Technological Hegemony

Chapter 302 The Jet Propulsion Laboratory enters the stage, this time the force is a bit fierce!

North America, California.

A subsidiary of NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, referred to as JPL.

Dr. Jerryn, the head of Bell Labs, made a sudden visit, which made Denapp very happy. He received old friends in his office full of California sunshine, and prepared his favorite Sri Lankan high mountain black tea for Dr. Jerryn.

"Why isn't Dr. Jones with you?" Denapp asked curiously, "I heard that you have accepted the task of the authorities to stop China's booming Xingchen Technology. In the past two years, the two of you have always appeared together. It's like a honeymoon."

Speaking of Star Technology, Jay Ryan showed a wry smile, "Thinking about it now, it's really sad. Back then, I didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and felt that with the strength of our Bell Labs, there was no reason why we couldn't beat a Chinese company."

"In the end, this errand really hurt us, and even Dr. Jones was implicated. His Lowes Laboratory is now going all out to develop controllable nuclear fusion. After all, we have been generating electricity in Karmen Vortex Street. I am afraid it will be forever. Don't even think about overtaking, it is the only hope to get the controllable fusion technology before Huaxia."

Hearing these words, Deknap's expression became serious, and he comforted Jerry: "Roths Laboratory and Oak Ridge Laboratory are both our top existences in the field of fusion research. Among them, Ross Laboratory also invented After passing the atomic bomb, the strength is very strong, I believe that the lead of the Chinese people is only temporary."

"Although we cannot have the Karman vortex street technology, as long as we can be the first to come up with controllable fusion, Star Technology will inevitably fail!"

"I hope." Jay Ryan said, "Anyway, Dr. Jones has already retreated and led the entire Ross Laboratory to conduct controlled fusion, and the task of fighting against Star Technology falls on me alone. The pressure is really not small. "

Denapp was extremely clever, and immediately understood what his old friend meant.

He smiled, "Loth Labs withdrew, so you are thinking about our Jet Propulsion Laboratory again? We are all friends, and it is not just the responsibility of your Bell Labs to fight against Star Technology. Let's talk about it." , What do you like about us? As long as the level of secrecy is not too high, I will take it out for your civilian use."

Denap is also very happy. It is estimated that most of them still want to defeat the group of Chinese people on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. In recent years, Xingchen Technology has become too much limelight and has become a public enemy in the European and American world.

Jay Ryan smiled. He stood at the window, the California sun fell on his body, and his golden hair glistened in the sun, which was extremely warm. It was really a pleasant enjoyment.

After a pause, Jerry said lightly, "I want to borrow your ultrasonic motor technology."


Hearing this, Denap almost spit out the black tea in his mouth. He shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, no, no, ultrasonic motors are also called space motors. Our Mars project and all space projects must use this technology." , is highly confidential, unless NASA approves, I will never give you the ultrasonic motor."

Seeing Denapp's resolute attitude, Jay Ryan smiled and said, "Of course I don't have NASA's approval."

De Knap shrugged, "Then I can't do anything, old friend, you also know very well that our Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a branch of NASA, and they are the real bosses."

The conversation suddenly changed, and Jerry said flatly, "Although I don't have NASA's approval, I have this thing."

After finishing speaking, Jerryn took out an envelope from his suit pocket and handed it to Denap.

"Approval from the Pentagon?" After reading it, Denap said suddenly, "I should have guessed that in fact, your background has always been the military. The navigation system you launched not long ago was originally a global watch project for the military. ,

The military must have instructed you to transfer technology to the civilian population and compete head-on with Xingchen Technology. "

Jay Ryan didn't deny it, he said with a smile, "Without the support of the military, I wouldn't be able to recruit Beth Labs as a helper, as you said yourself, Beth Labs invented the atomic bomb and is owned by North America. In the laboratory, the one with the strongest military background exists."

"At this point, it's better for us not to care about background issues. Regardless of the military or NASA, everyone is a North American testing agency, working for North America."

"And the military has sufficient reasons to join this competition. According to intelligence, Star Technology's backstage in China is also the military."

"Really?" Denap was slightly taken aback.

"I'm afraid it's true." Jerry said, "Luo Jia, the founder of Star Technology, has been very close to the military in the past year."

"I've already drank the tea, so it's time to see our little baby?"

Deknap curled his lips. Since he had the approval of the Pentagon, he couldn't say anything more, so he brought Dr. Jerryen to the Institute of Ultrasonic Motors.

In a row of display cabinets against the wall, Jerry saw various models currently being developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, including ultra-micro models used on Mars landing vehicles, and large ultrasonic motors used on space robotic arms.

In the past few decades, Jet Propulsion Laboratory has done a lot of work around ultrasonic motors, accumulated a lot of experience and technology, and can be said to be the leader in the world.

"I know that the permanent magnet vector motor of Xingchen Technology has a high technical index, but using an ultrasonic motor to fight against it is like an adult bullying a child, isn't it too good for it?" Denap muttered.

"There is no way around it." Jerry said, "Not only is the problem of the permanent magnet vector motor, Huaxia also controls the rare earth resources, which makes it really difficult for us to catch up, so I reported it to the Pentagon. Since If it is difficult to chase, then stop chasing them and directly use the next generation of motors to suppress them.”

De Knap shrugged, "Using ultrasonic motors to hit the field of permanent magnet motors is a typical dimensionality reduction blow, thanks to your thinking."

"But having said that, it's not bad to see how Xingchen Technology is deflated."


In the laboratory, the hearty laughter of Denapp and Jerryn came.


Shanghai, Star Technology headquarters.

"Is the news accurate?" Luo Jia said to An Ran with a strange expression, "They want to use ultrasonic motors to hit our site? Are you sure it is ultrasonic motors?"

An Ran stroked her chin and thought for a while, "I got the news from the North American Aerospace Forum, there should be no mistake, the people in the Aerospace Forum are all big players in the technology industry, and there are people from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who commented on the post. Praise, the credibility should be 80%."

"It seems that the news that we are going to release the ultrasonic motor has leaked out, so North America has prepared a big killer."

Luo Jia was suspicious. At the moment when he was about to push the ultrasonic motor, North America also took out the ultrasonic motor?

The time is suspicious!

But if someone leaked the secret, it would be impossible. Luo Jia has the eyes of the sky, and the whole company is under his control, so there should be no ghosts.

Luo Jia and An Ran sat on the sofa silently, with serious expressions.

In fact, they completely misunderstood. The North American side did not know that Star Technology was also making ultrasonic motors. They brought out the ultrasonic motors just to destroy the permanent magnet vector motors of Star Technology.

However, An Ran and Luo Jia felt that the North American side suddenly took out the ultrasonic motor at this time, there must be evildoers among them, and the misunderstandings made things different.

"What generation is the ultrasonic motor in North America? How is it compared with us?" Luo Jia asked.

An Ran shook her head, "I'm really not sure about this. Ultrasonic motors are a classified project of NASA. Don't even know their generation. There are not many people in the world who know that they have ultrasonic motors. I only know that they do this thing. It’s been a long time, at least decades of experience.”

When An Ran said this, Luo Jia was really guilty. North America had been developing ultrasonic motors for decades, but he had only been working on them for a few months.

Is the ultrasonic motor easy to do?

It's really not easy to do. If the current motor is compared to a carriage, then the ultrasonic motor is a train, which is a whole generation behind in technology.

At present, although the ultrasonic motor of Star Technology has been produced, it is still not perfect.

In fact, Luo Jia needn't worry, because the laws of science have always been like this. When the train was first invented, it was not as fast as a horse-drawn carriage, and its mechanical structure was unstable.

After several generations of improvements, the train finally entered the stage of history, completely replacing the horse-drawn carriage and changing the way the world travels.

This is the objective law of scientific development. No one expects the first-generation ultrasonic motor of Xingchen Technology to shock the world. As long as this thing can be manufactured and the principle and technology are clarified, it will be a great success.

Luo Jia stood up and paced back and forth in the office.

"No, it's better to be more on the safe side. Don't capsize in the gutter." Luo Jia muttered, "As the saying goes, a proud soldier is bound to lose. We have won for several years in a row, and everyone in the company is somewhat proud and complacent. Absolutely not!"

"Then what should we do?" An Ran asked.

"Of course, continue to strengthen the performance of the ultrasonic motor." Luo Jia said firmly: "From now on, you should stop working with the automatic navigation and lithography machine projects, and go to the ultrasonic motor to stare at it. In the shortest possible time, Another fifty percent increase in performance!"

An Ran gritted her teeth, thinking that ultrasonic motors are indeed very important. They are used in automobiles, aerospace, five-axis machining centers, and robotics. Luo Jia's caution is understandable, after all, this is the next generation of motor systems.

"Understood." An Ran stood up and stomped her feet fiercely, "I'll go right away, and give all the technology we can use to the ultrasonic motor!"

Luo Jia thought for a while, but she was still worried, so she simply said, "Forget it, I'd better go with you, and notify the brainstorming team for a meeting tomorrow!"

"Well, that's it!" An Ran said.

Facts have proved that in Huaxia, the leaders are afraid of everything.

It doesn't matter that Luo Jia attaches great importance, the entire hardware army immediately started to operate at a high speed. Originally, the company was carrying out several projects at the same time.

Under Luo Jia's order, all the people were assembled, all other projects were suspended, and they concentrated on making ultrasonic motors.

The motor shield is directly overthrown, requiring lighter weight, higher strength, and more perfect resonance elimination.

Luo Jia wished he could even replace the wires used in the motor with superconductors.

Anyway, a project that was originally normal has directly become the most important thing for the company because of the attention of the leaders.

And its result can be described in four words.

Excessive force!

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