Technological Hegemony

Chapter 117 We will attack to the death, Kilimanjaro in the professional field!

Luo Jia wrote down four characters of industrial software on the whiteboard.

Then he turned around and saw surprised faces.

Someone began to sigh, someone frowned and scratched their hair, someone opened their mouths wide open, and still others were as dumbfounded as if they were sitting in meditation.

Such a reaction was expected by Luo Jia, after all, the project was really difficult.

In fact, the size of the software army is decreasing.

With the independent operation of Star Search, some engineers have left the software center to join the search team to perform new tasks.

So far, there are about 500 elite programmers left in the software center.

This is the survival of the fittest in Xingchen Technology. Only the top programmers can stay in the headquarters and engage in research and development.

Employees who are less capable will move into branch offices to perform more conservative operations and maintenance tasks.

Even the five hundred carefully selected R\u0026D engineers who passed the first round of knockout rounds felt embarrassed.

Ordinary programmers with a lower level, when they see the words "industrial software", they should be in the mood of grass mud horses.

Luo Jia said with a smile, "I know, this is a hard nut to chew on, but I want to tell you one thing first."

After saying this, Luo Jia wrote a string of English on the whiteboard, Cadence.

"We should remember this name, because when North America sanctioned Zhongxing Company, it was this company that fired the first shot."

"And what does this company do?"

"They are doing EDA, that is, electronic design automation software, one of the three giants of EDA software in the world."

"The other two are Mentor Software under Siemens, and Synopsys, which is headquartered in Mountain View, California, next to Google. These two North American companies and one European company have monopolized the global EDA software field."

"And what does electronic design automation software do?"

"For example, if you have money now and want to build a CPU to compete with Intel, the first step you need to do is to install EDA software on the computer, design the CPU, and then hand over the blueprint to Intel. For semiconductor foundries such as SMIC, tape-out production, and finally get it to the market for sale.”

"Did you find it?"

"Without EDA software, you can't even design a CPU. After all, a CPU is composed of dozens or even tens of billions of transistors. You can't draw it by hand. Even if you can draw it, you can't data output."

"It can be seen from this, how important is this EDA software?"

"It's simply too important!"

"So when Cadence blocked the right to use Zhongxing's EDA software, the huge Zhongxing company stopped working immediately! Because there is no design tool, they can't do anything!"

"And why does Zhongxing use Cadence, which is full of bad water, and use their home EDA software?"

"Because we don't."

Everyone nodded, feeling very heavy.

Everyone is a software student. In fact, everyone knows that industrial software such as EDA and CAE is the biggest lifeblood of the manufacturing industry. However, overseas giant companies have been doing it for decades and have made these design tools to the extreme.

Even for a top research and development company like Xingchen Technology, it is extremely difficult to start from scratch.

The ancients said, honesty does not deceive me, Luo Jia is indeed a boss with great ambitions.

No one thought that the next goal he set for the software army was to challenge the industrial software with a level of difficulty.

Luo Jia paused, and then said, "Let me tell you one more thing. Do you know who's software has the most lines of code in this world?"


"Oracle bones?"

Everyone tried to answer one after another, but Luo Jia shook his head and said an incredible name.

"It's Lockheed Martin." Luo Jia said,

"That's right, it's the Lockheed Martin company that built F22 for the North American authorities. Their software system is the largest in the world."

"Ordinary people only understand the civilian field, not the professional field, so they always mistakenly think that Microsoft is great because they have WINDOWS, OFFICE, these software we use every day."

"But in fact, Lockheed Martin, the largest military industrial empire in the world, is also piled up with software. Without enough and powerful software support, Lockheed Martin can't make F22."

"Let me give you another example. Our country once introduced a nuclear power plant project from Westinghouse Corporation in North America. When our project personnel went to North America to buy blueprints and patents."

"Over there, they directly gave 347 sets of industrial software!"

"My God, the project receiving team just went crazy!"

"There are so many professional software, and it takes a lot of manpower and material resources just to learn to use them. Who knows how Westinghouse designed these software!"

"And this is just the amount of industrial software that Westinghouse needs to use for a nuclear power plant. From Toshiba Westinghouse to Areva, these nuclear power giants, behind the design of each nuclear power plant, there is a huge amount of professional software hidden."

"So, laymen don't know at all that civilian software and professional software have never existed in the same magnitude. It is so huge that it exceeds the imagination of ordinary people, and the difficulty is also against the sky."

Luo Jia stopped speaking and observed everyone's reactions again.

Basically, the reactions of straight men of steel are similar, industrial software is a pit, a bottomless pit!

No matter how good a programmer you are, once you enter this pit, basically you will confess in this life, don't even think about climbing out again!

Not that the Legion of Tough Guys is afraid.

It's just that they seem to have seen the scene when they were old and hunched over. At that time, they were still writing industrial software, writing and writing, and they would never finish writing.

Luo Jia felt that it was not enough to just talk about the difficulty, but also to give everyone some hope.

So he smiled, "Although industrial software is extremely difficult, the market prospect is unprecedented."

"If you ask an ordinary person, which company has the highest market capitalization in Germany?"

"Ninety-nine percent of people will list names like Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, etc."

"But in fact, the company with the highest market capitalization in Germany is SAP, which is Esper Software Company. In addition to office and business software, Esper is also an industrial software giant. Among the world's top 500 companies, more than 80% companies will use ESPU software, so they are the most valuable companies in Germany, not Volkswagen and BMW."

"It can be seen that industrial software is also very promising."

Luo Jia turned around and wrote down the three English letters CFD on the whiteboard.

"CFD, the top product of industrial software, computational fluid dynamics."

"Also in Baoshan District, in addition to us, there is also COMAC, the company that manufactures large aircraft in my country. The C919 made its first flight a while ago, and we cheered for joy."

"But do you know? Their CFD software comes from Dassault, France."

"Yes, it's the French military enterprise that makes the Rafale fighter jet. Their software department is the best in the world, especially in fluid mechanics. Their CFD software is used almost all over the world."

"Although it is called the shame of the five permanent members, France is really powerful. Compared with giant enterprises, France is stronger than Germany. The main reason is that Germany has more goods than France in the civilian field and a large number of small enterprises. strong illusion."

"After all, ordinary people don't need to go into such a deep field to study like us, but people who know how to know know that between France and Germany, in terms of real high-tech, whether it is nuclear power or aircraft, France is stronger. In addition, everyone should have learned French mathematics when they were in school, and France is the place where the most great mathematicians have been born in the world."

"It seems to be a bit far-fetched, but in any case, although we always shout the slogan of Stars and Seas, if we don't even have our own CFD software, how can we get Stars and Seas?"

"Computational fluid dynamics cannot be scientifically calculated. Should we use a pencil to calculate the parameters during the starship transition?"

Luo Jia turned around again, and wrote the three letters CAD on the whiteboard.

"I don't need to talk about this. CAD means computer-aided design software. Plane CAD. There are still some products in our country, but when it comes to the field of 3D CAD, we are completely behind."

"Without excellent CAD software, we wouldn't even be able to design a pair of shoes."

"Everyone wears sports shoes when exercising. Why are the running shoes of Nike and Asics more comfortable?"

"Because in addition to the use of new materials, there is also design leadership. To design running shoes with excellent performance, we need top-notch mechanics software and human body simulation software."

"All of these together constitute the most professional, sophisticated, and largest classification in the software field, and that is industrial software!"

"Industrial software is the arduous task we must take on in the next step!"

At this point in the meeting, the Software Corps was a bit confused to be honest.

They excitedly called Luo Jia, wanting to accept a new task.

They thought that the next step would be to engage in security and databases, and at worst programming software with independent intellectual property rights would be very good. These software are currently in great demand in China.

However, what Luo Jia gave them was an unprecedented challenge!

If we talk about the operating system, it is the Mount Everest in the civilian field.

Then industrial software is Kilimanjaro in the professional field.

Just after climbing a Mount Everest, Luo Jia pointed it out to them, "Look, there seems to be another one over there that is more difficult to climb than Mount Everest, with a hidden big boss. Only a few people in this world know its existence. Let's go kill it."

But how?

Industrial software is the most powerful existence in the software industry. Developed countries have their own land and engage in industrial software. Without exception, they are all super giants such as Siemens, Dassault, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing!

Luo Jia raised his chin, "The hardware department next door is working on batteries, everyone knows that, right?"

"Although the battery has not yet been produced, if it is really produced, what can we do with the next generation of battery technology?"

"Can build cars!"

"Shipbuilding is also possible. High-speed electric freighters are exciting to think about!"

"What is shipbuilding? Airplanes should be built. The motor has higher torque than the current turbofan engine!"

The straight men of steel used their imaginations, and their low emotions were swept away.

The battery is so tempting and imaginative, even the software army is excited for the hardware department.

Luo Jia nodded, "So you see, with batteries, we can enter the field of high-tech machinery and challenge Toyota, Volkswagen, and even Boeing and Airbus!"

"But if we don't have strong enough industrial software support, these can only exist in the imagination."

"We hit Google a while ago, and the response from the other side of the Pacific has been very strong."

"I read the newspapers in North America, and without exception, they call us the group of savages outside the door."

"Assuming that we really have to kill Boeing and GM, they will not let us continue to use those top industrial software, because by that time, if they don't kill us, they will be killed themselves!"

"So, in order to cooperate with the hardware department to attack the field of advanced machinery, the software department must take down the industrial software!"

Luo Jia's tone changed from the previous calm to excited, and everyone's emotions became more and more excited as Luo Jia's tone became more and more passionate, irresistibly excited!

Industrial software is indeed difficult for grandma, but its importance is also irreplaceable!

Luo Jia strode to the door and said loudly: "Please believe that we are not fighting alone! We still have a strong support!"

As soon as Luo Jia finished speaking, everyone saw Di Wuchang, the president of the human resources department who hadn't seen him for a long time, and he appeared outside the door.

And, he's not alone.

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