Technological Hegemony

Chapter 535 The Big Airplane Project Can't Be Delayed Anymore

The birth of the Eye of the Star and the Map of the Star has amazed the whole world, and at the same time brought a devastating blow to competitors. Google has the street view function as a moat, and it has not been stripped of its underwear by Star Technology yet, and the rest are like Baidu Both Ali and Ali fell apart in a very short period of time, and they were defeated.

Half a month after the launch of Star Map, only Star Technology and Google are the only map products in the world. Although Star Map is extremely powerful, Luo Jia still has no way to eliminate Google Map. Nationalist self-preservation.

"Swear to the death to resist the Chinese invasion! Defend our Internet!"

"Reject technological colonization and stop the barbarians in China!"

"Even if the star map is good, we don't need it! Be a Westerner with backbone! Support Google's fight against star technology!"

When the so-called free and open Western world faced a crisis, their outbursts of xenophobia were far more severe than those of China. Defending Los Angeles, defending Paris, and defending Amsterdam, countless slogans were erected on the streets, and slogans against Chinese imperialism were endless.

Under the new situation of strong confrontation between the East and the West, it took five or six years for products such as Star Operating System and Star Search to achieve a global monopoly, let alone Star Map, which was launched only half a month ago.

The West will keep Google at all costs, just like we wanted to keep a loss-making national brand back then. In terms of the desire to survive, there is actually no difference between the East and the West.

Since the Eye of the Stars is biased towards the scientific research community, the shock caused by it has not been reflected in the folks. It is mainly the scientists in the field of astronomical observations who feel the powerful threat of the Eyes of the Stars and feel like they are sitting on pins and needles for a while.

Regardless of Weber in North America or Gaia in Europe, they are all younger brothers in front of the eyes of the stars. The West's delusion to use the Starlink project to suppress China's Chinese research has completely come to naught. When the low-earth orbit is full of communication satellites, the largest The victim is actually the West itself.

However, Musk did not slow down the Starlink project because of this. The Super Falcon rocket continues to lift off, sending more and more communication satellites into low-Earth orbit.

The development of the situation is today. In fact, no matter the East or the West, there is no retreat. Even if you bite the bullet, you can only die to the end.


In late May, Star Technology Group.

Luo Jia frowned, and wrote down phrases on the whiteboard. Some of these phrases were projects that the company was already working on, such as space elevators, metabolism control,

Or controlled fusion, ion propulsion, tri-titanium alloy.

But there are more mountains of kings waiting for challenges on the whiteboard, such as laser technology, quantum technology, agricultural technology, planetary environment transformation technology, starship technology, warp drive technology, jump engine technology, gravitational wave radar technology and so on.

"It's really troublesome, there is too much work to do."

Luo Jia murmured, he threw down the ink pen, put on his coat and went out, preparing to attend the regular meeting of the management authority, and the whiteboard will always exist, constantly reminding Luo Jia not to slack off in the slightest, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

Not long after, Luo Jia appeared in the conference room of the management bureau, drinking soy milk and eating the meat sandwiches brought in by the secretary, and listening to reports from several responsible persons.

"I have some good news to tell you." At the end of the regular meeting, An Ran said with a smile: "The aero-engine we customized for COMAC has finally passed the technical verification and will be put into mass production soon."

"Aero engines are coming off the assembly line in batches?"

"This is really good news. At that time, we will find COMAC to buy some domestically-made aircraft and eliminate the current Airbus and Gulfstream aircraft."

"When the COMAC project started, we hadn't joined the company yet. After all, this is probably the project that took us the longest, right?" Wen Chengling asked curiously.

After listening to everyone's remarks, Luo Jia felt emotional, and turned his gaze out of the window.

The aircraft project and the automobile project were launched almost at the same time. After more than four years, domestic electric vehicles have captured 55% of the world, while the domestic large aircraft project has not even a single aircraft. What about the production line?

An Ran shrugged and said, "After all, the aircraft project is led by the national team. We are just a coordinating unit and do not have the final decision on the project."

"And the reasons behind this project taking so long are very complicated. First of all, we supply not only aero engines, flight control systems, main structures, and even landing gear and tires to COMAC. It was us who supplied it, and it was a really big project."

Li Moran echoed: "Isn't it? Up to now, the software department still has more than 1,200 engineers working on-site at COMAC. In terms of hardware, COMAC uses our production line, our five-axis machine tool, our For more than four years, the COMAC project has almost been pushed to a new level.”

"In addition, an airplane is not a car after all. Any trivial mistake may cause huge irreparable losses. Not only the hardware has to be tested over and over again, but the flight control we wrote has also been revised repeatedly to meet the harsh aviation standards. .”

Both An Ran and Li Moran thought it was normal to delay the construction period, because aviation standards were really too harsh, and it was completely different from building cars. However, Luo Jia saw that Shen Lang, who was sitting opposite him, frowned.

"Shen Lang, do you know about the large aircraft project?" Luo Jia asked intentionally.

Shen Lang nodded, "The Entertainment Group has helped COMAC to do public relations, shoot commercials, etc. According to my observation, the COMAC Group was actually tied hands and feet in the aircraft project, unconsciously , fall into the prisoner's dilemma.

Shen Lang's words were a bit shocking, everyone was startled and motioned for him to continue talking.

"Teacher has said more than once that our ultimate goal is not only to develop technology, but also to learn to set standards and become a person who masters the rules of the game. The real difficulty for COMAC is that they do not master standards."

"Aircraft standards are set by the West. If COMAC wants to obtain a global airworthiness certificate, it must meet European and American standards. If it does not meet the standards, even if our aircraft is manufactured, it cannot fly international routes and can only be used within the country."

"COMAC is not reconciled to the fact that its own aircraft can only be flown domestically, because everyone knows that after joining the strength of our star technology, we have completely surpassed Boeing and Airbus in core capabilities, but no matter how excellent the product is, in the end It is undoubtedly a kind of sadness, and it is also the pain of COMAC.”

Shen Lang is worthy of being a military genius. Shopping malls are often as cruel as war. Through observation, he discovered the real crux of COMAC, which is that it does not have the right to speak in the industry.

In the project of aircraft, is it okay to play without the West?

Of course it is possible, the airworthiness certificate is issued by the country, and there is no problem at all to fly within the country and a few small countries around it.

But if there is no European and American airworthiness certificate, 90% of the countries in the world will not buy Huaxia aircraft. Even if domestic airlines want to use domestic aircraft to carry out European and American routes, it is impossible because they do not have European and American airworthiness certificates. cannot land at most airports around the world.

This is COMAC's prisoner's dilemma. They are eager to prove themselves, but they don't have the right to formulate rules. They can only accommodate again and again, in exchange for an airworthiness certificate issued by Europe and the United States.

Grasping absolute power, Europe and the United States have been procrastinating until today, more than four years later, the domestically produced large aircraft still has not come off the assembly line, and Xingchen Technology, which is responsible for providing the core technology, is actually already ready.

"Why can't Shangfei get rid of the West and go it alone?" Wen Chengfeng asked in puzzlement: "We have paved the way for them, just go forward boldly, what's the difficulty?"

Shen Lang shook his head lightly, "Mr. Wen, things are not that simple. You may not know that COMAC has been preparing for the large aircraft project for more than 20 years, spending a lot of money and resources to maintain contacts in the West. , Once you decide to go it alone, all previous efforts will be in vain, which requires the courage of a strong man to break his wrist."


Everyone sighed, Shen Lang is a young man, but he likes to look at the problem directly to the essence, and it seems that he can succeed by taking one step forward, but it is this step, but he has been unable to pass it for a long time, which caused Shang Fei's dilemma of a prisoner.

After a pause, Shen Lang continued to add: "No one can be blamed for this matter, and COMAC didn't want to do this either. When they started the large aircraft project, the competition between us and the West was not as intense as it is today."

At this time, Luo Jia stood up and said: "It involves the interests of the national team, we can't make good judgments, how about this, when the test flight the day after tomorrow, I will go to COMAC in person."

Immediately, Luo Jia turned his attention to Shen Lang again, and added: "Arrange the work at hand, you go with me."

"Good teacher." Shen Lang nodded in agreement.

"Then let's stop here today." Luo Jia immediately announced the end of the meeting.

After leaving the company, Luo Jia returned to the meditation center and logged into the secret network.

He, Hei Jian and Lan Yu now have a meeting every few days, but unfortunately Lan Yu is busy sorting out the territory abandoned by the tribe, and Hei Jian's fleet is still resting, and it will take some time before the mission can be resumed. They don't need the help of Luo Jia, the leader, for the time being.

In all fairness, Luo Jia hoped that the two of them would beg for themselves. The more favors owed to him, the more space Luo Jia would be able to manipulate in the future. These days, 996 is not a blessing but an exploitation, allowing aliens If you owe yourself a favor, that is the real blessing.

After all, as the old saying goes, rely on your parents at home and friends when you go out, maybe one day, our little broken ball will need the help of alien friends.

Time flies, and it is the day after tomorrow. Luo Jia got up early and took Shen Lang to the Commercial Aircraft Group in person.

Nights are long and dreams are many. In any case, the project of large aircraft cannot be delayed any longer.

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