Technological Hegemony

Chapter 440 Immunity Crisis!

On July 24, 2019, the well-known North American financial media, Business Insider, published an interesting survey about China, the United States and the United Kingdom.

They randomly selected 1,000 children aged 8 to 12 in three countries to investigate the occupations they most hope to engage in when they grow up. This is an ordinary social science questionnaire, but the results of the survey are surprising.

Fifty-six percent of Huaxia children choose astronauts as their first career, and more than 50 percent want to become scientists. It is worth noting that due to the tense relationship between doctors and patients in Huaxia in recent years, they hope to become doctors or doctors in the future. The ratio of nurses to children has dropped significantly, falling into single digits.

In North America and the UK, respectively, 49% and 47% of children hope to become Internet celebrities, well-known UP hosts, or actors when they grow up...

Alex is a well-known fitness internet celebrity. His sculptural eight-pack abs are his hallmark. More than 1.75 million people subscribe to his YouTube channel. If it wasn't for his lifestyle problems, he was infected with AIDS. Adams' life was perfect.

On March 1st, Alex, like all other selected people, walked into major hospitals. These five million lucky ones will be the first to use immune activation gene drugs to treat their diseases .

Everything seemed to be going well. Alex took the brown glass bottle containing 100ml of liquid from the nurse, then gritted his teeth and drank it in one gulp. It tasted like passion fruit juice with honey, Alex smashed it Smash your mouth and return the bottle to the nurse.

After a whole day of observation, the first batch of people who took the gene drug did not have any abnormalities. Considering the limited medical resources, they were allowed to return home.

"Let me tell you, the genetic medicine is really cool!"

"This is the greatest invention of the 21st century, and each of you should try it!"

"Star technology? How could those yellow-skinned monkeys master such high-end and atmospheric technology!"

"You ask how I feel? Honestly, I've never been happier in my life!"

When he was still on the road, Alex couldn't wait to start the live broadcast, talking nonsense to his fans. In fact, if it wasn't for the hospital's regulations, he would have wanted to live broadcast the whole process of taking the genetic medicine.

From early evening until early morning, Alex drank champagne and beer, ordered fried chicken and burgers, plus a full kilo of buttered mashed potatoes, and celebrated with junk food.

And his fans were also immersed in joy,

Bodybuilders usually eat like rabbits, but it is rare to see Alex indulge once, looking at the chicken bones on the plate like a hill, fans have a sense of sight of watching food and broadcasting.

"Let me tell you, people must be happy in this life." Alex said to the camera while chewing on chicken wings: "With the genetic medicine, you and women will not get sick no matter what, eat whatever you want No amount of fried chicken can make you fat, trust me, the future belongs to…”

Alex was talking, when suddenly he covered his heart with one hand and frowned.

"Alex, what's the matter with you? Why don't you talk?"

"Could it be a heart problem?"

"Impossible, he is a bodybuilder with a heart as strong as a cow!"

"I'll go! Look, why is Alex's face green!?"

"He's still foaming at the mouth!"

"Call an ambulance! My God, it's terrible, call an ambulance!"

As Alex fell to the ground and twitched in pain, the fans were completely shocked. Thanks to him being live broadcast at the time, he was found by fans and immediately called an ambulance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.


Shanghai, Star Technology headquarters.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wen Chengfeng stepped onto the podium, holding a Huawei tablet issued by the company.

After sorting out his words in his mind, Wen Chengfeng looked up at everyone, and said: "As we all know, the crisis of immune activation broke out in North America, and it has entered the seventh day, and the whole world has fallen into different degrees of panic. According to the data, the current number of cases is about 0.5%, or about 25,000 people."

"The next day after the incident, the North American authorities sent samples to China overnight. After receiving them, our Life Science Department did a careful study. Now, we can conclude that the major medical accidents in North America were caused by the immune system. The system is too powerful, and the backlash effect it brings.”

Wen Chengfeng began to introduce to the brainstorming group the reasons for the outbreak of this major medical crisis in North America.

To put it simply, the immune system is activated and out of control. The reason why the immune system exists is to fight against viruses that are ubiquitous in nature and protect the human body from viruses.

However, after the immune system is activated by genetic agents, it becomes overactive. It not only forcibly kills virus cells, but also mistook the heart, kidneys, and other necessary organs for the human body into the same kind of virus, and strangled them vigorously. This phenomenon is called immunity. Backlash, or immune control.

Although Xingchen Technology has always been a thorn in the side of the West, human life is not a joke. After the outbreak of out-of-control immunity in North America, it sent samples to China as soon as possible, hoping that Xingchen Technology can help itself. This batch of samples was handed over to the Wen family brothers for research.

After listening to Wen Chengfeng's words, Luo Jia asked, "Can you estimate the number of casualties?"

Wen Chengfeng nodded, then retrieved the mathematical model he had prepared on the tablet, and said with a serious expression: "The current death toll has exceeded 1,600, and based on the speed and energy of the out-of-control immune outbreak, we calculate that there will eventually be Nearly 1% of people die, and 3% of people will suffer life-long sequelae even if they are cured."

50,000 people died and 150,000 people were seriously injured!

Everyone gasped. Such a huge number of casualties in peacetime is absolutely shocking. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory obviously made a huge mess.

"How did this happen? Didn't they conduct safety tests?" Dr. Ling Feng said angrily, "It's a reckless disregard for human life to rush unqualified genetic medicines to the market!"

Wen Chengfeng shrugged, "Cold Spring Harbor is the number one genetic laboratory in the world. It is impossible for them not to conduct safety tests. The reason may be that the social complexity between China and the United States is different. After all, North America is a typical multi-ethnic country. The genes of all races in the world can be found in North America."

"In the final analysis, they were too anxious. After a few small-scale tests were successful, they felt that they were done and promoted rashly. That's why such a serious crisis broke out."

Everyone showed suddenly realized expressions. The complexity of the North American race structure is by no means comparable to that of China. Almost all races and genes on the earth can find samples in North America.

"Based on humanitarian considerations, we can't just watch tens of thousands of people die and hundreds of thousands of people become permanently disabled."

"Agreed, competition belongs to competition, life belongs to life, the two cannot be equated."

"Although I don't like North America at all, those white-skinned pigs are too hypocritical, but we must also admit that ordinary people are innocent."

There was a lot of discussion in the tough guy group, and everyone had the same idea on whether to rescue North America.

"The last question, can we help North America solve this trouble?" Luo Jia thought for a while and asked again.

"Of course, we have biological blockers, which can reduce the overactive immune function, and then add gene repair therapy. The only problem is that our genetic medicine also has a death probability of 2 out of 10,000, and 100% Chromosomal variation probability of four."

After hearing this, Luo Jia stood up, "It's better to lose fertility than to die. The Life Science Department will prepare and send our blocking agent to North America as a remedial measure within 24 hours at the latest."

"At the same time, we also need to ensure that our compatriots in China receive timely treatment, so as not to be thought by our compatriots in our hometown that we favor one over another."

Wen Chengfeng nodded and said: "Please don't worry about this. We have always guaranteed the medication of critically ill patients in major hospitals. For patients who can be delayed, we will try our best to delay it for a while, but for patients who really can't wait, the doctor will give them medication directly. For reasons of confidentiality, we have never announced it with much fanfare, and in fact our clinical trials have reached the point of large-scale national testing."

It is absolutely impossible to use genetic medicine if you have a cold, and if you are a dying patient in the advanced stage of severe disease, even if you don't say anything, the doctor will take the medicine. This is called a national comprehensive clinical trial.

The national comprehensive clinical trial is huge, and it is the last step before the drug is officially launched. In fact, Xingchen Technology has gone further than anyone else in the gene drug journey, and it has reached the level of finishing touches.

In the evening of the same day, a full one million blockers boarded the flight to North America.

At the same time, Luo Jia also received a special call.

"The general's phone number?" Luo Jia frowned and asked a colleague from the administration department who suddenly broke into his office.

Luo Jia has the habit of studying every night. After all, more and more knowledge and data of the Golden Dome have accumulated in his head, and he needs to rely on learning to integrate the knowledge. From night to early morning, unless it is an extremely important phone call, otherwise the administrative The Ministry will not bother him.

"No, it's a call from the White House." The beauty from the administration department said nervously.


Luo Jia nodded lightly, waved her hand to indicate that she could go out, then thought quickly for a few seconds, picked up the landline on the desk, and dialed the number one line.

On the other end of the phone was a woman who spoke fluent Mandarin. She introduced herself as the president's diplomatic liaison officer and translator. She had a very rare surname, Mei.

"It's like this." Luo Jia said lightly: "Mr. President may have misunderstood, we did airlift a batch of medicine, and it will arrive in Los Angeles tomorrow morning China time, but that batch of medicine is a blocker, which can forcibly interrupt the genetic medicine. The resulting immune function is activated on a large scale."

"That's right, blockers can save your life. If you are really cured, you need to receive gene repair treatment."

"There is no timetable for the issue of gene therapy. When will we spread the domestic gene therapy team to the township first-level health centers before considering the admission of overseas patients."

"Of course, as a Chinese company, we should give priority to serving the Chinese people."

The communication went smoothly, and Luo Jia didn't care who the person on the other end of the phone was, and told the truth about his plan.

Overemphasizing nationalism and watching patients outside of China die without doing anything is definitely not possible, but there must be an order in everything. According to the practice of Xingchen Technology, China has always been the priority, and overseas countries are the last.

"What are you thinking? We are not the conscience of the US emperor." After hanging up the phone at the White House, Luo Jia muttered in a teasing tone.

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