Technological Hegemony

Chapter 576 Here we come, Space Station No. 0!

After a long wait, Star Technology's space elevator was finally officially completed, and a grand ceremony was held on January 1, the eighth year since its founding, to celebrate this great historical moment.

After delivering a solemn and impassioned speech, Luo Jia pressed the start button, and the two space elevators ran simultaneously, slowly accelerating towards the unknown starry sky above, and soon reached the standard ascent speed.

After the elevator stabilized, Luo Jia and the accompanying staff unfastened their seat belts one after another. With excitement, they came to the porthole and looked at their home planet.

"Forty-seven kilometers high, has reached the top of the troposphere, and is about to enter the middle layer."

"At an altitude of 80 kilometers, it has successfully crossed the middle layer and is about to enter the warm layer."

"The altitude is 483 kilometers, the warm layer has been traversed, and the elevator enters the escape layer to run."

"The altitude has reached 3,600 kilometers, welcome to space..."

The melodious electronically synthesized girl kept coming. Under her reminder, Luo Jia and others experienced the most magical moment in their lives. They left the earth at an extremely fast speed and entered the dark and deep space.

"so beautiful!"

"Look at that mountain, that river!"

"It's amazing, it's like a dream!"

Beside Luo Jia, the straight men in science and technology couldn't help shouting excitedly, looking at the blue planet that was getting farther and farther under their feet, they couldn't help feeling excited.

Dreams will come true one day, but first you must be extremely strong in your heart, guard the truth you believe in, resist all temptations and slanders in the world, and find your own glory.

"Mr. Luo, would you like something to drink?"

"According to the plan, you will receive a ground interview later and broadcast it live to the world."

The staff around him reminded that it was only at this time that Luo Jia realized that he had stood in front of the porthole for nearly an hour, and his legs were slightly numb.

During the 12-hour journey, the passengers in the elevator will interact live with the ground many times, telling everyone about the feeling of taking the space elevator. As the head of the tough guy group, Luo Jia naturally bears the brunt.

"Black coffee will be fine." Luo Jia said.

The staff immediately entered the tea room, made a cup of instant coffee and served them. Except for going to the toilet, all content was broadcast live to the earth in real time, including their conversations.

Earth viewers are extremely excited,

They originally thought that taking a space elevator was similar to flying an airplane, with cramped and crowded spaces, dull and dirty air, and loud noises.

However, this is not the case. The seats of the space elevator are all composed of luxurious sofas, which are more spacious and comfortable than the high-speed rail special seats, and are equipped with kitchens, showers, emergency medical rooms, etc.

After drinking a cup of coffee and tidying up his appearance, the live broadcast began. With a smile on his face as always, Luo Jia faced the camera and answered questions of interest to the audience.

"Inside the space elevator, gravity does not actually exist. The reason why you see me walking upright is because there is an electromagnetic device installed at the bottom of the space boots, and at the same time, there is an artificial gravity generator under the floor, which can provide part of the gravity. But generally speaking, the gravity of the elevator belongs to the category of magnetic force, which is still a little worse than the centrifugal force of the zero space station."

"If we want to create gravity at will, we still have some scientific bottlenecks to break. In the future, our goal is to create a real gravity generator."

"The gravitational generator is very important. In addition to preventing astronauts from atrophy, assuming the power of the gravitational generator is large enough, we can use it to capture asteroids..."


North America, Florida, Cape Canaveral.

"Using a gravitational generator to capture an asteroid? Isn't this awesome!?"

"Didn't it just create a space elevator, do you want to pull it like this?"

"Desires are inflated to the limit. I'm afraid that the earth will not be able to hold the star technology in the near future."

Musk frowned, and his colleagues were surrounded by sour chanting. At this moment, the whole world is cheering for Star Technology to create history, but there is a group of people who are unwilling to admit the excellence of the tough guys and use vicious language ridicule.

"It would be great if there was a sudden shooting star. It must feel good to hit Luo Jia and the group."

"We can use our near-Earth communication satellites to adjust the orbits of the satellites so that they move towards Weigu Island and hit the space elevator. No matter how strong the graphene cables of Star Technology are, it is impossible to block the continuous storms of the communication satellites." hit."

"It would be great if we had geological weapons. We could launch a magnitude 12 earthquake and tsunami to directly sink Weigu Island into the Pacific Ocean."

"There was a real earthquake near Weigu Island a while ago, but unfortunately the magnitude was too small to pose a threat to the space elevator."

Listening to these words, finally, Musk couldn't take it anymore, and he shouted: "Enough! Don't say any more!"

"Instead of making sour sarcasm, why not think about what to do. Washington has already exploded, and now there is an urgent need for a solution that can fight against Star Technology. Does anyone have an idea?"

When Musk finished speaking, the scene was dead silent.

Against a space elevator?

This problem is really too difficult. At present, the most powerful project in the west is the Starlink project. However, it is completely different from the space elevator. No matter how strong the Starlink is, it will never go beyond the scope of the earth. Lead the world and enter the interstellar era.

Take a look at the huge No. 0 space station. Thousands of scientists and engineers will live in synchronous orbits, conduct large-scale space experiments, and manufacture starships for long-distance voyages in the dock.

Such a mighty city in space is not only a miracle, but also an unparalleled miracle!


"Did you see them?"

"Well, I see. Luo Jia is standing at the window of the porthole and can see very clearly."

"How are they doing?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's much better than ours. Star Technology's space elevator not only has a huge space, but also has an artificial gravity system, a bathroom and a kitchen. Unlike us, we have to use plastic bags to catch our urine."

While the space elevator was running fast, Luo Jia didn't notice that there were a few people in the distance, watching him quietly with the space telescope, and the place where they were at the moment was called the International Space Station.

The International Space Station is jointly operated by the North American Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Russian National Space Corporation (Rosos), the European Space Agency (ESA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

It is not difficult to see from the list that the world's major aerospace players are all operators of the International Space Station, and even Brazil and South Korea have a place, except for China.

In 1994 AD, North America refused to allow China to join the International Space Station. Soon after, they implemented stricter space control and did not allow any satellites containing North American parts to be handed over to China for launch. Later, when the time came to 2011 AD, North America It was announced that no individual or collective is allowed to have any contact with Huaxia Aerospace Group, let alone technical exchanges, not even meeting and saying hello.

"We finally made ourselves a joke." On the International Space Station, Canadian astronaut Cristiano muttered.

"How do you say that?" Neon astronaut Ono asked puzzled.

Cristiano pointed out the window, and the space elevator, which was very far away, said: "Isn't this obvious? Huaxia's sky elevator has started operation, who will remember us? Compared with their huge zero-number space station, our three hundred and three A space of ten square meters looks like ants, isn't it a joke?"

Ono frowned, and nodded slightly. Chinese people often say that people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods. This is probably the case.

At this time, the voice of the Russian cosmonaut Zyubayev came from their ears, "What is this? The real joke is that you would rather bring us Russia than bring China to play. It is clear that you want to humiliate China. New] Xia people."

"But now, the Chinese have built a space elevator and a No. 0 space station. I heard that they will soon build starships, establish bases on the moon and Mars, and mine helium three and other rare minerals."

"And what about you? You can only squeeze in the narrow and dark metal pipes, watch them wretchedly with binoculars, watch the Chinese people enter space in spacious and modern elevators, watch their space station slowly turn, and watch all this It happened so quickly, but there is nothing you can do about it, this is the real joke, if I knew this, why did I have to be arrogant at the beginning, now it’s fine, you’ve been severely slapped in the face, right?”

The merciless sarcasm of the Russians made North American astronaut Edison's forehead throb with veins, "Russians, don't say it as if it has nothing to do with you. These non-religious Chinese people have space hegemony, and it is not good for you!"

"You have also read the Vatican's open letter yesterday. At this critical moment, whether it is Catholicism or Protestantism, Orthodox Churches, whether it is Lutheranism or Methodism, the Evangelical Church, must unite! Fight against these unbelievers barbarians !"

Zyubayev smiled wryly, and gradually fell silent. Although he hated North America, in the final analysis, Russia still believed in Jesus.


"People in the rotating body keep standing, they will be affected by the Coriolis force, according to the Coriolis force formula: F=-2mw×v', w is the angular velocity of the feet relative to the rotation axis of the space station, and v' is the relative velocity of the head at the linear velocity of the foot."

"Then, based on the principle of centripetal force simulating gravity, we can easily conclude that w^2*r=g, (2*pi/w)*v'=2*pi*h, where h represents a person's height... "

Luo Jia didn't care about how much the whole world envied and hated him at the moment. He kept broadcasting live while the elevator was ascending, promoting science, opposing religion, and boosting the morale of every Chinese.

The 12-hour voyage passed unknowingly. Luo Jia didn't notice the time until the staff reminded him. He looked down at the watch, and then looked up at the top.

At the end of the graphene rope, a huge, rotating, majestic, sci-fi, unbelievable, and dreamlike space station in synchronous orbit is rapidly approaching.


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