Technological Hegemony

Chapter 279 Tradition still exists, fireworks are not cold!

When people were poor in the past, people looked forward to eating delicious food and buying new clothes for the New Year.

Now that life is getting better and better, the food we eat during the New Year is no longer different from that in normal times, let alone new clothes. As long as there is a need, we can buy them anytime.

So gradually there was a voice saying that the Chinese New Year is a boring thing, and if you have to be forced to marry by the elders after returning home, it would be better not to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Roja disagrees with this.

The Spring Festival in China is getting weaker and weaker. The reason is because of the loss of tradition.

Luo Jia is very envious of the Chaoshan area in the south. The traditional culture is well maintained. During the Spring Festival, there are always many traditional activities. These activities are not only lively, but also have a sense of ceremony, which is an indispensable part of life. .

Whenever Luo Jia saw the scene of seeing off the hero's body, the coffin was covered with the national flag, and his comrades in military uniforms were firing guns into the sky, he always had the urge to burst into tears.

This is the sense of ritual.

The tradition has not been inherited, there is more than laughter and a lack of sense of ceremony, and many cities have banned fireworks, which eventually leads to the current New Year's flavor getting weaker and weaker.

The paradox is that people don’t need to be spiritually rich when they don’t have enough to eat, but today’s Chinese people can already have enough to eat. The rise of Hanfu and ancient styles is the folks’ self-seeking and self-return to the spirit. original performance.

People are now keen to celebrate Western festivals such as Christmas and Valentine's Day, because they cannot find the spiritual sustenance they need from traditional festivals, so they have to turn to the West for help.

Luo Jia, who is used to thinking, can't relax his head even during the Spring Festival holiday, so he called Zhang Dongning on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Fireworks that pollute the environment come out.

This kind of fireworks must be amazing, brilliant, and have a dreamy effect of bursting the entire night sky.

At the same time, it must be very environmentally friendly, very cheap, must not cause fire hazards, easy to produce, and convenient to use in large quantities.

Zhang Dongning got a headache when he heard it. He sighed and said, "Mr. Luo, we have no problem with organic chemistry. The Department of Chemistry is now a large department with nearly a thousand researchers. The key is that your request is really abnormal."

"It needs to be brilliant, cheap, environmentally friendly and free of fire hazards. To achieve such an effect, it should not be possible for our chemical department to do it? You should find the electrical department or optical department to do it."

Luo Jia shook his head, "Optical fireworks have long been proven to be liars, and fireworks can't explode. What kind of fireworks are they?"

"This matter can only be done by your chemistry department. I have already thought about it, and I will use hexamethylenetetramine! Wait a minute, I will send you an email."

Zhang Dongning was taken aback for a moment. Hexamethylenetetramine, also known as urotamine, is an organic chemical agent that is usually used to eliminate body odor.

The vast majority of Chinese people do not have body odor, so they are not very familiar with this thing.

But in other parts of the world, deodorants containing urothene are everywhere. There is no way, who made the evolution chain of foreigners go wrong, and the body smell is more serious.

In addition to removing body odor, hexamethylenetetramine can also be used as a smokeless fuel, which has a very strong combustion effect but does not produce smoke.

Zhang Dongning was thinking, when suddenly the phone vibrated slightly, Luo Jia's email had been delivered.

Zhang Dongning opened it and saw that it was a very complicated chemical formula and there were synthesis steps.


This is very scary. At first glance, it looks like synthetic trimethylene trinitramine, a very unstable deflagration substance, commonly known as cyclone explosive, or RDX for short in English.

But take a closer look,

Not really.

Luo Jia cleverly designed a model that added hexamethylenetetramine in a sub-zero state, which successfully prevented the exothermic reaction. Without the exothermic reaction, nitric acid cannot be decomposed, and nitrogen oxides such as N2O.NO2 cannot be produced. .

In short, through a series of complicated chemical reactions and operations, a new type of burning substance that is completely smokeless but very explosive will be obtained.

Its stability is also predictable, and the only disadvantage is that it is more complicated to operate, and most operations must be carried out at minus ten degrees to control the exothermic reaction.

Like most combustion chemical synthesis, the process of producing this thing is risky, but the risk is controllable. Once the synthesis is complete, the final product will be very safe.

Zhang Dongning finally understood Luo Jia's design. He felt the hairs on his back standing on end. He only knew that Luo Jia knew chemistry, but he didn't know that he knew so much and so deeply!

Are smokeless fireworks good designs?

Of course it’s not easy to design. If it was easy to do, the chemical industry would have done it a long time ago. After all, China has a tradition of setting off fireworks, and the ancient tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years has disappeared.

Picking up the phone, Zhang Dongning called Luo Jia again, "Mr. Luo, this thing can be done! If there is no accident, the effect will be very explosive, but there are also three shortcomings."

"Tell me." Luo Jia said on the other end of the phone.

"First, there's the synthetic risk."

"This is easy to solve. Set up an unmanned factory in a remote area, and use Xingchen's intelligent robotic arm to replace manual work. The robotic arm has high precision and is very stable."

Zhang Dongning was stunned for a moment, he almost forgot that Xingchen Technology also has an almost invisible subsidiary, Xingchen Smart.

Xingchen Intelligent does not manufacture anything, but specializes in the manufacture of robotic arms, and the products are only used by the parent company.

The reason why Star Technology's production line is so efficient and has such a large output is that they have the best robotic arms in the world.

As for why Xingchen Intelligent's robotic arm is not delivered, it is because Luo Jia is worried that once this thing is sold in large quantities, the workers will lose their jobs. Huaxia has not yet developed to the point where it can fully replace people with machines.

Zhang Dongning paused for a moment, "Second, it is still a flammable object, and there is still a risk of fire."

Luo Jia nodded, "That's true, so I plan to only make large-scale fireworks, which will be set off by the public sector. Anyway, the fireworks are for viewing. As long as everyone can see them, it's good to bring the atmosphere up."

Zhang Dongning also said, "The third is the problem of dyeing agents. Fireworks cannot have only one color. New chemical compounds can only solve the problem of burning, but cannot solve the problem of the color of fireworks. In addition, we have no experience in the design of fireworks."

Luo Jia said, "There is no problem with this. The dyeing agent and deflagration effect are the patents of the fireworks factory. We directly bought the largest factory in China and bought all their talents and patents."

After listening to Luo Jia's words, Zhang Dongning said with a smile, "If that's the case, then there's no problem, but I don't quite understand, why should I spend all my energy on this small project that obviously won't be profitable?"

Luo Jia said with a smile, "How can you say that Huaxia Tradition is a small project?"

"When I was young, every Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, fireworks would be set off in the city and in various courtyards. With a little money from my mother, I bought some small fireworks and got together with my companions. All day long, that atmosphere is something I miss to this day."

"With the development of society, there are fewer and fewer traditions, and it is a little bit that can be left."

"It is said that fireworks are easy to be cold, but I hope it will never be cold."

Zhang Dongning felt a kind of power from Luo Jia's words. At the same time, he thought of Luo Jia's speech. The real revival is not only the revival of economy and technology, but also the strong return of culture and tradition, which will determine the world!

The fireworks that have been burning in China for thousands of years should not be left cold in our generation, but should bloom in a more brilliant manner in our generation!

Thinking of this, Zhang Dongning nodded slightly and said, "Leave it to me, the Chemistry Department promises to complete the task!"

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