Technological Hegemony

Chapter 266 Four-Wheel Independent Steering System!

For a European, there is not much difference between Europe ten years ago and Europe today.

Everything is going on slowly, time seems to be stagnant, the coffee shop on the corner still sells delicious croissants, you sit in the chair you have been sitting on for ten years, and drink the coffee that tastes the same as ten years ago.

However, for Chinese people, ten years is an unimaginable concept. Everything is advancing crazily and rapidly, and new changes are happening every day.

Luo Jia once read an article written by a neon person. When he came to China in 2016, he was crazy because of mobile payment.

Then in 2017, he registered OFO, rode a shared bicycle through the streets, and excitedly wrote to his wife, praising the shared bicycle as the greatest invention in the history of human transportation.

However, when he came to China again in 2018, he found that OFO had closed down

So, this neon man fell into collapse, not because the 199 yuan deposit could not be refunded, but because he couldn't understand, what is going on in Huaxia?

In just one year, the former giant left the field sadly, and a new giant was born.

The Neon people, who are used to living an unchanging life, can't keep up with the crazy rhythm of China. It seems that this is a country made up of lunatics. They are using their madness to fight against the whole world!

The fourth year of Star Technology's establishment, January 1st.

The flat-bottomed thunder continued to explode in the East. First, the national team blew the horn of the new energy era, and then Xingchen Technology appeared on the stage, starting a general attack on the global auto industry!

In winter, the night comes earlier, the streets are empty, and people return home early, looking forward to the new products that Star Technology and the three major automobile groups will bring.

During the waiting time, people ate hot pot, drank beer, and chatted about the launching ceremony of the Kamen Vortex Street power generation array in the morning, which was also a masterpiece of Xingchen Technology.

The press conference was held at the Shanghai Exhibition Hall. In addition to displaying technology, a large number of models equipped with new technologies were also displayed, so the requirements for the venue were relatively high, so Star Technology and their partners rented this large exhibition hall , put out a strong lineup.

No ordinary customers were invited, and there were nearly 10,000 people present, all of whom were journalists and professionals in the automotive field.

A large number of foreign media showed great enthusiasm, traveling thousands of miles to Shanghai by plane, especially Germany, France, neon,

North America has the largest number of media. It can be seen at the scene that about half of the people who reported the press conference came from abroad.

The reason why they came across the ocean was not to witness another miracle of Xingchen Technology, but to gloat.

Before today, there has never been a truly reliable solid tire system in this world.

Although everyone knows that tires that do not need to be inflated have great convenience and benefits, but the shortcomings of solid tires are also very obvious. The global tire giants have studied for decades, and the results have all ended in failure.

The tire industry agrees that the defects of solid tires can never be overcome, even if it is as powerful as Xingchen Technology.

Therefore, the foreign media are now holding back their energy and preparing to report on the moment when Xingchen Technology made a fool of themselves. They prepared detailed technical information and hundreds of on-site questions, hoping to turn Xingchen Technology's press conference into a complete farce.

Bild is the daily newspaper group with the largest circulation in Europe. They have sent a very strong lineup this time. In addition to photographers and writers, they will also conduct a live webcast.

Goldenman is the host of Bild's live webcast. He has typical Germanic features, blond hair, white skin with freckles, a tall nose, huge feet and hands, and a strong figure of 1.91 meters.

Standing at the gate of the Shanghai Metropolitan Exhibition Hall, Gordonman talked eloquently in front of the camera.

"Today will be a moment to witness history. We will witness the launch of Star Technology's solid tires in Shanghai. The only question is, will we witness a miracle, or a farce starring a group of clowns? Dear Audience, what do you think?"

As soon as Goldman finished speaking, countless barrages appeared on the Bild live broadcast platform.

"Of course it's a farce, solid tires are simply impossible!"

"Germany Continental has been researching solid tires for almost 50 years. They can't do it. Why can Chinese people do it?"

"The Federal Institute of Physics and Technology has long said that under the current technological conditions, it is impossible to manufacture solid tires that meet all technical indicators!"

"Xingchen Technology is going to die, please don't stop them!"

Goldman entered the venue happily while watching the barrage on his mobile phone.

In the center is the podium, surrounded by some new cars waiting to be displayed. They are locked by a fence and covered with red silk. When the press conference is over, the silk will be lifted to reveal the true appearance of these models.

Everyone was eagerly waiting. At 7 o'clock in the evening, accompanied by music, An Ran, the hardware president of Star Technology, strode onto the podium. On the big screen behind him, the famous rotating galaxy badge of Star Technology also appeared.

"It's Mr. An of Xingchen Technology!"

"It seems that this technology demonstration is led by Xingchen Technology."

"According to the past practice, since the leadership of Star Technology has appeared in person, they usually release some new technologies with more weight."

"Mr. An talks too fast. I still like to listen to Mr. Luo's speeches. I have saved several of his speeches in the online disk, and I have to revisit them from time to time."

Station B immediately refreshed a wave of barrage. Generally speaking, the technical conference hosted by Xingchen Technology should be of a higher level. The appearance of An Ran made everyone look forward to it.

As before, Anron didn't talk nonsense. After the opening, he talked about technology directly. A 75-second short film was played on the big screen, introducing what seemed to be the existence of an auxiliary steering system.

"This is our four-wheel independent steering system." An Ran said quickly, "As we all know, with the development of the economy, more and more friends are buying cars. As a result, the roads are congested and parking is difficult. Very unfriendly to female drivers, trying to park a car in a crowded parking space is quite a hassle."

"And we have solved this trouble for everyone, please watch the big screen."

Immediately, the second short video began to play on the big screen. It was a young lady driving a small electric car of Changan brand to a parking space on the side of the road.

After pressing a button on the console, the four wheels began to rotate on the spot, turning a full 90 degrees. Immediately, the small tram began to move sideways miraculously. Under the astonished eyes of passers-by, the whole pan Entered the parking space.

There is no need for any complicated operations. The so-called shifting and reversing cheats taught in the driving school are completely ineffective. The independent four-wheel steering system allows the vehicle to move at any angle, and there are no dead ends at 360 degrees!

When the clip ended, there were wild cheers from the scene.

Although An Ran used the female driver as an example, the straight male thinking is too obvious, I am afraid that it will inevitably be criticized by feminists in the future, but this 360-degree translation steering technology is very practical and helps everyone solve the problem. Parking hassle.

"Didn't you say to release solid tires?"

"Yeah, what the hell is four-wheel independent steering?"

Overseas audiences were actively discussing, and many people held back their stomachs and prepared to attack the solid tires of Xingchen Technology.

However, what really appeared was the four-wheel independent steering, which made them feel aggrieved that they had no place to vent their anger, because it was very obvious that the steering system that can make the vehicle move sideways as a whole is very practical, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Amid the applause, An Ran stretched out her arms to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said with a smile, "Side translation is only the most basic application of the four-wheel independent steering system. We have also developed a four-wheel follow-up system based on the characteristics of this system!"

"Please look at the big screen again!"

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