Technological Hegemony

Chapter 521 Luo Jia of the chicken thief and the exciting price!

On the night of the launch of the robot, Luo Jia used a lot of space to introduce the importance of robots to the future of the earth, and for the first time proposed the concept of a community of shared future composed of people on earth and robots.

As the inheritor of the golden dome, Luo Jia knows the horror of the universe. The mechanical civilization that once swept across the universe can be wiped out in a war that lasted for an era. If this small ball of the earth wants to protect itself, it must have a reliable and Powerful super ally.

The robot meets all the requirements of the earth allies, with strong productivity, highly developed intelligence, loyalty, and will never betray.

"Do you think that I'm standing here today, like all profiteers who don't want to make a fortune, selling some kind of product?" Luo Jia said with a joking smile: "Then you are wrong, I am here today. Standing here is to introduce a partner to everyone, this partner is called a robot, from today until many, many years to come, the robot will be our closest friend, bar none!"

"From today, robots will be highly involved in our lives, helping us take care of the elderly and children, rubbing your feet when you feel tired after get off work, and when human beings are in danger and need someone to come forward, Robots will stand up without hesitation, like the most loyal warriors."

"Then the question is, how much do you think such a good human partner and loyal friend should be worth?"

As soon as this problem came out, the live broadcasting website immediately started frantically spamming barrage.

"It's not easy. After such a long preparation, Luo Jia finally got to the point."

"What kind of loyal partner? All Chinese people are wolves with big tails, and Luo Jia is the one with the longest tail! Every time he speaks righteous words, it is for the sake of human beings and the future, but in the end, it is always us in the West who are deceived! "

"That's right, what Luo Jia said sounds nice, but in the end, the robot still has to be sold?"

"It's definitely not cheap! Luo Jia is the best at cheating us Westerners. Everything he sells to us is more expensive than Huaxia!"

"It's normal to be more expensive. I heard that the cost of the robot is very high. Even if they want to sell it cheaply, the cost will not allow it."

"To be more specific, how high is the cost?"

"It seems like there are millions of units."

"So expensive!?"

In addition to guessing the price, some strange things seem to be mixed in the barrage, and a large number of Western melon eaters flocked to Station B.

And one by one turned into lemon essence, sourly counting the history of the West's blood and tears, saying that he would never trust Luo Jia again, he is a typical wolf with a big tail.

As for why there are a large number of Westerners mixing with station B, the reason is this.

In addition to making money and managing money, few bosses like Luo Jia are extremely concerned about cultural hegemony. There are Star Journals in the academic circles, and Star Entertainment in the literary and art circles. more and more.

At first, it was only the academic circles who had to learn Chinese in order to read the Chinese papers of Xingchen Technology. Now it has developed into the field of popular culture. Western young people actively choose to learn Chinese in order to watch the superhero movies of the Xingchen World series.

History has long proved that popular ones are the most ferocious, not to mention star entertainment, which spends a lot of money. Douyin is something that many Chinese people dismiss and think it is very low, but do you know?

Douyin, also known as TIKTOK, has swept all markets around the world in the field of short videos! It has become the most hated existence in the eyes of the masters of Western cultural hegemony, North America and Europe, and it has even reached the point where legislation is required to suppress Douyin!

We have to admit that Douyin's style is not elegant, but so what! ?

Don't you know what Huaxia looks like when it is hacked on Facebook and Twitter, in the world of public opinion controlled by the West! ?

Don't you know that the social media accounts of Chinese people blocked by Facebook and Twitter are already full of dead bodies and blood flowing like rivers! ?

As long as you dare to say a fair word in support of your motherland on Facebook, what awaits you will be the fate of being banned!

This is the so-called fairness in the West. They use practical actions to define what is truly shameless!

Year after year, we have been eager to make our voice heard all over the world. We once hoped that Weibo would compete with the West, and we hoped that WeChat would enter the market dominated by Westerners.

It is a pity that WeChat, Weibo, QQ, their globalization attempts all ended in failure.

At this time, Douyin stood up. Its style is indeed not elegant, and its operation method is very flattering and thieves. It is like a black hole of time, creating a lot of garbage time and depriving a lot of young people of their learning energy.

But so what! ?

Even if there is no vibrato, there will be Tianyin, Leiyin, and all kinds of similar existences that are incomprehensible.

We should be thankful that China created Douyin and conquered the world, not the world created Douyin and conquered us!

Whether the times create heroes, or the heroes create times, is something that can never be explained clearly.

But it was such a coincidence that when the Chinese nation was about to be hacked by the whole world, there was such a software that blazed a trail in the cultural field.

This is like many famous generals in history. There are many heroes who slaughter dogs. Famous generals may not necessarily have a high level of education, and they are often very vulgar. Lu Bu and his ilk also like to be capricious.

But so what?

A famous general is always a famous general. No one expects Douyin to become the inheritor of Chinese civilization. Anyone who thinks that way is crazy. As long as it is today, no matter what method it uses, it is a good thing to kill a bloody way among thousands of horses. !

We like to watch Zuckerberg scold Douyin angrily and ask the North American Congress to block Douyin, that horrible and hideous face.

As long as we think of Douyin's Facebook and Twitter, we feel that it's cool!

This is war!

In this war without gunpowder, we support the translation of online novels into various languages, sell Chinese stories all over the world, and support Li Ziqi to win over fans from all over the world with videos that are like a paradise in China and full of fairy spirit.

Similarly, we also support Douyin to create time black holes in foreign countries to attract foreign teenagers to indulge in them.

Douyin may fail, online novels may fail in the West, and Li Ziqi may eventually be forgotten by people.

However, the determination of Chinese civilization to fight for cultural hegemony will never stop!

Closer to home, as the year after year, Luo Jia repeatedly attacked and tried in the cultural field, and finally caused some influence on world culture. When the robot press conference started, some weird stuff.

However, the sour speeches of the melon-eaters in the West could not stop Luo Jia. When everyone guessed the final price of the robot and their curiosity reached its peak, Luo Jia finally ended the two-minute silence and continued.

"The colleagues in the background told me that you have guessed many kinds of prices, some guessed 10 million, and some guessed 9,800 yuan. I can understand people who guessed 10 million. Robots are the crystallization of countless top-level wisdom. To the extent that ordinary people can never imagine, the cost is naturally extremely high."

"But guess what the hell is 9,800 yuan? Do you think we are selling Chinese cabbage? For this money, let alone robots, you can't even even think about buying the inflatable dolls we made!"


Luo Jia's witty speech made everyone laugh, and the scene was bursting with laughter.

"Don't tell me Luo Jia, I almost forgot that Xingchen Technology is also the world's largest supplier of inflatable dolls."

"Star Technology's basic inflatable doll costs 9,980 yuan with free shipping. It's true that you can't buy an inflatable doll for 9,800 yuan. Don't ask me how I know."

"That was really a good memory. Since I found a girlfriend, I sold the inflatable doll. Now that I think about it, I really regret it."

It was a small episode, which eased everyone's tense mood. After the laughter stopped, Luo Jia continued: "Actually, all the prices were guessed wrong, because our robots are not sold or rented." , but provide it to employers and individuals for everyone to hire. Before hiring, we have to review, pass the review, and sign a formal labor contract.”


After Luo Jia finished speaking, the melon-eating people all over the world felt a little confused. It seemed that Luo Jia did not regard robots as productivity tools, but treated them as real human beings.

From a business point of view, Luo Jia's choice is beyond reproach. Robots are products of real strategic significance. Of course, Luo Jia hopes that he has 100% the right to master the big killer of robots.

At the same time, the cost of the robot is really expensive. Although the mechanical department is very good, which greatly reduces the cost of the robot, the cost of even the smallest Star Wing is still as high as 1.5 million yuan.

It's not that Xingchen Technology doesn't work hard, but that the robot's integration and technological content are really too high. There are as many as 141 small and micro ultrasonic motors installed in the robot's hands alone, and 266 sensor units, and a large number of aerospace-grade precision bearings, hinges, etc.

Students who are familiar with industry and machinery all know the truth that cost and quality show a positive correlation characteristic, one cent, one cent, three cents, two cents, ten cents, three cents.

To put it simply, if you want a good product, you will inevitably have to spend more money. The truly top-notch products, without exception, are not made with money, and the more sophisticated the product, the more geometrically the cost will increase.

Don't think that the cost of 1.5 million is expensive, in fact, it is very cheap.

Star Technology has the most comprehensive high-tech industrial chain in the world. All the accessories inside the robot, including the main materials, are made in its own factory, and the production line is also a fully automatic precision mechanical arm, so it is possible to manufacture robots at such a low price. Other companies, not to mention that they don't have the production conditions, even if they have, the cost will definitely be several million and a half million.

So here comes the problem.

Under the unique conditions of Star Technology, the cost is as high as 1.5 million. How much should the price be set at? If the price is too high, who can afford it?

After thinking for a long time, Luo Jia finally established a robot employment plan. You cannot buy a robot with money, but you can hire a robot to work for you at a price of 20,000 yuan per month.

The employment price of robots in China is 20,000 yuan, in North America it is 20,000 U.S. dollars, and in Europe it is 20,000 euros. Since the unlucky boy in the United Kingdom has already left the European Union, they should be treated differently and charge them 20,000 pounds.

In short, when the employment price of robots was announced, many Westerners who studied the economy called Luo Jia a chicken thief. Everyone knows that the price of Western service industries is very high. The monthly employment fee of 20,000 US dollars does not sound cheap, but robots are Those who work 24 hours have higher work efficiency and better service attitude, and they don't have to pay pension insurance, and they won't go on strike.

Anyone who has been to North America knows that there is a service industry in North America, but there is no service at all. From the waiters in the restaurant to the flight attendants on the plane, they are all uncles. If you take a United Airlines plane, you will not be careful. His face was covered in blood.

In this case, hiring robots has a fatal temptation for profit-seeking capital.

Take a worse place as an example. If Delta Air Lines employs robots to improve service quality, United Airlines, which does not employ robots, will see its sales plummet. Passenger United, do I still need to choose?

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