Technological supremacy starts with acquiring alien spaceships

#270 - Chapter 270 Planets Formed in the Ancient Universe

[I know. According to the mechanical program set before entering the wormhole, the location where we emerge from the wormhole is the same location where my crew members emerged. Because the universe is constantly changing, the margin of error is within 30 million kilometers according to calculations. The day after I emerged here, I received a pulse signal from the landing craft my former crew members were aboard.]

‘Oh! Does that mean you've confirmed they're there?’

[Yes, but this pulse signal is a search signal source that the intelligent search program emits into deep space every ten hours after the ship has been severely damaged. This also proves that my crew members may have met with misfortune.]

Chen Yu could understand; it was similar to a plane crash.

The black box, relying on its remaining energy, would still emit signals to the outside world at intervals.

‘Okay, then let's go there now based on the signal source. No matter what, I will fulfill the promise I made when I bonded with you.’

[Okay, Captain! Departing now.]

The Millennium Falcon's conventional engine started. 30 million kilometers didn't require the warp drive.

At the Millennium Falcon's conventional flight speed in space, these tens of millions of kilometers would only take a few hours to reach.

Approximately 5 hours later, the Millennium Falcon stopped moving forward.

Chen Yu looked at the dark space outside the glass.

“AI, have we reached our destination?”

[Yes, we have reached our destination.]

“But there's nothing here, not even any space dust or meteorites!” Chen Yu wondered.

[Captain, it's not that there's nothing here. Look!]

Subsequently, the holographic image in the command center turned on.

Using the ship as a radius, there was a black dot in front.

Chen Yu squinted and strained his eyes to look. Sure enough, he saw the outline of a planet.

But Chen Yu was puzzled. In interstellar space, this kind of terrestrial planet could not exist independently in a starry sky without being attached to a star.

Either its former star was destroyed, but the resulting matter and dust would quickly condense into nutrients for other stars.

It might even form a new star system, but this planet was just floating alone in this star field.

After Chen Yu's investigation, there were no stars within hundreds of light-years around.

This was even more outrageous. Could this be a planet like the one in the movie 'The Wandering Earth?'

The humans on it invented a planetary engine and sent the planet here. The energy was exhausted, and humanity was extinct.

The planet was left in this endless starry sky?

But that didn't make sense either. There were no stars within hundreds of light-years around.

Chen Yu didn't believe that a civilization on the verge of extinction could send a planet to a place hundreds of light-years away from a star system.

‘AI, can you explain my doubts?‘

Chen Yu raised his question to the AI, asking why there was a lonely planet here.

[Captain, this planet is somewhat contrary to common sense, but these kinds of interstellar wandering planets can exist. In the long and endless years of the universe, some planets born in ancient galaxies hundreds of billions of years ago were attracted by various complex gravitational forces during the evolution of the universe. There is a one in a billion chance that a planet will break away from its former orbit and be attracted by another Great Attractor. Under the gravitational pull of hundreds of billions of years, a planet like this could be floating in this kind of ghostly place.]

[According to the subtle displacement of this planet during this period of time, I have detected its trajectory. According to the detection of the level 7 civilization's super-sensitive gravitational wave detector, this planet is approaching a Great Attractor 800 light-years away at a speed of 10 kilometers per second, similar to the Laniakea Supercluster's gravitational group.]

‘Good heavens, 10 kilometers per second, it would take trillions of years to fly to a place 800 light-years away!’

[Therefore, this planet will never reach its destination. In the middle, it may encounter the disintegration of the Great Attractor and the collapse of the galaxy cluster. Then it will move towards another Great Attractor that attracts it. In simple terms, I can detect where this planet is going at every moment, but it will never arrive. Moreover, as the gravitational center of the Great Attractor changes, its orbit is changing at every moment. That is to say, its orbit is easy to calculate, but each calculated result has a subtle difference of one in a billion. Do you understand?]

Chen Yu really understood the AI's explanation. There is currently no such theory on Earth.

Because scientists on Earth have not discovered this kind of planet at all.

And Chen Yu noticed what the AI said just now, that is, this kind of wandering planet not only cannot reach its destination.

It is also a planet formed in the ancient universe, so what might be on it?

‘AI, if the ship your crew was on landed on such a planet, what are their chances of survival?’

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