Technological Hegemony

Chapter 442: Afternoon: Decisive battle against the Star Network!

North America, Florida, Cape Canaveral Space Station.

"Good afternoon, viewers and friends! This is Huaxia TV International Channel." The beautiful hostess was standing in the corridor of the news center, holding a microphone, broadcasting live to Huaxia, who was far away across the Pacific Ocean. "According to our latest According to the news, Elon Musk, the White House’s new scientific affairs coordinator, will hold a global press conference at Cape Canaveral in a few minutes to announce major North American initiatives in the aerospace field.”

Not only were there reporters from China, but Musk, who has always been high-profile, made a big splash and attracted the attention of the world. According to the comments of many news analysts, this move was obviously aimed at Luo Jia.

From the perspective of communication, discourse is power, and public opinion and culture are the frontiers of wrestling between major powers. Luo Jia has his own live broadcast program and often holds new product launches in person. Since it is in the best position, it naturally attaches great importance to the battlefield of public opinion.

"he came!"

"It's Musk, the real-life Iron Man!"

"With Musk's leadership, the North American scientific research community will not lose to those yellow-skinned monkeys!"

When Musk walked up to the podium in a suit with a smile on his face, the barrage refreshed wildly.

In terms of popularity, Musk is one of the few Western entities who can confront Luo Jia head-on. Although Luo Jia has shown his sharpness in recent years, Musk is a veteran genius after all. He has been famous for many years and is a senior in the scientific research field. The reputation of Iron Man.

With a smile on his face, Musk slowly said in the midst of admiration and praise: "Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to Cape Canaveral. Let me introduce you to the world's space development plan, and the name of this plan is Starlink!"

After Musk finished speaking, there was no expected warm applause at the scene, and people looked at each other in blank dismay, looking very puzzled.

Anyone familiar with the field of space development in North America will know that Starlink is not a new plan. As early as 2016, Musk had announced Starlink, and on May 24, 2019, the Starlink project was launched for the first time. The launch was successful.

SpaceX used the Falcon 9 recyclable launch vehicle to send the first batch of 60 experimental satellites into a space orbit 550 kilometers above the ground. Among them, 3 satellites were out of control or semi-out of control, and the remaining 57 satellites were operating normally.

Setbacks are always inevitable on the way to a higher and stronger human being. The first launch of the Starlink project, three satellites went out of control.

It once made Musk very upset, but there is no doubt that if Starlink succeeds, it will be the greatest epic project in the history of human space!

According to the vision of Musk, a lunatic, SpaceX will deploy 1,584 satellites in an orbit of 1,150 kilometers from the earth, and 2,825 satellites in an orbit of 1,110-1,325 kilometers.

The above 4409 satellites choose the Ku / Ka frequency band, and deploying these satellites in higher orbits can better achieve signal coverage.

Subsequently, 7,518 satellites will be deployed in orbits of 550-340 kilometers. These satellites will use the V-band, and deploy V-band satellites in lower orbits to achieve signal enhancement and more targeted services.

This is Starlink!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a milestone destined to be recorded in the history of human space. As many as 11,927 satellites will support the first in the history of the earth, the Interstellar Internet!

The Starlink project will seamlessly cover the whole world, so that humans can use fast communication and Internet services in the Antarctic, in the North Pole, on the top of the Himalayas, and in the depths of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.

Compared with the Starlink project, the existing maritime satellite system is simply weak, and it is not a product of the same era at all!

"What the hell? Didn't the Starlink project start a long time ago?"

"Yes, Musk announced the Starlink project as early as 2016. Shouldn't he announce the same thing twice?"

"Strange press conference, let's wait patiently."

People are wondering, the Starlink project is undoubtedly great, but even if it is a great project, it does not need to be released twice in a row, right? What the hell is this guy Musk doing?

With a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, Musk waved his hand backstage, and then saw the two founders of the Google Group, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, stepping onto the stage one after the other.

Their appearance caused a sensation. Although Google has lost miserably in the continuous confrontation with Xingchen Technology in recent years, and its market value is only 30% of the peak period, but the old saying goes well, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and Google is still the world One of the most powerful technology companies in the world.

After a simple greeting with the audience, Larry Page said seriously: "You may remember that we once had a Project Loon plan, using large hot air balloons with long-term airborne capabilities to build an aerial Internet on the earth. .”

"Now, our ideals are still there, but the method may have some changes. Musk's Starlink project is obviously far stronger than our Project Loon. Although admitting this makes me and Sergey very painful, but Maybe it's time for us to face the future, in the past few years, in the face of Star Technology's aggressive offensive, Google has retreated again and again."

"But today, we stand here and officially announce that the Google Group will invest 10 billion US dollars, plus our aerial Internet technology, to participate in the Starlink project! Create a better tomorrow together!"

The speeches of the two founders of Google were over. When they stepped off the podium, the crowd burst into applause. Facts have proved that in the face of the barbaric star technology, the powerful forces in the West must unite to fight against it.

The Starlink plan and Project Loon plan are implemented at the same time, which is obviously a waste of resources. It is not that the two companies have joined forces to make Starlink bigger.

Immediately afterwards, Musk invited an old opponent to the stage, the OneWeb Group headquartered in Florida. Behind this group company, there are British authorities, Virgin Group, Qualcomm, Airbus, Neon Softbank, Coca-Cola, etc., A large number of giants in the capital market.

Compared with Musk's SpaceX group, OneWeb group has more funds, and they also have a huge advantage in technology, that is, inter-satellite laser communication technology, and OneWeb group leads the world.

With the chairman of OneWeb Group announcing to join the Starlink project, the West is completely boiling. It is not difficult for people with a discerning eye to see that Google's strength lies in the near-Earth space network, and OneWeb's strength lies in laser communication between satellites. In order to realize his ambition, Musk is working on Gather all the advantages of Western technology and capital, and draw a huge cake.

No one could have imagined that the third person who was invited to the stage by Musk was Bezos, the founder of Amazon Group.

As we all know, Bezos has always been Musk's mortal enemy. He has much more money than Musk, and his ambition to enter space is no less than Musk. Musk has the rocket launch company SpaceX, and Bezos also has the famous rocket. Launch company, Blue Origin.

Musk has Starlink, the Starlink project, and Bezos received approval from the North American Federal Communications Administration on July 6, 2019 to formally form Amazon Starnet.

In the first phase of Amazon Starnet, 3,236 communication satellites will be launched, occupying the three bands of ka, ku, and v. In the second phase, 12,308 communication satellites will be launched. By then, the scale of the Amazon Starnet project will surpass Musk’s star network. chain plan.

Bezos stood on the stage, touched his bald head with his right hand, and announced a decision that shocked the world, "The Starnet project will be integrated with the Starlink project to jointly create a new generation of 6G network."


After hearing what Bezos said, the audience fell silent, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"What did Bezos just say? 6G?"

"It seems so."

"What the hell! We haven't even used 5G yet, they are actually going to start building a 6G network!?"

"You idiots, our 5G technology is completely behind China, don't you know? If you want to maintain the advantage in the communication field, you must overtake in a corner! And this is also the usual method of Xingchen Technology. We will form a star network, directly Let the world enter the 6G era!"

After a short shock, there was a huge uproar and discussion.

Bezos apparently slipped the tongue by accident. The news about the Internet of Stars and 6G should have been announced by Musk, but Bezos took the lead.

Musk didn't seem to mind, and patted Bezos on the shoulder, and Bezos apologized with a shrug.

Now that the news has been announced in advance, the president of Boeing, which was the last to appear on the stage, wisely announced that Boeing Group has also joined the Starlink project in as simple a language as possible.

Boeing is the fourth company in North America preparing to form a star network. The difference is that the number of satellites planned by Boeing Group is 2956 communication satellites, which is far less than that of Musk and Bezos, and only occupies the V-band.

So far, only Musk and Bezos' Star Network plan has been approved, and the other three have not yet passed the approval, but this does not prevent them from being united historically.

The Google Group itself does not intend to launch communication satellites, and uses near-Earth network technology as a supplement and backup solution to the Star Network.

SpaceX Group plans to launch 11,943 communication satellites, occupying three bands of ka, ku, and v.

Boeing Group plans to launch 2956 communication satellites, occupying the V-band.

Amazon Group plans to launch 15,844 communication satellites, occupying three bands of ka, ku, and v.

OneWeb Group plans to launch 2,720 communication satellites, occupying three bands of ka, ku, and v.

Throughout North America, all the five major groups that have a clear plan to develop the Starlink network are historically united. If such a major event is not considered a milestone, I believe that history will never agree.

After the partners appeared one by one, Musk said in a joking tone: "I know that what you are most concerned about at the moment is definitely not us, but our opponents across the Pacific Ocean. This is normal. After all, the rapid rise of Star Technology in the past few years The group has brought us too much trouble, which is still fresh in everyone's memory."

"In fact, Huaxia does have a star network plan."

After listening to Musk's words, all the western reporters present pricked up their ears. Because the suppression by Xingchen Technology has been so miserable in recent years, the reporters habitually cheer up as soon as they hear the word Huaxia. .

Musk said with a smile: "Huaxia Aerospace Science and Industry Group has a Hongyun project plan to launch 156 satellites. In addition, Huaxia Aerospace Science and Technology Group Corporation has a Hongyan constellation plan. This plan is larger and plans to launch 300 satellites." satellite."

"Other than that, nothing."


The Western reporters were stunned at first, and then burst out laughing.

"No way? Huaxia plans for this?"

"It's normal. The yellow-skinned monkey is full of confidence in the 5G field, so he is not willing to invest in the Starlink network at all."

"Confidence? Very good, when our satellite network covers the entire earth's low-Earth orbit, they will be more confident."

The reporters ridiculed one after another. Musk saw that the reporters from Huaxia did not speak, and their faces were ashen, but they were powerless to refute. Indeed, Huaxia currently has no large-scale development plan for star networking. The plans are all experimental in nature.

Musk stretched out his hand, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said in a joking tone: "First, at present, our strength in aerospace, space exploration, star network, Mars colonization and other projects absolutely crushes China!"


The applause came like a tidal wave. Whether the reporters present or the audience watching the live broadcast at home, they were all deeply encouraged by Musk's domineering speech.

After a pause, Musk suddenly stretched out his right arm and pointed to the east.

"Secondly, I would like to ask Starlink Network, the so-called No. 1 star technology in East Asia, can you afford it!?"

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