Technological Hegemony

Chapter 553 New Material, Ice Blade

Star Technology officially launched its own real estate project, named City of Stars. Relying on a height of 1,836 meters and a huge volume that accommodates a million people, City of Stars quickly shocked the entire world.

When Luo Jia used his expertise in material mechanics to tell everyone why the City of Stars could be built to such a height, the real estate tycoon represented by Boss Yang still refused to give up and raised a second sharp question.

"Even if titanium alloys can be used to build skyscrapers with a height of more than 20,000 honey, your City of Stars does not use any metal supports at all. I doubt that the City of Stars looks like a plastic transparent material. It’s like the plastic greenhouses in the farmland, is there really no problem?”

Boss Yang asked the question himself. He put his arms around his arms and looked at Luo Jia unceremoniously.

The crowd at the scene actually had some doubts, because all the materials used to build the City of Stars were obviously not graphene or carbon fiber, but a light and transparent material similar to plastic.

Although Boss Yang said that the city of stars is like a plastic greenhouse in the farmland, which is obviously belittling, but it is undeniable that this almost transparent building structure without metal brackets always gives people a not-so-sturdy impression.

Luo Jia shrugged with a smile, "Boss Yang, do you have any misunderstandings about plastic products?"

"From polymethyl methacrylate to polycarbonate, these plastic materials have been widely used in the construction industry for decades, and they always have excellent performance. The tetrafluoroethylene copolymer used in the Beijing Water Cube, that is, fluoroplastics, has experienced the same experience. Passed a rigorous test without any problems."

"On the contrary, the building of Boss Yang's company used a lot of reinforced concrete. It was dumped as soon as it was said to be dumped, and many workers were killed. It can be seen that whether the building is safe or not has nothing to do with the materials used, but with the builders. Whether you pay attention or not is very important."


There was a roar of laughter at the scene. To be honest, Boss Yang's personality and values ​​were despised even by his peers. At this moment, he was dissed by Luo Jia crazily, and none of his peers even spoke for him, and they all watched his jokes.

As Luo Jia signaled to the backstage, a cg demonstration animation appeared on the big screen. Groups of starships were cruising in space. Standing in the command room of the starship, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, one could witness the vast starry sky.

When the fleet passes through the sky above Mars, the camera moves down to the surface of Mars. The human colony base is built under the transparent dome. A group of teenagers are chasing on the football field. When they find the fleet passing overhead, they stop the game and stop. Waiting and watching, rushing to the distant fleet to salute, there is a look of determination on the immature face.

This demonstration animation is only three minutes, which is not too long. It mainly shows the living and working conditions of the expedition fleet and the Mars base.

However, when this cg animation finished playing, no one could calm down anymore. Some people with keen observation ability found clues from it.

"I have a feeling that the dome of the Mars base is very similar to the outer wall of the city of stars, it seems to be the same material!"

"I also noticed that the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows in the starship command room may also be made of the same material!"

People quickly linked the city of stars with the space program,

And Luo Jia's subsequent introduction also ignited people's enthusiasm again.

"As we all know, our No. 0 space station and No. 1 elevator will be completed on the eve of the Spring Festival, followed by our No. 2 and No. 3 plans. There will be starships, as well as moon bases and Mars bases."

"In short, facing the sea of ​​stars has always been the highest principle of our star science and technology, and in the process of facing the sea of ​​stars, we have discovered a series of problems and solved a series of problems. For example, the city of stars that you have seen, its The main material used is called Ice Blade."

"To explain in the most common words, the ice blade is an optically alienated version of graphene and carbon fiber materials, because both carbon fiber and graphene are opaque, so there is no problem in building a space station, but we still need a high Permeable strength materials, as the windows of starships, will also use ice blades in laser projects that will be heavily invested in the future.”

"If you want to ask, Xingchen Technology obviously has powerful graphene nanotube technology, super material plus nanotechnology, it is unparalleled in the world, wouldn't it be beautiful to use it to build skyscrapers?"

"The reason is very simple. Price. Our goal is to lower housing prices so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. At present, the price of graphene is not cheap enough. The requirements for building ice blade materials are not as good as those of Mars bases or starship portholes, and the price is not as good as glass."


After listening to Luo Jia's introduction, the scene exploded in an instant. As a space material, the ice blade is actually cheaper than glass? This is incredible and completely subverts people's three views.

Since the average land share is very low and the building materials are cheaper than glass, the cost of the City of Stars is ready to be revealed. Although it is a super skyscraper, the cost of the City of Stars is actually far lower than that of ordinary concrete buildings.

At this moment, the real estate bosses present, headed by Boss Yang, all had ugly faces and tingling scalps. There is no doubt that the emergence of the City of Stars has changed the fate of traditional real estate developers. According to the plan of Star Technology, In Yangpu District alone, at least dozens of cities of stars can be built. Based on the calculation that each city of stars can accommodate one million people, it is more than enough to accommodate the entire population of Shanghai in Yangpu District.

In this way, the contradiction between land and population is completely resolved. In the foreseeable future, Shanghai will no longer need a large amount of land to build residential buildings. What about the remaining land?

Luo Jia’s answer is woods and lawns, the city center, that is, Jing’an and Huangpu districts, plus Pudong, Changning, and part of Xuhui, will maintain low-rise buildings while restoring the characteristics of Shikumen, and use the city of stars all around. Surrounded by a large number of green areas, Shanghai is completely green when viewed from a high altitude, instead of a piece of gray reinforced concrete.

"In the future, human beings will ask the sky for living space and return the land to woods, grasslands, and creeks, so where will our vehicles go?" Luo Jia asked himself and answered: "This problem is solved in two steps. First, the huge underground Parking, followed by a well-developed public transport system."

"In addition to traditional means of transportation such as the subway, we will also improve the urban bus system in the future, the Chinese standard bus, the kind that can fly."    The corners of his mouth raised an arc, Luo Jia said with a smile: "You may have already learned from the blueprint You can see that the Star Bus parks at different levels, that is to say, if you live in a penthouse on the 420th floor, you don’t need to go down to the first floor to take the bus, the bus will be on the top floor, 300 The 20th floor, the 220th floor, the 120th floor, and the 20th floor are docked."    "The reason why there are so many 20th floors is because the 20th floor on the ground is a commercial floor, where supermarkets and office buildings are located. Residential buildings start from the 21st floor, and our elevators use ultrasonic motors, which are faster than you can imagine. I can assure you that the operation efficiency of the City of Stars will surpass all current skyscrapers."    Like As if peeling off cocoons, following Luo Jia's speech, people's doubts about the Xingchen Building were solved bit by bit, and finally only excitement and shock remained.  What is futuristic sci-fi architecture? This is!

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