Technological Hegemony

Chapter 546 We built a bus, so it's none of the business of the Civil Aviation Organization?

The news came from the general that NATO was about to sanction Xingchen Technology, but what surprised everyone was that Luo Jia had already prepared for NATO sanctions. He released a long-awaited killer, threatening that if NATO sanctioned himself, Sell ​​the Xingchen bus to the deadly rival Yiguo in North America.

After the news came out, the North American authorities immediately exploded. The Iraqi country is a real rogue country on the earth. Once they master a big killer like the Star Bus, it will inevitably bring unimaginable major security risks to North America.

Therefore, how to prevent Xingchen Technology from acting as a demon has become the most urgent task of the White House.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Damn Huaxia!"

"Damn Star Technology!"

"Asshole! All assholes!"

There was another roar in the president's office, accompanied by the sound of things being smashed, and the faces of several officials outside the door were ashen, imagining how cautious they should be when they meet the president later, so as not to be smashed by the vase on his forehead.

"Please come in."

The door was opened, and the presidential deputy Mitterrand nodded slightly, asking several officials to enter.

As a result, several officials swallowed a mouthful of spit and filed in. The President was holding his forehead with his hands, panting heavily, and Mitterrand was standing behind him, with a very tired face and dark circles under his eyes.

In addition, there are the gentlemen of the President's staff. They were also called in the early morning. At this time, it was already bright outside the window. After discussing all night, it seems that the President has made a decision.

"Mr. President, what do you need us to do?" A young and capable official asked with his eyes burning, and the rest of the senior officials curled their lips slightly, thinking that the young people were really too angry.

The president looked up at the young official, and said in a hoarse voice: "No, at least for now, we can't do anything, because it's just a rumor that Xingchen Technology is going to sell a strategic weapon to Iraq. Panic, take action to stop Xingchen Technology, if it spreads out, it will definitely be laughed at."

The young official was taken aback, frowned, and said, "We can't act just because of rumors, but Xingchen Technology's sale of strategic weapons to the Iraqi country is obviously a provocation to us. If we sit idly by, it will be embarrassing too. Behavior."

The president leaned his whole body to the back of the sofa, "Of course we want to stop Xingchen Technology, but we can't use the name of the authorities. I have already asked ICAO, the International Civil Aviation Organization, to go to Xingchen Technology to have a showdown with them in the name of an industry association. No matter what , No matter how good the star technology is, it must abide by the international civil aviation code!"


On the second day after Luo Jia Shen Lang came back from Qinghai Lake,

Regular meeting of the Authority.

"No matter how advanced the technology is, some things still cannot be changed, such as meetings." Li Moran said to Luo Jia with a smile: "You and Shen Lang have been away for two days, and the meetings are connected through remote video. Solve the problem, but that feeling is not as good as sitting next to a real person, after all, you are cold and have no temperature in the monitor."

Cao Yuandao: "No temperature? Teacher Li's words are becoming more and more literary. I am quite concerned about the results of the investigation. It is almost summer vacation. In the past, my brother would take his parents and nephew to go abroad for vacation. If the domestic tourism industry is not bad. , we won’t let them run outside this year.”

Luo Jia was very interested in this question. His eyes lit up, he nodded and said: "According to my observation, the service level of the resort is much better than that of popular overseas tourist spots. After all, we have invested in robots in batches. In terms of dedication and dedication, The robot is 800 blocks away from all human beings, and it stands next to it. The attitude and the voice make people feel inexplicably comfortable..."

Both Luo Jia and Cao Yuan are avid robot enthusiasts. As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is Luo Jia's long-cherished wish for many years to enter the robot age. The resort area was full of hype, but Cao Principle listened with gusto, saying that he would immediately put the vacation in the plan, and take work to the resort area to do it.

Shen Lang Fuer, my teacher has always been known for his rationality and great wisdom. However, once in the field of robots, Luo Jia will become less rational. He loves robots to the point of obsession. In his eyes, robots are not at all It is not a tool, but an intelligent race loyal to mankind.

In all his plans, robots are used at an astonishing frequency. For example, the Star Bus, logically speaking, with the current level of technology, it would be fine for the Star Bus to use artificial intelligence. After all, the core of the robot is also a primary artificial intelligence. However, Luo Jia is stubborn to deploy robots on the Xingchen bus, why?

In order to create an atmosphere where robots serve and serve humans.

When passengers take the star bus, they witness the robots serving human beings conscientiously. In the long run, it will be subtle, and a mutual trust and intimate relationship will be established between the two races of humans and robots.

"The relationship between us and the robot will determine the upper limit of the road to the stars and the sea." Luo Jia said solemnly: "The universe is very dangerous. We who have entered the universe are like children lost in the jungle. We have no friends and no loyal friends." Partner, there is no way to survive in the cosmic jungle, and for many, many years to come, robots will be our only reliance."

"As we all know, I have always believed that human beings are not alone in the universe. If one day we encounter other intelligent life in the universe, can we trust them?"

"I think we must be cautious about trusting other intelligent life. In this little broken ball of ours, there are intrigues and constant wars, let alone a universe that is tens of thousands of times more complicated."

"The only thing we can trust unreservedly is robots, so we must spare no effort to build a future-oriented partnership. Never underestimate the power of artificial intelligence. What we have now is only elementary artificial intelligence. Little guys look at it. It sounds silly and silly, but they are always intelligent beings. We must not treat robots as simple tools, let alone enslave them, because historical experience has already told us that intelligent life will never be willing to be enslaved. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance."

"The above are some of the thoughts that Shen Lang and I have had during our investigation in Qinghai." Luo Jia rested his chin in both hands and said, "Under the escort of various high-tech and robot plans, our tourism industry is no problem, Xingchen There is no problem with the bus, the only thing missing is time."

After hearing Luo Jia's words, everyone nodded. With the attributes of China's infrastructure madman, a large number of air bus stations, and resorts all over the country, they will definitely be established quickly. With the robot popularization plan and the determination of the national team, There is no problem in operation.

After all, Luo Jia is the head of the Tough Guys, and his thinking is often more profound than anyone else. The status of robots on the earth depends not only on the present, but also on the future after a long, long time. When humans walk out of the earth, Entering the world of stars, they are the only ones who can trust their partners, so treating robots well is actually treating humans well.

An Ran said with a smile: "Let me tell you two interesting things. The first is Thailand. The China Tourism Promotion Plan we launched has caused Thailand to panic. After all, one-third of their tourists come from China every year."

"It is said that Thailand is about to announce a visa-free policy for China, and will attract Chinese tourists as the primary goal of the authorities, including promoting Chinese throughout the country, severely punishing cheating and abduction targeting China, and so on."


Cao Yuan waved his hand disdainfully, "Why did you go early? They didn't panic until the Chinese people stopped going. It was too late! The world is so big, there are so many choices besides Thailand, and Thailand is actually a pretty good trip." Destinations are not unique and indispensable, people are self-aware, since Thailand can’t see clearly, let’s help it see how much it is.”

Everyone didn't say anything more. Thailand, a country that relies on tourism and women to get rich, can't arouse too much interest from the management authority.

"The next news is interesting." An Ran continued: "North America may soon send ICAO, and also the International Civil Aviation Organization, to visit China. There are also rumors that North America will revise the International Civil Aviation Code. to restrain us."

"So fast? It's only been 36 hours since the news that we're going to sell the bus to the Iraqi country has such a strong reaction from the North American side? It seems that we made the right move, and the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean felt a huge pressure." Shen Lang said with a frown.

Everyone nodded together, thinking that strategic deterrence has achieved results, and the next negotiation between the two sides is also expected. After all, in many cases, the ultimate goal of war is peace.

Although the International Civil Aviation Organization is under the control of North America, it is still an international official organization in name. ICAO's coming to China will not lose North America's face. Otherwise, if the North American authorities directly negotiate with a company, it will definitely be embarrassing.

As for the authority of ICAO, it should be said that they are worthy of recognition.

Founded in 1944, ICAO has 191 contracting states, including my country. It is the most authoritative aviation organization and association on earth, and has the right to formulate and revise international civil aviation codes. It has a huge influence.

"I'm sure there will be a special envoy of the president in the ICAO delegation."

"Agreed, the Civil Aviation Organization is actually the mouthpiece of the North American authorities. According to logic, the authorities will definitely send cronies to join the delegation."

"In any case, let's start preparing for negotiations here."

Everyone in the management bureau began to discuss the negotiation strategy. After all, the so-called selling the Star Bus to Yiguo did not exist as a precondition. The reason why the news was released was to force North America and NATO to come to the negotiating table. Now the goal of Star Technology has obviously been achieved.

"Strange." However, when everyone was discussing happily, everyone suddenly heard Luo Jia muttering, "We built a bus, and it has nothing to do with the Civil Aviation Organization?"

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