bodao mobile phone in the future, and claimed that the Bodao mobile phone would be hacked all their lives.

From this, it can be proved that some words really cannot be said nonsense, especially for a company leader.

If a company leader utters unpatriotic words, it is conceivable that it will definitely affect the company's sales performance.

In these posts at this time, in addition to some people claiming not to buy Bodao mobile phones and products from Bodao company, some people directly targeted Xu Hua.

"You say that Xu Hua has embezzled Daxia's assets, and whether he has done anything clean under his ass, can you arrest him?"

"How many businessmen in this world are clean, even if they are clean now, the first pot of gold must be unclean!

I guess that Xu Hua's feet are not clean, I hope the relevant agencies can investigate him! "

"I agree. At this time, Hua probably will end up emigrating overseas with the money he earns! It's time to investigate whether his feet are clean!"

"That's right, we should investigate his situation and it's best to arrest him. This kind of moth who gets rich first and has no conscience should be arrested!"

At this time, suddenly, someone sent a reply, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Look, Lin Xuan, the super genius of Hantang Technology, published an article on the official website of Hantang Technology, let's go over and have a look."

"Really? Please link."

"I want a fart link, you are not afraid of being poisoned, quickly use Qiandu to search for Hantang mobile phone, the first row is the official website of Hantang Technology."

Following this person's words, the reply speed of this post plummeted instantly.

Apparently people are going to the official website of Hantang Technology, wanting to see what Lin Xuan said.

With the frantic influx of netizens into the official website of Hantang Technology, the official website of Hantang Technology fell into a freeze all of a sudden.

It's a bit stuck, but everyone is very curious about this matter, so even if it's a little bit stuck, they will bear it.

At this time, a young man named Li Zheng clicked on the official website of Hantang Technology, and after a few seconds of freezing, he scanned it under his sight.

He found an article that was pinned to the top. The title of this article was "The Meaning of Getting Rich First."

"Is there any point in getting rich first?"

At this time, Li Ming looked at the article with the author named Lin Xuan, and he had already vaguely guessed what Lin Xuan wanted to talk about, so he clicked on the article out of curiosity.

"...a great man drew a circle decades ago, saying that getting rich first leads to getting rich later. Many businessmen in this era have forgotten their original mission...

People can't just remember to enjoy, just remember to be superior to others, having more money than others does have advantages in all aspects.

To some extent, money is not everything, but money can do many things that no money can do

When I was eating, I heard Xu Hua's words on TV, I was really sad!

When did a businessman only focus on interests, but forget a person's basic moral quality and the most important sense of social responsibility? !

Through Xu Hua's words, I was really saddened and indignant. The great man said that a group of people should get rich first, but in the end, Xu Hua, a stateless and unrighteous moth, got rich first.

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