Technological Hegemony

Chapter 508 The left hand is benevolent, righteous, polite, wise and trustworthy, and the right hand

Lu Junlin put down the phone, turned around and walked back to the room. Although it was early morning, everyone was really excited. It happened that the cafeteria had prepared a sumptuous supper, so they started drinking.

"It's already this time, and the general hasn't slept yet?" Luo Jia knew that Lu Junlin was calling the general, and said, "He is almost a hundred years old, he should pay attention to his health."

Lu Junlin shrugged, "The general is worried about the situation of the experiment and can't sleep. In addition, your life science department has put in a lot of effort. The general is getting better and better now. He goes climbing every week and often goes down to the major war zones. , to visit my old friend."

Luo Jia nodded lightly. The immune activation therapy of the Life Science Department solves the problem of making humans less sick, while the metabolic control focuses on restoring human body functions.

So far, there has been no major progress in metabolic control, but there have been some gratifying small advances, such as reducing metabolic rate, slowing down aging, etc. These new technologies have been tried.

"What a pioneer." Lu Junlin smiled wryly, "The general is already in his nineties, and he seems to have been beaten by your words, so he started to study galaxies, orbits, and space positioning, etc. Wait, he is still hanging a flat star map of the solar system in his study, planning to establish an interstellar strike force for the military, what are you talking about?"

Lu Junlin complained that Luo Jia painted big cakes for the general, making the old general go crazy and not rest assured to cultivate, but Luo Jia said solemnly: "I am not talking nonsense, next, we have indeed reached the key to expand the territory At this stage, do you know the international law? Do you know the space convention? We have worked so hard to build a space elevator, is it to develop Mars with the West?"

"How is it possible? Now is not the age of the Opium War. We don't need to look at the face of the West in everything. We built the elevator and developed the technology. Why should we share the solar system with the West? Next, we must find ways to integrate The moon and Mars, and even the entire solar system, have become the exclusive colonies of China, leaving the right to develop the universe to our descendants."

"As for the Space Convention?"

"Fucking space convention!"

The conversation between Luo Jia and Lu Junlin quickly attracted everyone to watch. From the perspective of never being prepared for a rainy day, Luo Jia instilled the idea of ​​expanding the territory to the general, which is actually not wrong, because the problem of space development will soon be faced. Will the West watch China's monopoly on the solar system, but remain indifferent?

"Impossible." Luo Jia waved his arm and said, "Think about it with your heels, the West will definitely deal with us repeatedly under the framework of the United Nations and international space conventions, trying to get a free ride in space development."

"I don't like this,

Star Technology has worked hard to build a space elevator, but it is not for the people. Even if it is for the people, we have no reason to serve the people of the West, right? "

What Luo Jia said was very true, and most of the people agreed. If there were still some people who had a good impression of North America and the West in the past, then after the trade war, a series of sanctions and a series of blows from the West, a series of After a series of double standards, a series of fanning the flames, and a series of malicious operations, the two camps of the East and the West, even if they are completely opposed, still think that North America is the beacon of civilization. Most of them are idiots with flawed IQs.

"It's not that we go back on our promises and don't pay attention to the morals of the world, but that some people don't deserve the word morality at all." Luo Jia said in a deep voice: "I have talked with the military leaders very sincerely and expressed my views. You are all bigwigs in the scientific community, I hope you can speak the same way. When you go to a meeting abroad, if anyone proposes a nonsense plan to jointly develop Mars, please go back to him directly, and let them grab it, otherwise Don't worry about our family's things."

Everyone echoed, "That's the reason. The space elevator was built by Xingchen Technology, and there is no need for other people to tell me how to use it in the future."

"Isn't that good? After all, the Chinese nation is a nation of etiquette, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness are our traditions, not to mention military and other uses, I think if Western scholars want to borrow space elevators, they can still consider it."

Most people support Luo Jia's point of view, but some scholars, in the spirit of internationalism, believe that the space program should be lenient to Western academic circles and public welfare departments. See, some scholars feel that there is no need to make the situation more rigid, and that those who should be wooed should still be wooed.

"Don't forget, scientists also have their motherland. When an avalanche occurs, there is no innocent snowflake. Believe me, the Western scientific community and Western authorities are one, and you cannot distinguish them."

"As for tradition." Luo Jia frowned, and then he laughed again, as if remembering a very funny joke, "Since we're talking about tradition, I'm going to say a few words. There seems to be a misunderstanding of tradition in China these years. My thoughts are all in the field of Hanfu and cultural dissemination, everyone seems to have forgotten that violence is also our tradition!"

"Take Su Wu's well-known sheep herding as an example. It sounds like a very tragic story, but many people don't know why Su Wu, a good diplomatic ambassador, went to Lake Baikal to herd sheep? According to According to historical records, this is the reason why Su Wu went to herd sheep."

"It is said that in the past, when the new Shanyu of the Huns took office, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Su Wu to congratulate him. Shan Yu was barbaric and forced Su Wu to surrender. If he did not surrender, he would kill him. Su Wu listened and said with a sneer."

"Nanyue killed the Han envoys, and slaughtered nine counties! King Wan killed the Han envoys, and Touxian Beique! North Korea killed the Han envoys, and killed them immediately! The Huns are alone?"

"The meaning of this is, open your dog's eyes and see, anyone who dares to touch my big man's envoy will be counted as one, and they will all be killed! You fucking try to touch me?"

"When Shan Yu heard it, he was confused at the time. He had just become the leader. He planned to bully and bully Su Wu, showing off his power in front of his subordinates, but Su Wu directly slapped him in the face. What's the matter? I just took office today, and you Can't you show me some face?"

"Thus, Su Wu was sent to herd sheep. After learning this article, we in later generations feel inexplicable grief and indignation, full of humiliation, and always feel that Su Wu is miserable."

"But in fact, Shan Yu was also quite miserable. When he first became the leader, he was slapped by Su Wu. He thought in his heart that these Han people were too shameless. He was so angry that he wanted to die. It can be seen that benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness are traditions. Su Wu It is also our tradition to slap people in the face with a single incongruity!"

After hearing Luo Jia's witty words, everyone laughed.

If you really love to read history, you will know that we were indeed bullied in the modern century, and in the thousands of years before that, we actually bullied others more often. The ancestors of China were quite domineering .

In addition, Su Wu mentioned three countries that were brutally conquered because they killed the Han envoys, South Vietnam, Dawan, and North Korea. There is also a deeper question, what did the Han envoys do that caused them to be killed at every turn? What about killing people?

The answer to this question is more difficult to explain in one word. Anyway, according to the historical records, it is nothing more than the Chinese envoys slapping people in the face crazily, and finally made him red-eyed.

After a pause, Luo Jia continued: "There is also a man who commits a strong man will be punished even if he is far away. This sentence is even more famous and has inspired countless men to go forward. From a historical point of view, it is certain that he will be punished even if he is far away." , but it’s really not easy to talk about offending a strong man.”

"According to historical records, several Chanyus from the Xiongnu fought with each other, and one of them was Hu Hanxie, the husband of Wang Zhaojun. Because he couldn't beat him, he was treated badly, so he came to join the Han Dynasty. "

"Han Chao took a look, aha, Zhizhi Shanyu is quite courageous, send troops! Fuck him!"

"Over there, when Zhizhi Shanyu heard that the Han Dynasty was going to send troops, he immediately peed in fright and ran away to a place called Jiankun. How far is Jiankun? According to historical records, Jiankun East Go to Shan Yuting for seven thousand miles..."

As soon as Luo Jia's words fell, there was a burst of laughter in the arena. It really is a strong man in the bunker. Before the army came out, Shan Yu was so scared that he ran seven thousand miles away. Presumably he has a bad reputation.

Luo Jia took a sip of champagne, and then said: "Next is a series of coquettish operations. Wang Zhaojun's husband was supported by the Han Dynasty. Zhizhi Shanyu thought to himself, I have also given up the throne, and everyone ran seven thousand miles away. Now, it should be safe now, right? Can you give me back my son who is mortgaged in Dahan?"

"Unfortunately, the Shanyu brothers still don't understand the big man, so that in the process of getting their son back, the Guji incident happened again. Zhizhi Shanyu had to run away for the second time. This time he ran farther to go When we arrive at a place called Kangju, the question arises, where is the place called Kangju?”

"According to the historical records, Kangju traveled 12,300 miles to Chang'an, so he is not under the protection of the capital."

"According to the normal logic, this time I ran far enough. Even if the Han Dynasty was inhumane, they should have let them go. After all, for such a little hatred, they chased and killed more than 10,000 miles. From an economic point of view Very bad value."

"After such a toss, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is dead, and his son Emperor Han Yuan ascended the throne. At the same time, Comrade Chen Tang, the general who wrote the famous saying of the ages, has finally shined. debut."

"Because Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty is dead, his son Emperor Hanyuan gradually forgot that he had an enemy and hid in Kangju, more than 10,000 miles away from Chang'an. Zhizhi Shanyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, thanking the heavens for his eyes, A generation of ruthless Han Wu finally met the King of Hades, and his little life was finally saved."

"However, our Zhizhi Shanyu, who was unlucky to visit his grandma's house, was still too naive. He never thought that the son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did forget him, but Chen Tang, the general under the emperor, did not forget him!"

"So on a dark and stormy night, Chen Tang mobilized the army and discussed with his colleague Gan Yanshou. I remember that there was a grandson named Zhizhi Shanyu who seemed to have provoked us before. Anyway, the two brothers were idle. Why don't we just kill him, after all, in this life, one can't keep his promise, if he says to kill him, then he must be killed."

"That night, the two killers hit it off and led an army to march westward, opening roads across mountains, building bridges when encountering waters, taking the head of Zhizhi Shanyu, destroying his clan, and returning victorious!"

"This is whoever commits a strong man will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

"The old ancestor's words really mean that when we want to kill you, no matter how far you run or how much time passes, we will kill you!"


It was already dawn. After all, most of the guests were elderly. After a night of tension and excitement, they felt tired and had already gone back to rest. The table was in a mess, with half-drunk wine glasses and half-eaten skewers everywhere.


An Ran drank the remaining beer in the glass in one gulp, then stood up and pulled her coat.

"Why did you tell the story of Su Wu and Chen Tang last night?" An Ran suddenly asked Luo Jia curiously.

Luo Jia shrugged and said disapprovingly: "It's nothing, I'm just saying what the Chinese nation really looks like in my mind, the history of humiliation like the Opium War, once is enough, I don't want to see it again, Compared to being bullied by others, I prefer to bully others, although the Han dynasty is black-bellied and unreasonable, but whenever I pick up the history book and read the history of the ancestors, I feel comfortable in my heart."

"Being a person can't be stupid and sweet. There are actually two spiritual cores left by our ancestors. The left hand is benevolent, righteous, courteous, wise and trustworthy, and the right hand is bound to punish even though it is far away. This is the correct way to open my Great China. All of them only emphasize benevolence and righteousness, not cruelty and bloodiness. Education is a blasphemy to the ancestors."

"On this small earth, we have already lived so tragically. How many times has the Chinese nation walked on the brink of extinction, and it is hard to survive until today."

"In the future, we will open the road to the sea of ​​stars, not without a price, and we will bear historical responsibilities. Think about it, we have encountered such cruel competition on earth, not to mention the vast universe, who knows when we go to the sea of ​​stars , What kind of moths will you encounter?"

Luo Jia sent it out of feeling, because he knew that the universe was not peaceful, full of dangers and challenges.

An Ran half-understood, the truth is true, but why did Luo Jia believe that there must be wars and competitions on the road to the stars and the sea? I'm afraid I haven't read too many science fiction novels, have I?

"Forget it, you are such a person who likes to think in leaps and bounds." An Ran shook her head and walked towards her bedroom, "In the next few days, we will conduct data analysis, there will be no experiments, and you have been tired for so long, Let's take a short break, I'm going to make a video call with my wife and children, they should be awake by this point."

"Go, go, say hello to senior sister for me." Luo Jia waved behind An Ran.

At the end of the drink, he felt very hungry instead. Luo Jia rolled a sandwich with the remaining ham, swallowed it in two or three bites, and then went back to the room to take a shower, put on the virtual helmet, and log in to the secret network.

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