Just like that, under Chen He's gaze, Lin Xuan slowly said:

"Motorola 911 changed the form of the mobile phone operating system through the resistance pen. It is indeed a revolutionary innovation, but this innovation is not thorough enough."


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Chen He looked at Lin Xuan in astonishment.

Using a stylus to control the mobile phone is already a revolutionary innovation, why is it not thorough enough in Lin Xuan's mouth.

Facing Chen He's curious eyes, Lin Xuan smiled and said:

"Motorola's mobile phone can be controlled by fingernails and stylus is indeed a good innovation, but it is not very practical because it can't play games!"

When Lin Xuan finished speaking, he recalled the pictures of people playing mobile games with smartphones in later generations.

At this time, Chen He didn't know that controlling the mobile phone through a resistance pen and fingernails is indeed a revolutionary innovation, but this innovation is not thorough!

Because you can't play games with your nails, it can be done.

But the premise is that your nails must be long enough, and your hands are often bent, which will be very tiring!

Because human nails are on the upper part of the fingers, people also like to cut their nails short. You can't bend them honestly when you play games, can you?

So Motorola's phone is indeed a powerful phone, but it has a fatal flaw.

The shortcoming is that their operation method cannot be like the smart phones of later generations, where all operations and games can be completed directly with fingers.

In order to overcome this shortcoming, they also need an arrow key and other buttons, so the Moto La 911 mobile phone innovation is a huge innovation, but it is not practical.

That Motorola 911 phone isn't actually practical compared to the smartphones of later generations.

But even so, in the eyes of people who have never seen the world, this mobile phone is also a revolutionary innovation!

It will definitely make many people who have not seen a real smartphone into the pit, so the Motorola 911 mobile phone is still a big enemy!

After regaining his senses, Lin Xuan explained to Chen He the real operation method of the smartphone, how to complete the operation through the screen of the mobile phone, and how to play games directly through the screen...

At this time, when Chen He heard Lin Xuan's description of the operation method of the real smart phone, his eyes were naturally brightened.

I feel that if the future mobile phones of Hantang Technology can really do what Lin Xuan said, then the Motorola 911 mobile phone is really nothing.

If you can really do all the operations through the screen as Lin Xuan said, you can also perform multi-touch at the same time.

The button is really unnecessary from now on, maybe a mobile phone only needs three physical buttons at that time.

As for what the three physical buttons are, they are of course the power button, the volume up button and the volume down button!

"But it's not easy for us to do this."

Although Lin Xuan's real-smartphone directly controls the entire mobile phone through the screen is indeed a revolutionary innovation.

But it is not easy to do this, and the most important thing in this control method is not the processor or the system, but the screen!

They Hantang Technology has not entered the mobile phone screen industry now. It is not easy to develop such a screen that can be controlled precisely and support multi-point control!

"Chen He, please contact Jingdongdong to see if they have any plans to let Hantang Technology take a stake. Our goal of Hantang Technology is to have an absolute controlling stake of 67%.

If they don't have this plan, then we will buy other LCD panel companies, if not, then we will set up an LCD panel company ourselves! "

"Yes, I understand."

Chen He nodded slightly. He already knew why Lin Xuan wanted to acquire BOE. Lin Xuan's purpose was undoubtedly to manufacture the smartphone that Lin Xuan was talking about!

After Ming realized this, Chen He's eyes were full of excitement, and he was very much looking forward to the birth of the smart phone that Lin Xuan was talking about.

Because if such a real smart phone can really appear, then the world may undergo earth-shaking changes in the hands of Hantang Technology!

At this time, Lin Xuan's order did not stop. Lin Xuan pondered for a moment, and then slowly said:

"This time Motorola's flagship mobile phone is stronger than expected, and the Hantang S2 mobile phone alone really can't win.

It seems that I have to do my best. The Hantang S2 mobile phone that has been developed is no longer called Hantang S2. It is positioned as the mid-range Hantang Honor M1! "


Chen He looked at Lin Xuan in astonishment. He didn't expect that Lin Xuan would change the name of the Hantang S2 mobile phone that had already been developed, directly positioning it as a mid-range mobile phone, and named it Honor M1 mobile phone.

But Lin Xuan is the boss, since Lin Xuan has made up his mind, he can only execute it.


At this time, the outside world does not know the actions of Hantang Technology. After the release of the Motorola 911 mobile phone, people all over the world were shocked and in an uproar!

So on that day, whether it is the United States, the island country, the cold country, the big summer or even the European countries, etc., TV, newspapers, Internet and other media channels in all countries are reporting on Motorola's 911 smartphones.

Shared the news of the birth of this revolutionary mobile phone with the world, and explained to the world why this mobile phone can be reported on such a large scale.

And these media reports such as TV, newspapers and the Internet have naturally successfully seduced the interest of people all over the world.

As a result, the two terms Motorola and Motorola 911 mobile phones have successfully entered the mouths of many people around the world, making people discuss this mobile phone.

Of course, with people's huge attention, Motorola's sales in major mobile phone stores and even Internet online shopping platforms have also skyrocketed.

Under such circumstances, the time turned by one day, and it came to January 6, 2006 in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Motorola announced their sales volume, which is 200,000 units sold on the first day!

When this news came out, it naturally shocked the world again. It successfully made the news headlines of various media around the world, and aroused heated discussions among people all over the world.

It's a bit sad to say that, the second-generation Gospel mobile phone of Chuanyin Mobile, a subsidiary of Hantang Technology, sold 500,000 units on the first day, but it didn't cause such a big sensation and heated discussion.

Now Motorola only sold 200,000 units on the first day, but it caused a global sensation and caused such a heated discussion. It has to be said that Motorola, an old brand, does have certain strength.

Although Hantang Science and Technology has created many revolutionary products and technologies, it is true that the popularity and technological content in the hearts of the people is not as good as that of Motorola.

But no matter what, people all over the world are indeed talking about Motorola at this time, and they are talking about the revolutionary Motorola 911 smartphone that changed the world!

Under such circumstances, domestic and foreign public opinions are not the same, after all, the joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

At this time, foreign people are excited that they have launched a powerful mobile phone in the West, a revolutionary Motorola 911 mobile phone and are proud of it, but the people in Daxia are in a complicated mood.

Because they have tasted the taste of victory, the taste of being invincible in the world!

Their big summer mobile phones once stomped down traditional mobile phone industry giants such as Motorola, Nokia, and Sanxing.

As a result, Motorola has launched such a revolutionary Motorola 911 smartphone, which completely crushed their pride and made them realize that ginger is still hot.

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