Technological Hegemony

Chapter 108 The second hole card is invalid and the answer to the mystery is about to be revealed!

The news that the North American authorities started the 337 investigation of the Big Four shook the land of China like a stone breaking the sky.

For a time, the Internet public opinion boiled.

While netizens were angry, they were also worried.

After all, the Big Four have just become the overlords of the global mobile phone industry, and they have an amazing driving effect on the upstream and downstream industry chains.

If they are sanctioned, it will be a serious blow to the domestic economy.

After the news broke, Luo Jia called Mr. Ren in the office.

"How's the situation over there?" Roja asked.

"What can I do, respond to the lawsuit, this is not the first time you have encountered such a thing." Mr. Ren said seemingly relaxed.

Luo Jia frowned, "But this time, I heard from the North American lawyer team that it might be a little different."

Mr. Ren snorted, "I know that this time they have a lot of power behind them. The North American authorities have already disliked us, but they are the authorities after all, so it's not good for them to directly intervene in the affairs of enterprises."

"Now that Google and Apple are suing, it means that the authorities have caught the handle. When we respond to the lawsuit, it may be more difficult. We are prepared for all of these. Don't worry, such a large-scale trade lawsuit needs to be fought at least. After a year and a half, the results will not come out so quickly."

Luo Jia comforted Mr. Ren and hung up the phone.

At this time, An Ran walked into his office and shook her head at Luo Jia.

"What's going on?" Luo Jia asked with a frown.

An Ran smiled wryly and said, "I have contacted Intel. Although they didn't say it explicitly, I can hear some meaning from what they said. I'm afraid someone from the North American authorities hinted that they won't be allowed to intervene in this matter."

"Then, there is no after."

An Ran spread her arms and shrugged helplessly.

Luo Jia leaned back on the boss's chair, lit a cigarette, and took two silent puffs.

Intel, Texas Instruments, these North American semiconductor manufacturers are Luo Jia's second hole card.

They are a partnership with Star Technology,

Once Google sues Star Technology, Intel will step in to prevent the sanctions against Star Technology in order to ensure its own interests.

But now, Google is targeting the Big Four, using 337 investigations to sue the Big Four for monopoly and infringement.

In this way, Intel has no reason to intervene.

An Ran said, "I also don't know whether Intel refused to intervene because someone gave them a hint, or whether it didn't want to get involved in this muddy water at all. Anyway, they can't count on them now."

"It's not that I said that Intel is different from the legal team we employ in North America. The legal team is a group of professional litigants. If they don't go to court, they will have nothing to eat. And a company like Intel has always been able to live without a lawsuit. No lawsuits."

"I'm not afraid of pig-like opponents, but pig-like teammates." An Ran muttered, "After all, Intel is not one of us, and it's really fucking unreliable at critical moments."

Luo Jia held his forehead and fell into deep thinking.

The situation did not develop according to the direction Luo Jia previewed, and it was a bit out of control. In any case, Luo Jia never wanted to implicate Mr. Ren and the others.

An Ran lowered her voice and whispered in Luo Jia's ear, "Mr. Luo, don't you still have a third hole card?"

"It's so mysterious, only you and Li Moran know about it, and I don't even tell it. It should be a killer weapon at the level of a killer, right?"

Luo Jia muttered, "Yes, there is, but that hole card does not exist to end the war."

"Why does that exist?" An Ran asked puzzled.

"In order to expand the war." Luo Jia said lightly

In the blink of an eye, Wei Chen and Huang Shanyue have been in Brazil for three months.

Their skin was also tanned like Liu Zhifeng, and they began to wear Brazilian flip-flops.

The famous Brazilian barbecue strengthened their bodies. In addition, like all Chinese living in the local area, they inevitably encountered robbery.

It was one afternoon, two little kids with revolvers suddenly jumped out of the alley, shouting something in Portuguese.

Wei Chen and Huang Shanyue quickly raised their hands, and let the two brats take 140 reais and two mobile phones from their pockets.

The whole process happened within a few seconds, and before Wei Chen and Huang Shanyue came back to their senses, the two kids with guns had already fled.

According to the local Chinese, the Brazilian robbers only want money and don’t die, which is quite moral.

Anyway, Wei Chen and Huang Shanyue just went to the country to do as the Romans do, living in this world, the farthest place from China, there are troubles and melancholy of homesickness, but also a lot of happiness.

Branch offices have been fully established.

It was really not easy. After sending money to many officials, it took a lot of time to get back a representative business license, Internet business license, and other pieces of broken paper.

From the moment Liu Zhifeng landed, he went through the formalities, and it took more than two months.

Fortunately, Luo Jia took precautions, otherwise, depending on the efficiency of the local work in Brazil, he would need to come here to open a branch office temporarily, so as to ensure that he would be caught.

In addition to their four supervisors, the branch company also employs more than a dozen local overseas Chinese, who belong to various departments.

There is also an aunt who cleans the house. She is not of Chinese descent. Generally speaking, Brazilian Chinese are quite wealthy and will not mix to the point of being a cleaner.

So far, Luo Jia has not arranged a job for the Brazilian branch, so Wei Chen and the others spend four days a week teaching in local overseas Chinese schools.

It can be regarded as reciprocating, the local overseas Chinese are very enthusiastic about the branch office and have given a lot of help.

In Brazil, there are two types of overseas Chinese, old overseas Chinese and new overseas Chinese.

The new overseas Chinese all came out after the reform and opening up, and they only wanted to make money.

As for the old overseas Chinese, they could not survive in their hometown during the Qing Dynasty, so they had no choice but to leave their hometown.

They started from a small business and worked hard, rain or shine.

With money, they first built schools and ancestral halls to encourage future generations to learn Chinese culture.

Wei Chen and the others had the most contact with these old overseas Chinese and their descendants.

The inheritance of traditional culture by the old overseas Chinese left a deep impression on Wei Chen and the others.

According to the consistent tradition of Xingchen Technology, the four of Wei Chen and the others are typical high-educated and high-intellectuals, and they are from first-class universities such as Shangcai, Fudan, Jiaotong, and Wuhan.

Among them, Huang Shanyue is a Ph.D. from the Computer Department of Jiaotong University, and Wei Chen is a master of business from Fudan University.

The luxurious lineup shocked the local overseas Chinese, and they must be invited as teachers.

Wei Chen and the others felt that there was nothing wrong with helping local overseas Chinese learn Chinese and culture, so they readily agreed.

In the Overseas Chinese School, a solemn apprenticeship ceremony was held, and Wei Chen and the others were invited to the seat, and then the students offered tea and saluted.

Although the etiquette is cumbersome, it can be seen that they really have a heart.

While being moved, Wei Chen and the others secretly made up their minds that since they are a teacher, they should educate their children.

They have spared no effort to pass on the knowledge they have mastered, and all these are naturally grateful in the eyes of the local overseas Chinese.

Local overseas Chinese often visit the company. Those who sell seafood bring fresh oysters and lobsters, those who run plantations bring endless tropical fruits, and the uncles and aunts who run restaurants take turns delivering bento every day at noon.

It is unimaginable that Star Technology's branch in Brazil has only a few months of history, and it has become one with the local overseas Chinese, like a family.

They even spent the Spring Festival together. Wei Chen and the others even learned the skills of lion dance. During the Chinese New Year parade, they also represented Xingchen Technology and performed on stage.

Walking on the road of 25th Street, everyone greeted Wei Chen and the others kindly, and respectfully called them Mr. or Teacher.

Wei Chen and the others had never experienced such courteous treatment in China.

"Here comes the email! It's Mr. Luo's email!"

On the last day of February, the accountant Jin Ming's voice made Wei Chen and the others jump out of their chairs.

"Open it quickly, what did Boss Luo say?"

"Is it our turn to play?"

Accountant Jin Ming frantically clicked on the email, and saw the full text of Luo Jia's email as follows:

Colleagues in the branch office, hello.

In view of the fact that our war with Google has entered a white-hot stage, it may expand into an all-out war at any time.

So from now on, all major branches are on standby 24 hours a day, ready to go online at any time.

thanks everyone.

Luo Jia.


After reading Luo Jia's email, the four steel straight men in the Brazil branch howled like wolves, which shocked the local colleagues for unknown reasons.

They immediately began to assign work, Wei Chen and Huang Shanyue were in a group, Liu Zhifeng and Jin Ming were in a group, and the two groups took turns to ensure that once the order from the headquarters came online, Brazil could immediately execute it.

Not only the Brazilian branch, but Luo Jia's forty-nine branches around the world, and the forty-nine steel tough guy sub-corps, all took action in full swing.

After assigning the duty roster, Liu Zhifeng called the Overseas Chinese School and told them that it would be hard to get through these days because the company might have important tasks.

Overseas Chinese School expressed their understanding. Seeing that they have been idle in the local area for so long, in fact, the overseas Chinese also wondered how much it would cost each month to support so many people and rent so many servers, but they just didn’t see them open their doors to do business.

Now that Liu Zhifeng said that he was going to get busy, the overseas Chinese were very relieved, and they discussed stewing two ducks for the gentlemen.

Huang Shanyue, the chief technical officer, turned on the computer with great excitement to test the program before it goes online.

Although he checks the program every day, he still can't rest assured at the moment.

On the screen of Huang Shanyue's laptop, a search interface appeared.

The style is very similar to the galaxy style used by the star system, with sharp lines and exaggerated arcs.

The search interface has two names, one in Portuguese and one in Chinese.

Can't read Portuguese.

But in Chinese, there are four big characters written clearly.

Star search!

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