Technological Hegemony

Chapter 482 Two weeks after the announcement of the 3D chip technology

In the blink of an eye, it is New Year's Day. Seeing that the seventh year of Star Technology is about to start, both the East and the West are holding back their energy. The Semiconductor Alliance wants to regain the supremacy of chips, and Star Technology is brewing a more terrible storm. The Semiconductor Alliance has a dimensionality reduction blow.

On December 31, the Semiconductor Alliance held a grand New Year celebration in Los Angeles. This unexpected move quickly attracted a lot of criticism.

In the past year, if there is anything worth remembering, it is probably the collective collapse of Western semiconductor technology groups. With the process and architecture clearly at a disadvantage, technology groups headed by Intel lost a lot of market share, and no one cared about their products. , Almost lost to grandma's house.

Every day, investors jump down from the high-rise buildings on Wall Street. Intel has become a synonym for shame from the pride of North America. Now that this is the case, these guys still have the face to celebrate?

The media and the masses were outraged and condemned the Semiconductor Alliance collectively. However, when the news about the 3D chip came out, the media and the masses suddenly changed their faces and praised the merits of the scientists.

What should come finally came. The CPU performance ladder map was updated during the New Year's Day. Although the 3D chip technology could not make up the gap with the Star processor, it successfully shortened the gap to 40%.

"It won't take long for us to catch up, or even overtake." In the face of reporters' questions, the new White House science adviser, Shula Keer, vowed.

"What makes you so confident? You know, Star Technology has improved the semiconductor manufacturing process to 0.01 nanometers using the two major technologies of laser and graphene wafers! At present, the highest-level manufacturing process of the Semiconductor Alliance is still at one nanometer More than that." The reporter asked puzzled.

The corner of Shula Keer's mouth lightly raised, and he read out the names of a large number of top semiconductor companies. The Dutch ASML and Neon Nikon were responsible for the finished lithography machine, and the well-known German Zeiss Group was responsible for catching up with the hybrid laser etching technology of Star Technology. Neon Canon Group, North American Applied Materials Group, Colin Technology Group.

As for graphene, Cao Yuan’s breakthrough in preparation technology solved the cost problem and made this super material cheap and easy to use. However, there is no such technology in the West, and the graphene products produced are expensive. It is obviously used to make personal general-purpose computers. The gain outweighs the loss, but if it is produced in a small amount and used to form a supercomputer cluster and conduct scientific research, there is still no problem.

This is very important. Expensive graphene plus 3D chip technology prevents the West from falling too far behind in scientific research. Although it costs a lot more dollars, under the circumstances that North America has the global coinage right, any problem that can be solved with money All the problems are not problems, the most important thing is not to be left behind by the Huaxia people.

"Recently, there have been blind and irrational voices both in North America and China.

"Shulaker said as a scholar: "Some people believe that China is about to surpass North America and become the world's hegemon. "

"China claims to have a history of 5,000 years of civilization, and it is the only civilization on earth that has continued from ancient times to the present. Then they should read the history carefully. As early as 1890, North America surpassed the United Kingdom and became the world's largest economy. However, it was not until the end of World War II that North America officially established its position. If it were not for World War II, the British side suffered heavy losses, and I think this time will continue later.”

"In 1973, the Bretton Woods system fell apart, and North America won financial hegemony and became the real global hegemony. So you see, it took us almost a century from becoming the number one in the global economy to truly ruling the world. There were two world wars, a good event that severely hit the former overlord Britain."

"It can be seen that Huaxia thinks of us too fragile. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. What's more, we are not fighting alone. The power of the whole West is gathering around us. It is not yet known who will win the battle. I admit that industrial hegemony has fallen into Huaxia's hands, but we are still fighting for technological hegemony, and financial and cultural hegemony are still in our hands!"

Sure enough, Shulakel has a different personality from Musk. He is full of anger, and he tries his best to mobilize the audience's emotions, so that the western world has more than one billion people. Follow his thinking to review the glory of the ancestors, look forward to the distant future, and finally come to the conclusion of China Is a difficult opponent, but the conclusion that I may not lose.

During the entire Christmas and New Year period, the major media reported a lot of articles, which made the festive atmosphere extremely joyous, and national confidence was re-established. Shulakel was also promoted to the altar, and people became more and more accustomed to him and Elon Musk. on a par.

If you have seen the famous conversation between Musk and Ma Yun, you will find that even a smart person like Ma Yun obviously does not think at the same level as Musk.

But if you pay attention to the Western media, you will find another strange thing. The Western media headed by CNN, every time they interview Musk, they send female reporters who have a good figure and good looks, the kind who graduated from the famous Ivy League schools. Because only when facing beautiful women, Musk will show some affection and cooperate with the interview a little bit, otherwise the huge gap in realm and thinking ability will make most so-called celebrities unable to hold their heads up in front of Musk.

In short, in the West where heroism is prevalent, few people can be compared with Musk. With his passion and achievements in pioneering 3D chip technology, Shula Keer gradually came to an equal position with Musk.


"When it's your turn later, don't be nervous. Also, speak humanly." Luo Jia warned Zhang Qidou in the background.


Zhang Qidou's heart was very broken, what does it mean to speak human words? In the past, I have always spoken bird language?

Shen Lang was keenly aware of the change in Zhang Qidou's expression, and explained with a smile: "The teacher means that what you usually say to your classmates is what you say when you are on stage. CCTV’s broadcasting style, we are scientific workers, we pay attention to seeking truth from facts, and we are not big leaders giving reports, praising the wise policies and the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.”

Zhang Qidou understood in an instant, and his eyes lit up suddenly, "You mean, talk like Mr. Luo?"

Shen Lang nodded, "It's about the same. When the teacher is broadcasting the column, occasionally when he talks about excitement, he will use dialect and swear words. Don't learn from him."

Zhang Qidou glanced at Luo Jia quietly, expressing that he understood. At the same time, he remembered that Luo Jia did occasionally swear, especially the two sentences of greeting other people's grandma and mother. Anyway, Luo Jia's speech was not serious, like in Listening to a familiar friend complain, there is no sense of distance at all.

"It's time, I'll go up to warm up first, and in about ten minutes, I will invite you to the stage and introduce you to everyone." An Ran raised her wrist and glanced at her watch, seeing that it was less than two minutes before eight o'clock in the evening, so she said .

"Go, let everyone have confidence in our space station, and focus on our space travel and space creature cultivation projects." Luo Jia patted An Ran on the shoulder.

As An Ran stepped onto the stage, there was thunderous applause from all around. An Ran had introduced the company's products and technologies to the public countless times. She was used to such scenes, so she didn't see any tension.

The 3D chip technology of the Semiconductor Alliance has brought turmoil to the world. Everyone realizes that the gap has been smoothed out again, Star Technology is no longer the best, and the scientific research strength of the West is still extremely strong.

And now is the time for Star Technology's counterattack, just two weeks after the 3D chip technology was announced.

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